Your style evolution

3-7: since my mom was into heavy metal and would take us to local festivals, my sister and I were bound to dress like that...terrible hair, black shirts, demin shorts, flourescent accesories...nirvana necklaces :lol: :ninja: ..
7-10: i started hating my mom's style, and i picked my own clothes...I dressed very 90's i guess...a lot of tunics, shorts and shirts in bold prints...bows.
10-11: embarrasing spice girl-wannabe moment.
11-14: this should go as the only moment in my life where i had slightly creative friends and I started going to raves...and..we'd dress like clowns...literally: blue dr martens, jeans with polka dots, mushrooms, butterflies...whatever we decided to paint on them :doh: , metallic jackets, sesame street patent-leather backpack, purple hair, blue lipstick, smoky black eyes, rainbow necklaces and pins...and i could go on and on about the countless accesories we did. I still dont know how i dared to go out like that..:mellow:
14-15: after rave-years ended in tragedy, i went back to 3-7 stage. :lol:
16-20: ....
10-14 Hardcore punk rock, DIY or die, everything very baggy, and black.
15-16 Preppy sl*tty, anything tight, light washed jeans, bleached hair, and did i mention tighhhtttt
17-19 oversized, comfortable, and affordable.
Little kid: Lots of fuschia, leggings, overalls, and bike shorts. Mmmm.
Third to seventh grade: School uniform that made me extremely self-conscious. On non-uniform days, too tight limited too pants, Spongebob shirts, and more overalls.
Eighth grade: Tried to be emo. At least I was ahead of the curve.
Ninth: It got a little dragish sometimes. Lots of dangly earrings. Then I discovered the Mary-Kate and Ashley look and adopted that.
Tenth: Kind of Harajuku and scene inspired. This is when I had the most fun with clothes. Super fake looking platinum blonde that wasn't very flattering, but I miss it anyway and keep almost bleaching it again.
Now: Kind-of scene gay guy style, but more laid back. Lots of t-shirts.
Well then. Hee hee, lots of changes I see..... Well, I grew up in NYC, so lets say it changed alot.

00-09 whatever my mother slabbed on my body.

10-12 Spice girls type sluttery

12-14 Club attire, tight stupid synthetic junk

14-17 Complete comfy, sweats, hiding in mounds of cotton

19ish Jeans and cotton tops

20's Work attire, trendier, sleek and much MUCH more sophicated.....

Yea thats about it :)
This thread always makes for an interesting read.

My style hasn't changed much since I last posted (bottom of page 5), but that was about six months ago, so there have been some slight revisions. In short, I've gotten much, much more selective and concerned with fashioning a sort of day to day "uniform". I haven't bought anything that doesn't match the majority of my pre-existing wardrobe in months. That means a lot of black, grey and white. I'm slowly bringing in some very dark blues as well.

I've also found that I'm only interested in buying clothes from designers that have very rigid aesthetics and seem more interested in the architecture and construction of clothing than the more typical stuff. Along with this came a real interest in textures. Lots of patterns such as checks and plaid hurt my eyes, so it's great to find a way to mix up the few basic colors that I can handle.

This limits me to a select few designers, but that's for the best. I still like getting my McQueen stuff, but it's more limited to his suiting (which I haven't been able to find in my size since the spring :angry: ) and a few key items. For the most part I'm sticking to Raf/Jil and Costume National for the time being. Unfortunately it's hard to justify Costume's full prices, so I have to be selective. I also hope to get some more Chalayan, but his men's stuff is difficult to come across in my color palette. It leans toward earthtones and I can't do that.

Keep sharing the stories. I'll try to update this again in the spring. It should stay on the same course as it is now. I've already added a few solid, bright colors for that season, but I don't anticipate going much further with that. I'll see what the upcoming shows teach me...
1-12: Typical cute American girl. Pink dresses (when I was younger), pink shirts, jeans, skirts, etc.

12-13: My "dark" stage. I don't like talking about it, but essentially I wore black head to toe everyday. Bad times.

