Smells Like Grunge Again

Our pioneers of the look, kc and cl. i just searched 'grunge' in search option, thought there would be a general thread, there's this and a MJ very old collection thread.
so, is grunge still in? in seattle and pdx it sure is.

well, over in the MKA thread, there's a lot of discussion about MK's revival of the flannel shirt.

buffalo plaid was in last year. i think plaid in general will be popular this winter.
i really like this look
it's comfy and i love the colors
marc jacobs always puts a little of that 90s grung
into his collection in some way
i'm loving grunge atm.
(i also can't stop listening to Hole)
Grunge isn't fashion, you know, grunge is wearing whatever the f*ck you want and it's a lifestyle and attitude. Unless you just wanna dress like a Kurt\Courtney clone.

Grunge was also saying something about A TIME, and it's a time that's long passed - it's about the early 90s, not the 00's, and how people were thinking and living and feeling back then.

Bringing grunge back just to be fashion is totally stupid, IMO. I dress " grunge" and I've been listening to the music since my cousin came over with long purple hair and a copy of Nevermind in like 91-92 ( I was a really little kid, but I knew all the lyrics off by heart in no time.) but that doesn't mean I'm a grunger because those times are so over. Maybe that's sad but... Nevermind. ;)

We can dress in a way that maybe harks back to the days of Cobain and the Riot Girls, but IMO we gotta go forwards and do our own thing. We can't just re-market everything, especially things that IMO in their very natures don't wanna be commercial.

Anyway, since Kurt doesn't have a thread here, does anyone know what happened to his ashes?
Last I heard someone stole them from Courtney ( a&&h*le!) and then that artist chick said she bought then and was gonna smoke them.

The whole deal makes me really angry. Can someone PM me if they know anything new about this, because there's been no news since like last June.

P.S: Also wanna point out that my whole " let grunge die" thing really applies to fashion grunge, not individual people living the grunge lifestyle. If Kurt's message and the way of life is what they're about today, then I say go for it full on.
Still, don't be " grunge" just because you wanna look " cool".
Remember Kurt's words, " I'd rather be dead than cool"
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I wouldnt say that the top thread photo is grunge at all. It has far to much color and no sense of user definition. Its all about the flannel shirts and plaid, and ripped up trainers.
I think this editorial from The Telegraph Fashion Magazine (Autumn 2009, Saturday 13 September) has some pretty cool grunge elements. Apologies for the wonkiness of my scanning and the slight crumples in the magazine.

Word on the Street
Styling: Clare Richardson
Photography: Beau Grealy
Hair stylist: Dennis Gots at Community NYC, using Bumble & Bumble
Make-up: Stevie Huynh at the Wall Group
Models: Jonatan Frenk, Matthew Kraus and Pinkie at Next; Jean Johns at Ford; Milagros at Marilyn
Fashion assistants: Victoria Bain and TJ Gustave







^^^Milo is a friend of mine!!!! :woot:well it was some years ago...although we have lost touch since she launched her career... I remember when i was studying in London one summer and getting a mag and emailed her like like: "do you know ive seen you in a mag in London!!!???" I love when good people get what they deserve... we were blog friends some years ago when blogging wasn't as popular...haha but we emailed each other too... Love her... She's got a golden heart... I hope shes doing fine ...:heart:

Definitely i was waiting for a grunge revival... well its just like the last time that it was some cultural explosion so powerful hahaha...but the name is just relative... everything comes from punk/rock thing in this line... i think it cannot be the same now everything is so clean and grunge was dirt :D
... i think it cannot be the same now everything is so clean and grunge was dirt :D

I couldn't say it any better.

The looks shown here are to grunge what Alice Dellal is to punk; a clean glamorized version.
^ Well said guys.

There is nothing punk about Alice Dellal. She just wears leather and has a funky haircut, and that doesn't equal punk.
In the same way, wearing denim and flannel and doc martins doesn't suddenly make you "grunge", especially not if you're doing all this and then going home to your decked out apartment and listening to Lady GaGa.

We need to come up with something new rather than just rehashing everything. It's boring. Punk was about a time and a place and so was grunge. 'Bringing it back' doesn't make any sense.
...Punk was about a time and a place and so was grunge. 'Bringing it back' doesn't make any sense.

I don't know if I'd go that far. Number (N)ine, in its brilliant run, reinterpreted elements of punk and grunge that were neither exactly like the original nor too sanitized; they maintained the feel of the original while adding some subtle luxe touches.


F/W 07.08 Paris via kevinnn


S/S 07 Paris via Beautiful Stranger

The runway styling is a bit over the top; here's how I wore the denim jacket from the "About A Boy" collection (S/S 07). I was not going for a particular grunge or punk look, but there are (I intended) elements of both.


my pic
I totally would not mind it coming back again..but that's coming from a grunge zombie..:lol:

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