Your style evolution

elementary school -- Mom dressed me. Polka-dotted polyester pantsuits. Lots of uncomfortable fabrics. Cotton coats that were too cold for waiting at early-morning bus stops in the winter. A favorite was a grey-and-pink striped mini dress with snaps up the middle.

middle school -- I dressed myself, mostly in adolescent camouflage: t shirts and jeans.

high school -- More of the same. Gap was a highlight and a splurge then.

college -- Androgyny, grunge. The typical uniform was a pair of denim overalls and a white tee. I also liked short skirts with oxford shoes, the coltish look.

grad school -- I discover tank tops.

20s -- I experiment with different styles, trying to be a young professional. I aim for sophistication, but I think I failed.

30s -- I return to elements of my college style, which I realize is when I dressed most like myself, and not who I wanted to be. Cuteness and whimsy return, but with better fabrics and cuts.
0-7 Wore whatever my mom had picked out for me.
8-11 Loved Limited Too.
11-12 My wardrobe consisted only of Aeropostale.
12-14 Punk, skater, Avril Lavigne inspired style. Everyday was a skater brand t-shirt from PacSun, chucky skater shoes, and a million jelly bracelets.
14-15 Started getting interested in fashion and experimenting with different styles. I wasn't too successful, I think my mindset was "if you look different/unique, you're fashionable." So I was very fruity.
15-17 Discovered the Olsen twins, Kate Moss, and Sienna Miller and they became my fashion icons.
17-18 Got stuck in a style rut because of moving to dorm at university.
18-present Got focused on fashion again. I think the best way to describe my style would be grungey but still trendy.
elementary school - I remember overalls, a lot of pink & purple turtlenecks, flannel vests and black & white Adidas sneakers.

middle school - Braces, fleece pullovers, flared jeans, my hair in a constant ballet bun

high school - Polo sweaters (in practically every color!), jeans, hair straight and down or scraped back in a ponytail

college - Finally I discover fashion! I progressed from more Polo sweaters and jeans in my first couple years to cashmere sweaters, trousers, wool blazers - a pretty classic/conservative style my third year. Currently I'm moving into a little more whimsical, flirty stage - with fairytales being my inspiration and flats and pretty printed dresses being my main purchases.
so interesting how drastically style evolves. i think i have gotten to a stage where mine will be constant, but who knows! the beauty is in change (even small change), i suppose
Little kid: Don't remember
Middle/high school: Baggy, lots of athletic logos.
College: Basketball cloth
Early med school: Got inspired by Hedi Slimane to buy fine cloth, of the tailored minimalist style. Bought a lot, then lost inpiration to buy cloth since I'm atrophying away in Iowa.
Lately: Resumed interest after going to Japan. Tried getting into the layered and drapy style, which didn't go too well. Also recently getting into the anime-ish goth look, but stuck in shirt and tie for work most days.
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I think it's great to have an evolving style, because we change as people, so should our style match our change...

Little kid: growing up in Brazil wearing (mostly) hand-me-downs from my american cousins, so my sisters & I often stood out in pretty little (sometimes floral, little house on the prairie) dresses, lots of colour, I particularly remember liking two bold coloured matching top/pants ensemble. School uniform: navy adidas 3 stripe tracksuit (how cool's that?), white tee & sneakers, pleated navy skirt for warmer weather (if desired).

High school: jeans & tee. School uniform: navy adidas 3 stripe tracksuit (how cool's that?), white tee & sneakers, pleated navy skirt for warmer weather (if desired).

College: early years: slightly grunge followed by tomboy stage. Later years: evolving to dressy stage, loved experimenting with fashion, quite 'SJP in SATC'.

First few years of working: still dramatic/creative/experimental/dressy.

Lately: dressing it a bit down, still loving classic with a twist, and going for something with an interesting detail.
0-6: mom dressed me. very preppy. Wore a lot of Ralph Lauren.

7-9: still preppy, still wearing a lot of RL, except this time i decided what i wanted to wear and made the craziest combos, which drove my mom crazy sometimes :rofl:

10-14: complete change. I started having a more "relaxed" style. I wore many things by Quicksilver and DDP (idk if that brand still exist :shock: )

15-16: i started being in fashion. I can't really define what i wore at that time because it was very simple but i paid a lot of attention to the colours and textures combos.

