Your style evolution

13-14: hippy style.
15-16: girly disco style (don't know how to discribe it better). very colourful. heavy make-up even at school with glitter etc. Fake fur...
17-20: a little bit skater style which developed to punk style.
now at 24: I'm not occupied by one special style. But I dress more elegant than in the earlier years. And I love outfits with extravagant details.
0-9 years: girly girl
10-12: tomboy
13-15: fashion victim
16-17: hippie
18-now: classic feminin
How much has your style changed?

How much has your style changed since you got into fashion?
Like from being all preppy to more elegant or from emo to tomboy-chic... how did your style USED to be? :blush:..:shifty:
a lot

i've always been into fashion but when i first consciously started plannng what i wore to develop a "style" it was in elementary school when i just wanted the preppy designer look of everyone else, then when i was about 12 i realized i was "different" and started liking "dark" things and wore mostly black, not in a goth way more stereotypical beatnic although i viewed it as goth, then there was the alternateen phase, then i realized i was a hippie and it was bell bottoms and floral print tops with sandals or i did a kinda dressy disco thing with lil boys vintage suits and platforms, then there were the raver years and i wore stuff like corsets and bright jewelry, then kinda kitschy schoolgirl, then i was a rocker chic, then i went boho for a minute, and now i am me...

me now is my favorite me because i've been through all the phases and take what i like from them but i've calmed down, i'm mostly 60s and 70s influenced but very elegant, everything kind of has a ladylike mod silhouette to it, i only wear solids, usually either all neautrals or neutrals with one color, i like things that look well tailored and rely more on the pieces not jewelry to spice it up, if i do wear jewelry it is one piece, something delicate and almost not noticeable and i always take it off first to see if it could work without it, i love scarves though, i love menswear stuff, pencil skirts, jackets, pleated skirts, shift dresses, ballerina tees, maryjanes, flat boots, sliver wedges, pumps, i like to look polished but still youthful, i do wear some trendy items like oversize sunglasses but i look a lil more minimalist than most trendy dressers i think

i guess overall i've learned less is more and i like elegance, and if i had one rule now it would be that i should always look as if i could be in a jean luc godard movie haha
I've gone through a plethora of looks, infatuations and moods, naturally. As I'm only young, I haven't necessarily pinned down my 'signature look'. I'm still experimenting and enjoying the carefree, indecisive joining of 'youth' and fashion. No need to take it so srsly, I think. However, on that same token, I no longer feel that I have to look a certain way or follow 'the' trends to feel self-complacent. It is truly one of the most solacing and glorious realizations, rly.

As of right now, Idk what to call my style of dress. I wear what suits my body/personality and essentially what induces my heart to joyful singing. :lol:
currently I dress much simpler. I like good basics with a little bit of a twist, but not nearly as trendy, over-accessorized, and busy as I used to dress.

I also think about purchases much harder. I really think out each item as to how I'd use it along with the stuff I already own, and actively seek out things I feel are missing for my wardrobe, whereas I used to just buy whatever I liked.
^ Yes, the purchase is much more important to me aswell these days. If I don't love it completely there's no pt. It works quite amazingly, too. I can't think of one thing in my current wardrobe I don't love.
ive always been into fashion but like fashion my style has changed .. i used to verge slightly more towards the pop tart chavvy'esqe style then more preppy sloany then kinda emo'ish rockish .. now im just me :)
^ Yes, the purchase is much more important to me aswell these days. If I don't love it completely there's no pt.

My fashion philosophy is sort of the same way. I don't necessarily buy clothes based on trends, but if I will still like the piece in five years. I can always mix and match my blazers and skirts to fit in with new styles, and that's what I love about my wardrobe.
My fashion philosophy is sort of the same way. I don't necessarily buy clothes based on trends, but if I will still like the piece in five years. I can always mix and match my blazers and skirts to fit in with new styles, and that's what I love about my wardrobe.

True. I've gotten through many different styles but somehow I've been managing to readapt some old-styled pieces to keep using them
It feels awesome doesnt it:p
0-8ish: My mother always used to dress up like we were children from F. Scott Fitzgerald books about to go yachting. We'd always be dressed up in white dresses, linen slacks, pastels, straw hats, blue hair ribbons, white socks with saddle shoes or navy mary janes. And during the winter, we'd be dressed up in little children's burberry coats, plaid skirts, cashmere sweaters, and again, those dreadful mary janes!

9-16/17: I was sent back and forth from boarding school to our family house/estate/whatever, so mostly I just wore lots of blue jeans, tshirts or button ups, and cowboy boots during the summer because we'd just ride horses everyday and play all over the land, and then during my school time it was mostly my uniform and then little plaid skirts, khaki pants, white button ups and sweater sets. [ugh!:yuk:]

17-19ish: Those were my first years in Manhattan and I had no idea of the city AT ALL. I was just a little fresh faced girl from Newport! And mostly I just wore white slacks, white button ups, burberry trenches, sweater sets, khaki skirts, shifts - all very boring, haha.

19-21ish: I really started coming more into my own then. I wore tons of whacky things because it was all so fun. I remember buying a purple beaver coat and wearing it with an emilio pucci scarf wrapped around my head and read jeans. When I think about it, it was still alot of fun to wear those things around, now I don't feel the need for such outlandish things just to "express" my self, but every once in awhile, I'll pull out some plaid dress and wear it with some fur waist coat and yellow shoes or some sh*t like that.

