Stealing Style...

where i live things like that happen all the time. bottom line u just CANT tell her where u get anything. because the second u do, shes ganna be on her way to get it. there is nothing worse then feeling good about something original that u bought and then going out and seeing the world has it. it just makes u not like it anymore, its no longer as special.
Hey kora78, I've a friend just like that too (another one)! She always criticizes me, but then I catch her a few weeks later with the same stuff she citicized on me! What she likes to do first thing when she is at my place is open my closet, nag that I've got so many things (even she's the one who buy 3 pairs of cheap shues when I buy only one pair a bit more expensive!) and try everything on.
A long time ago she even started wearing black clothes as I do, but stopped after a year or so because she found it depressing. Go figure.
But otherwise she is a real good friend and as I know that her parents are really strict and basically what she criticizes on me is really what her parents wouldn't allow her (when we were kids you know) or what she can't afford, I don't have the heart to tell her off... :-)
It's tough when to tell them off... you hope they would realize or find their own style, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way, I learned to shop by myself and not to tell her what I bought (it's tough, because you want to be excited about your new wodrobe) :)
some people have a very well defined 'personal style'...
some people don't...
and some people steal their style from others...

basically copying a look that they see in a magazine or on a celeb or some other stylish person...
maybe the best dressed girl in the office or in the school...
or on the internet???...

have you ever had your style 'stolen'?...
have you ever stolen someone else's ...
(and are willing to admit it???..)

what do you think about 'stealing style'...???

Good's a fine line tho....being inspired by something and outrightly STEALING style.
I can honestly say that I don't think I've intentionally stolen someone's style............inspired yes, I mean, I definitely flip through magazines to get a feel for things but there's no way I could copy piece for piece anyway even if I wanted to! As for copying ppl.........hmmm.........I dunno, I love admiring other ppl's style but at this age I kno what I like and I'll wear what I want.
Can anyone say otherwise?
I'd be so flattered if someone stole my style but it hasn't happened yet.....
I've seen ppl who have similar dressing sensibilities but it's not a Susie clone....
^ I agree. Inspiration is fine.

To me, stealing style isn't really a crime. If you see a look or outfit you just love, I see no harm in replicating it. But that's just me. I don't do that myself...but am not offended when I see it happening.
If you can do it good, I don't mind. But when it's too obvious and not working for the certain person, then it just gets kind of sad.

I like to look at outfits on people and sometimes I will see something and get ideas of how to wear things and so on.
^yeah, if its obvious the person is stealing trends and whatnot, it's kind of sad. it's unfortunate (and kind of pathetic) when they can't really pull it off.
I think there's a line between seeing an outfit you like and trying to recreate it and blatantly copying every style move that person makes...I know I've been inspired by people I've seen, but I wouldn't stalk them to rip off their style entirely. There's no style in that at all, really, if you're just taking credit for what other people worked to create.
Well, I see so many people on a daily basis who aren't even trying that I almost have to applaud anyone who is, almost regardless of the method or the results.

I did have someone imitate my thing of wearing pinky rings on my right hand ... didn't bother me at all. I haven't been aware of anyone borrowing from me otherwise, but I'll be the first to admit that I could have been clueless about it :p I have never stolen anyone else's style. I rarely have specific inspiration I don't think ... I just kind of soak everything in like a little fashion sponge, see what I like, how I think things should be, and then decide what to do :p Like I've been inspired by tFS, but not anything totally specific, just more "directional." It's also very rare for me to ask anyone's opinion. I march to my own inner fashion drummer ;) (who bears no resemblance to the Penn State marching band I might add :lol:)
i have a few frnds who i know, don't 'steal', but imitate / copy my style to a large extent
certain elements . . . mainly my fault b/c i'll tell them where i got things & how i made this or tht
then they go & follow my given 'instructions' :lol:
i think i've changed my thinking abt this . . . a couple of yrs ago
in this situation i was so mad . . . got really frustrated
partly b/c i wasn't dressing to please myself but others . . {i was only abt 13 ;)}
it was important tht ppl knew i was the one who wore tht skirt . . . etc. :lol:
but now i couldn't care less . . . in fact i almost pity them
almost a little bit sad tht they can't think for themselves ;)
i would hate to feel tht leechy abt fashion ? it's so easy to me . . wht i like / hate etc. . .
so i just let it go & smile knowingly to myself when i see them wearing smthn i know is blatantly 'inspired' by me :lol:
but i know tht they've also matured when smtimes i over hear them telling someone
tht they did smthhn . . made smthn tht they saw me wearing . . .:heart:
it's a cute way to know they appreciate my style !
& it's gd to be able to admit to yr influences . . no-one's style is ever wholly original
myself i'm heavily influenced by japanese street style . . .
but at this stage i'm past caring wht anyone else thinks . . ;)
I'm not one to "steal" anyone elses style, although I own some designer handbags and shoes that I've seen certain celebrities wear, I wouldn't consider myself a style thief because I buy those thing because I like them not because I've seen someone with them then gone out and bought it for myself. And I've never had my style copied. I do love it though when I see some random person on the streets wear something in a completely new way that I can draw inspiration from style wise, it's always refreshing especially when you walk down the street in Sydney and all you see are skinny tsubis, ballet flats and chunky belts.
I do think though that is very hard now especially for younger people who haven't quite found their "look" to not look like everyone else, especially with all the latest trends so quickly picked up by the major chain stores, and teeny magazines dictating fashion.
Sorry for the long post i can't sleep :blink: :flower:
the only way I consider is stealing, is if someone wears the exactly same clothes in the same way as someone else. I haven't noticed that anyone would have ever copied my style. and if someone would have, I wouldn't be offended. I guess I would take it as a compliment
urd said:
the only way I consider is stealing, is if someone wears the exactly same clothes in the same way as someone else. I haven't noticed that anyone would have ever copied my style. and if someone would have, I wouldn't be offended. I guess I would take it as a compliment
I agree but I hate it when I bought something and the next week you see my 2 best friends buying the same things :rolleyes:
Well said, susie and chanel.