17-18: leather jacket or trench coat/cardi/v-necks/skinny jeans/low-cut Converse or Victorias. that was pretty much my uniform :lol:

today (i'm 19): i feel like i'm going back to basics :lol: much more classic/preppy-ish style but i still add a switch of modernity in it (with accessories for example; or my skinny jeans :ninja: i just feel weird when i don't wear them lol) . My interest in fashion grew a lot since i started being interested in it and i now think about investing in high quality basics pieces with great cuts but also in more hq accessories, shoes and bags. I'm back to wearing a lot of RL and i also love Burberry Prorsum (i think it's the perfect mix between young, classic and modern style). I feel like i'm starting to build my "adult" style. Even if, let's admit, sometimes i just wanna feel relaxed and put on my deep-v, skinnys and havaianas :lol:
There's a part of me who could wear some REALLY crazy stuff, but when i think twice about it, it's just not really me.
I'm noticing myself buying/wearing more prints lately ... they're tending to be a bit abstract.
my style is still a bit schizophrenic but i think the most obvious change is that it has become more focused.. i suppose that's sort of inevitable, as time goes by you develop a better sense of what suits you and what you like..

it has also become based a lot more on comfort.. i don't tend to bother with anything that i am not completely comfortable in or that i have to fuss with.. i like to put things on and not have to worry about adjusting them or being restricted in what i can do because i have them on (e.g. i almost exclusively wear flats..)

i wear a lot more basics.. nothing with too much detail, frill, etc.. and i wear a lot less colour than i used to, which has happened in the last 4-5 years i'd say. i prefer earthy tones, greys, black and white, navy etc. i can't seem to tolerate much colour..:lol: i don't mind it on other people when done right, but i can't imagine myself in red or orange, for example. as a teenager i think my style was a lot more colourful and bohemian.. a lot more prints.. now i can't think of anything i own with a print, except stripes...lots of stripes.. do they even qualify as prints? :innocent:

i can tell a lot about my own style by noticing what i like in others. whereas i used to be drawn to people with a quirky, more experimental sense of style, lately i find people like ashley olsen and gwyneth paltrow's style a lot more appealing.. clean lines, good quality basics, kind of modern and classic with a twist. :heart:

here's an example by image... then and now..(lime green...was i serious?..:lol:)


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infant -11: dressed like every other "tom boy" child: jeans, shorts, cotton t-shirts. Very basic, American child style

Tom boy discovers rock and roll music, dresses like grungy 70's rocker. Converse sneakers and combat boots are worn until they fall apart. Jeans bought in boys department, rock t shirts two sizes two big and a military bag is carried to hold CD player (no MP3's) and CD case.

13-15: Enter goth phase: hormones go crazy and personal issues abound as dysfunctional upbringing catches up to me. I turned to "bad girl" behavior and moody, punk/new wave soundtracks, with a style to match. Blue and purple jars of Manic Panic were my comrades, MAC makeup and black nails my "war with the world" paint. I wore A LOT of black dresses, low cut, revealing, safety pins on everything, strategically ripped fish nets and spike heeled boots and a beloved pair of vintage leather pants. At this point I discovered Vivienne Westwood and my love of fashion began:heart: I remembered the first McQueen collection I saw was like a revelation to me...awww:heart:^_^

16: I grew up and toned down...way down. I took inspiration from Tennessee Williams character Blanche Dubois, who I could relate to (then) on an uncanny level. I dressed in vintage chiffon tea dresses, lace replaces safety pins and my makeup is "natural" with lots of perfume wafting around me. I wear dainty heels, carry vintage handbags and generally look like a New Orleans streetwalker who inherited a stuffy English wardrobe dating from the '30's.

17 - present: I moved and tossed EVERYTHING including ALL my clothes! Started from scratch, melding my two previous styles into a manageable, simple wardrobe of modern, clean lines. Lady like tweed and cotton pencil skirts and classic pumps, mixed with Rick Owens and Westwood pieces for a bit of an edge. I LOVE krama scarves from Cambodia and vintage items still capture my heart but I tend to select more timeless, less dated pieces. I'm really all about simplicity and take my inspiration from Balanchine dancers and working Asian women (who manage a high degree of femininity without being high maintenance).