Currently/13: Mature and sharp is the message I'm trying to send with my clothing. I wear sweaters, casual suit jackets, skirts and heels on a regular basis.
1-4: complete tomboy
5-8: princess, tiara and all
9-11: sporty, didn't really care about clothes
12-13: typical want to be cool/sexy preteen
14-15: preppy and trendy
16: think marc by marc jacobs, also REALLY got into the kimono thing. colorful too
17 (now): darker colors, kind of ricardo risci givenchy inspired i guess.
I have evolved from vaguely punk-y style [six months ago] to a big ole' mess. All I want to wear is bright colours. I end up wearing rainbow shirts under printed dresses with a pair of striped socks and ballet flats. I make a lot of my own clothes, generally from crazy fabric found in the sale bin. I wear a green and white 3 meter-long striped scarf with almost everything. It's really warm! I own skinny jeans in bubblegum pink, aquamarine and violet. I spend a lot of money on beads to make long necklaces. And I wear polka-dots at all times. So hmm, I'm entirely lame.
It's a little embarrassing for me to go through all my style evolutions. It was nothing dramatic, or particularly scary, just a part of growing up. But I've realised that even through all those different looks, I had in mind the kind of look that I still aspire to now (although I am considerably closer to it now than when I wore fairy wings as a 'fun' accessory). I wasn't being myself, it was more about fitting in, which is why I could never fully commit to a look. I also wasn't able to make a clear distinction between liking something for myself and liking something that is really for someone else to wear. Now I can look at something Hello Kitty and think how cute it is, but have no desire to buy it (unless it's for a 5 year old niece or someone). The same way, I can look at some beautiful Celine clothes and think how wonderful it would look on my friends mother. I know that my time has gone for some things and will come for others.

But even know, my style is changing because you're always learning what looks best on you. For a while, I could never be apart from my jeans. Now, after a long hard look at the realities of my figure, I realised I would never look like Gisele in jeans...but I look great in skirts, so I buy skirts now, and jeans never enter the equation.

I hope I've made some sense, but this seemed such an interesting topic!
Maybe I'll post in a bit and we'll see how the skirts are going!
0-8: Whatever my mum chose. A lot of Laura Ashley dresses. I would wear party dresses to the park and so on :rolleyes:
8-11: 90's stuff. Spice girls phase. My faves were my leather platform boots, a velour leopard print shirt, and a neon green denim mini skirt. Haha
12-14: Rubbish style/no style. I think it was like combats and fleeces, and thats it. Really tragic :doh:
14-15: Pastels, mini skirts. I had my first real 'high heels'. I didnt ever have a sl*tty period but this was probably the closest I got, I had some quite short skirts :innocent:
16: Skinny jeans, flats, hoodys. Oversized tshirts and beads
17-18 (now): Tshirts, jumpers, jeans, a lot of simple clothes, not much pattern. Hardly any accesories. Minimalist but hopefully chic at the same time :lol:
I go through fashion phases every week. Sometimes I want to be cool, sophisticated and elegant, a la Grace Kelly, wearing very tailored and subdued clothes. Sometimes I want to be a carefree Italienne, sipping espresso at a sidewalk cafe - perhaps wearing a dash of Pucci. Otherdays, I wear my urban hippie chic - black, ankle boots, and hobo. I never have been able to stick to a "look"...
First stage: Quite traditionally girly, but my favourite piece of clothing was a black skirt. I liked leggings with comfy sweaters, princess dresses and berets. I hated overalls and too much clothing.

Second stage: I was inspired by my close relatives, and wore a lot of black and "ethnic" clothes. I read fantasy novels like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and thought I was going to be an elf. That's what I wanted to look like, a cross between a medieval princess and an elf.

Third stage: The wh*re/goth time. I wore everything too small, and preferably from H&M sale. Miniskirts, thongs, ripped fishnet stockings, lots of make-up and jewellery. Leg warmers and faded jeans. Rock band t-shirts and sneakers. Awful, I am glad I got over it. I do not regret it though, usually people do go through stages like this.

Fourth stage: I couldn't care less about what I was wearing, I just wanted to stop feeling like a wh*re. Everything covered, my favourite place to stop was still H&M. Very safe style, the idea behind it was purely to hide and not get any attention.

Fifth, current stage: Trying to learn to be a lady. I like minimalistic clothing, and the structure and quality is important. I try to learn what suits me the best, and avoid everything flashy. I like fashion classics and want a good wardrobe.
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Great thread ^_^

Before teenage I use to dress like a Tom Boy. I wasn't a Tom Boy I just enjoyed dressing like one. I didn't wear dresses unless it was required for school, or church.

12-14: I was obsess with the 1960's. The clothes, hair and music.

15-19: I switched up my style, and started exprementing more with mix matching pieces for ex. green tank top, over white t-shirts, and old faded jeans. Plus I made my own accesories. I didn't really follow the trends. Just tried to develop my style. I swear my friends and family thiught that I was going crazy or something.

20-now: I still have time to actually work on, and make revisions on my personal style. Right now I want to start making my own clothes. But black is my favorite color. I plan to add a bit more color, skirts and dresses.
0-17: tomboy! My mum says that pretty much as soon as I started to walk I started to dress myself and I always chose overalls, trousers, etc. I put a lot of things on backwards and inside out but I wouldn't let anyone correct my clothes, incorrigible little child that I was. I still dressed and acted like a tomboy up until the end of high school. The only time I ever wore skirts and dresses were for my school uniform. I was obsessed with my dad's old clothing, rugby jerseys, surfie pants and Blundstone boots.