Inspiration is one thing, being an identikit copy of someone is very different. We get inspiration everywhere...books, magazine, movies, museums,'s what we choose to do with that idea that makes each of our styles unique.

Very little in fashion is "new" (which author said there's no such thing as a new story idea, they've all been written before?). Everything seems to reference some prior time (Victorian blouses, anyone?) but is hopefully tweaked to make it modern and fresh.

I think I verged off topic...:unsure:

Anyway, trying to steal someone's style IMO is wrong.
I've got a frend that just copies me period lol..kinda irritates me that she isn't very original but meh... couple a years back i got my tongue pierced..then she did...I told her about a particular hair style I was gonna get..she got it (and did it before me :-\)....I kinda take it as a compliment but geez.. now I just shake my head.
I sometimes get inspiration on how to work in pieces, or ideas for an outfit that I can alter to fit me more from here and mystylediary, but I'd never COPY an outfit outright. Style is all about being original, creating a look that is for you and only you. It's not cool or unique or 'you' to copy an outfit that someone else has worn. It won't look right, and you won't feel right. Inspiration=good. Copying= not good.

yeh I think it's impossible to have a wholly un-inspired style, whether you are inspired by a friend or by a celebrity or an artist, or even the fashion spot (that's what tfs is here for!), whatever. but that's quite different from copying... inspiration is only re-interpreting elements of something and making it entirely your own. for example, I am inspired by the new gothic thread... or I am inspired by a friend's vintage wardrobe... but never copy. copying is boring. I have too many ideas and clothing pieces that are my own and unique to rip someone else's style off. :D
At this age..I could never balantly copy someone simply because I know what suits me and what makes me uncomfortable.

I like to look to the various style threads in TFS for inspiration, especially
the model's street style thread and various magazines.
I really believe it's hard to be a total original, we all follow trends to a certain extent, it's really how we translate them to suit ourselves that's an indication of our style.

I am aware of people who try to imitate what I wear....but they do it so badly that it's sad...
But at the end of the day, I dress to make myself feel good.
I think I am at this stage where I don't really care if a person "copies" my look or not.

Really, everyone is different and two people wearing the same outfit can give a different feel to it.

So, at the end of the day, I say, just follow your own style and wear what you like.
Style is inherent and can never be replicated! ;)
I'm not sure that it's possible to fully steal someone's style. I think you can only attempt, but I guess that's a fine line :lol:

I only know of one instance where I was flat out copied repeatedly. To me, it was slightly scary :ninja: Like single white female :shock: I hate to say it, but "style stealing" kind of indicates a less than solid sense of self and confidence to me.

Inspiration is a different story and I agree that you can't avoid inspiration. We're human for goodness sake :lol: When inspiration turns into replicating exact pieces though... then it's a bit annoying. Basics are one thing, but if it's a special piece and someone close to me buys the exact same one, then I have to admit it kind of pisses me off. Rightfully so or not :p

This topic reminds me of some of the comments made in the "shopping with friends with similar taste". For extracurricular reading :D

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