I'm really content with my style now, it doesn't reflect any negativity and is basic/classic enough to serve as a canvas for changing trends and seasons. I've also learned to be more discerning and have cultivated better taste in selecting garments for my silhouette so that now I can just sit back, relax, and have fun with fashion. :D
0-9, i pretty much lived in t-shirts & shorts in the summer and jeans, jumpers & leggings in the winter. I wore whatever my mum bought me.

11-13, my awkward stage. I hated my body so i used to hide behind baggy t-shirts, skater trousers, hoodies

14-15, my less awkward stage. My t-shirts got shorter and they fitted me :-) I also wore long gypsy skirts and beaded tops, i suppose i was inspired by Sienna Miller.

16-17, this was when i got interested in fashion. Skinny jeans, shorts with tights/leggings & ballet flats. I still wore my hoodies however... and trainers >.<

18 - now i hardly ever wear trainers and i've switched my hoodies to cardigans :-) i've also discovered tulip skirts and blazers. Throwing outfits together isn't hard-work anymore.
i seem to be reverting back to a style i wore about 5-10 yrs ago...
been pulling some of my old faves out of storage...
many haven't been worn in at least that long...

i have rediscovered my inner rockstar..

black black black...
leather pieces, gypsy/poet shirts, boots, sandals
high heels!...the higher the better...
lots and lots of textures...all in one outfit...

feels good...
like putting on an old comfy pair of slippers...
feels like shedding a big outer skin and revealing myself underneath...
feels like me again...
but even better this time around!...

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omg- adoref...

i just saw the pics...
holy cow...
talk about evolution...
looks more like a REVolution...

you look fabulous in your current pic my dear...
I've fallen completely in love with and am inspired by the post-apocalypse look that is perfectly demonstrated by Spike413's Beyond Thunderdome thread in the trend forum.
I have made a very deliberate shift if my staling style to completely revolve around this idea for fall.
As always, formal-as-casual shall be the trademark style, but all colours have become dark neutrals and the torn, distressed look of "survivors" is key, to the point of a Resident Evil look.
I think the idea to completely change came when I had my hair accidentally cut too short. I hated it at first, but now I'm loving this hairstyle that looks like it's almost been cropped for practicality.
I'm so excited about this new style ladder rung. I'm customizing clothes that are being labelled my couture pieces that define the look.
It's the best and most workable trend this season and I love it.
sounds great CD...

quite similar to the direction i am heading in myself actually...

great thread title...
beyond thunderdome...
i'll see you there my dear...
Nobody ever believes me when I tell about my hip-hop phase .. I still listen to it, but I had a phase when I was younger when I wore big baggy pants and chains :lol:.. big chains!

Then my style basically stayed the same over a long period of time; skirts or dresses, almost never pants, high heels, lot's of color, lot's of fur, etcetera. And now I'm trying to add on to that with a little more basic items; I'm discovering jeans and t-shirts!! :p
It seems I might have to put Crying Diamonds Beyond Thunderdome on hold indefinately . . I'm leaving for university next Tuesday and I don't have the time/provisions to continue.. for now.
It seems WAYWT will see a lot of Crying Diamonds Edition outfits for a while.. :(
^ You just need to figure out how to make creating your new look actually your homework ;)
Age 0-11: Very girly clothes
Age 12-17: skimpy clothes haha was really into A&F and Hollister
Age 18-20: A little more cover up! and just discovered Urban Outfitters

And NOW...hmm I dont know yet I've been thrift shopping and buying used clothing I guess I dress pretty casual just jeans and t-shirt. Im thinking of changing my style. Maybe find pieces with some edge to it! Im pretty boring right now hehe.
Age 0-6:My mother dressed me like a boy. Hated it. i wanted those tacky frilly dresses.

Age 7-12:Hand me downs from everyone, adult hand me downs, I looked like an extra from Miami Vice . It was the 80s, enough said.

Age 13-17: Started to buy clothes ,only wanted brands, Guess, levis, C17, Heavy, cropped tops, tight dresses, diesel shorts, Converse with everything, Biker boots bodysuits and surf wear, all my friends were surfers and I lived in a beach area, so had a pretty good collection of O'neil swimsuits and bikinis.

18-25-Started dressing more classic, high heels with everything and to everywhere, did not use heels before. yes,I went to uni in heels.

25-till now-Less classic. Loads of dresses, Most of the stuff I own is from Apc and Isabel Marant. Boots and flats, hardly wear heels in London.

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