18-21: Femme fatale/vintage hooker phase. Dyed black hair, pincurls, red lipstick, smoky eyes. Seamed fishnets, suspender belts, vintage-style heels (try finding genuine vintage shoes in a 41!!), and plenty of beautiful vintage hats, gloves, coats, and scarves. Lots of black, lots of skirts, lots of tight clothing and cleavage. I look back at old photos and cringe because it was so over the top! haha.

22-24: Bag lady meets hippie. Fisherman pants, skirts over pants, petticoats over pants, saris over pants, (notice a trend?!) Birkenstocks, crazy bedhead pixie hair, wearing all my jewellery at once, wearing all my clothes until they fell to bits and then repairing them with bright contrasting cotton/wool. In retrospect I think this was a terrible look for me.

25-26: Quirky and girly. Bright clothing, white blonde hair in two little plaits, feature jewellery (eg red perspex Bambi-shaped earrings; massive rainbow-coloured earrings; assorted military ww2 hat pins as brooches) very brown skin from being outdoors a lot, wideleg jeans and trousers, scarves with everything, velvet blazers with everything, still in Birkenstocks but branching out to ballet flats, low heels, Campers with everything, hats with everything.

27- now: Developing a 'classic' wardrobe but still doing the girly quirky thing too. So add to the above trench coats, pea coats, nipped-in jackets, scarves, minimal jewellery, neutrals, sky-high heels for night, ballet flats or low heels for day, no deliberate cleavage, man-style slouchy trousers, high-waisted skirts, natural makeup (for the most part- I still love my red lipstick as it makes my blue eyes pop), planning on going close to my natural hair colour soon too. I'm slowly getting to know what works best for me and what I'll be able to still wear in five years' time.
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this tread is so mutch fun!

0-4: mummy choses the chlotes!
6-8:princess style! lots of dress, ans skirts, i would never wear jeans
8-12:tomboy fase with lot of sneackers...jeans whaterver that was on closet, then there was the spice girl time!
12-14: preppy and trendy
14-16: surfer chic!
17(now):very eclectic! ballet flats, flat boots, skinny jeans, cardigans! alot of black, grey,and green, also brown!
i usualy wear a lot of dresses with thighs to
Oh wow. Interesting thread! This is what I remember:

0-8 yrs.: My mother dressed me in those little suits with shorts and topped it off with knee socks and little oxfords. I believe I would have felt dumb, but everyone wore them so it was ok.

9-13 yrs.: Mostly in a school uniform, but when not, I'd wear just casual things apropos for that age (ie jeans, shorts, polos, ecc.....)

14 & 15 yrs.: Think minimalist preppy if that makes sense (the normal preppy basics, but in a dark color palette like black. That was when I just got interested in fashion and Ralph Lauren was my idol...oh bless)

16-19 yrs.: Preppy italian style. Blazers, slacks, untied neckties, oxford shirts, nice shoes with no socks........all to high school. :lol:

20 yrs. (which is now): I am in such a weird mood now my style changes from day to day. I wear whatever I feel like that day.

(the constant was I stayed pretty classy and well-groomed ^_^ )
0-2 years my parents were all about the velvet dresses with the lacey necklines and built in bib things
3-7 years i wore stirup pants with designs and the biker shorts with designs very frequently... with the knitted kitty cat sweaters... haha
8-10 years i got into the 'baggy jeans' which were usually levi's straightlegged jeans in reality, then on to the 'flares' and old navy dog tees
11 years i was big into limited too graphic tees... with the sparkles. basically anything limited too...
12 years i was an abercrombie kids a holic... anything with 'abercrombie' on the font, i wore.
13 years i loved to wear guess jeans because they somehow managed to not fall off with a belt... still big into abercrombie kids
14 years i wore more guess but stopped wearing 'branded' items. thank goodness.
15-16 years i am pretty minimalistic. when i 'dress up' i wear dark denim [black or really dark blue] and dark long sleeved shirts. tight straight leg pants with oversized sweaters. my sister says i look like a starving artist in new york city haha. but i prefer to just wear sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt. :)
seanutbutter said:
1-12: Typical cute American girl. Pink dresses (when I was younger), pink shirts, jeans, skirts, etc.

12-13: My "dark" stage. I don't like talking about it, but essentially I wore black head to toe everyday. Bad times.

Currently/13: Mature and sharp is the message I'm trying to send with my clothing. I wear sweaters, casual suit jackets, skirts and heels on a regular basis.

I wish that my 13 year old sister was like you...

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