21-now: I don't have any defining things now. I just wear whatever I kind of feel that day. I love metallics, and long earrings. I still wear millions of fur coats and trenchcoats, but I will never again wear a sweater set until I'm well into my 40s, haha. Now I don't really take dressing as seriously as I once did, I just feel like it's sort of a part of me, not all of me. I used to be so precise about all of it and calculate every single detail, in order to make good impressions, but now i'll just throw on a black dress and heels with some coat and I'm done. I've learned more to have lots of fun with and dress however you feel like you want to look, and not how other think you should.
i am evolving back to a style i had before..
guess that means i am DE volving...^_^...

back to life...back to reality...:innocent:
back to life...back to reality...:innocent: i've got this song in my head...and i'm trying very hard not to dance...

Hmm...let's see

0-3 - mom dressed me, what else could i do?
4 - the rebellion began
5-15 - i wasn't generating income, so i had no say as to what was purchased...only how i wore it ^_^
15-16 started first job, dressed trendy, as was allowed in public school
17-21 trendy/greasy frat boy/prep/a&f wannabe/no idea what dress up really was beyond dress casual
22-now by day - classic business dress with a contemporary flair - expressiveness limited to my facial hair, hairstyle, watch, shoes, and cufflinks
22-now by night - dark, closer fit, elegant fabrics with luxurious drape, looking like (though really not trying to) look like any other 20-something celebrity wannabe
22-now by weekend - relaxed, signature pieces that fit well, are well made, and interchange quickly from morning to noon to night
I started out as a bit of a tomboy (0-13), then moved into what can only be described as ... 'out there' dressing :shifty: (think a thrifted pink ballgown skirt worn with a white t-shirt and docs) (14-17).

After that, I started dressing slightly hippy-ish, lots of long, floaty skirts (17-18). After that was emo-ish, black tight t-shirts and jeans (18-19), then back to hippy, but with a slightly sl*tty look (19-20).

From the ages of around 21 to now (23) I'm still evolving, but I would describe my look as a little more classic, with still a bit of the hippy-ishness thrown into the mix. I have a lot of different pieces of statement jewellery, bags and shoes. I used to go overboard with the accessories, but I've started to learn a little simplicity. Currently, I'm really trying to buy clothing for its quality, rather than the "ohh, it's cute!" factor.
I'm glad I found this thread, I was going to start one on style evolution. Yay for search features in forums.

0-5 No choice, my mom dressed me. Incidentally, I looked like I was dressing for easter everyday. My mom had a thing for pastels. I remember one photo of me in a dandy sky blue suit short set with white shoes derbies and white knee high dress socks. I really want to try and pull that off now.

6-10 I really dressed as if I were blind. I mixed colors and prints with wild abandonment. Cowboy boots with everything.

11-18 It was really about fitting in. Old navy, Abercrombie, American Eagle and anything brand associated with teenage trends. I hated black and dark colors. I was afraid to be labeled goth. At around 18 I started getting into fashion. To me it was all about trends and money. I wanted to look like I walk out of the pages of GQ. I started wearing button ups and bright colors, along with pastels (thank you mom :p)

19-now Im 20. At that time fashion to me started to become more about craft and less about money and trends. Now I rarely wear anything in bright colors. I love black now and feel empowered when wearing all black or neutrals. I've started to get into drapey clothes and graphic prints in black and white. To me its about exploration of proportions and cut. I try to be epic yet intimate. Genderbending is fun too.
Lots of people seem to have their first memories at 5-6 or so ... my brother & I remember much earlier, so he remembers all the darling clothes he wore at 2 and 3--and also being teased :p He had this really cute knit outfit that was shorts and a sweater jacket (maybe another sweater underneath) in this really pretty smoky blue and white--apparently some other kids told him he looked like George Washington in it :lol: He says he's scarred for life ...
0-10 - My mom dressed me. Sad I know, but I had no idea what clothes were, she just always picked them out for me

11-12 - Name brand wh*re, mostly Tommy Hilfiger

13-15 - Punk rock, gothic, hot topic, what ever you call it.

15- I cut my hair and I guess I went through an androgynous stage

15 -16 - Asian Fob Style

17 - Laid back style

18 (now) - Very laid back college, minimalism style

Gosh, wow, its kind of crazy to see how many styles one can go through!
0-10: mom dressed me, I didn't really care about fashion back then
11-13: suddenly, I became interested in fashion, but I used to wear a lot of .. flashy (is this the right word?) things combined
14-16: at this time, my style was quite laid back, nothing special
17-now (18): since I look quite young for my age, I started to wear clothes, that make me look older (for colors: navy blue, black, greytones, ..), more mature. I rarely wear bright clothes, and I'd say, my style is very classic now (a little bit audrey hebburn).
But my taste in fashion constantly changes. just two months ago, I bought clothes, that I now think are completely hideous..!
Well my style has evolved quite a lot recently (it seems to evolve each time the fashion season changes - funny, huh?) - I've gone uber-conservative in my dress-sense. It's meant to be highly ironic; constrasting with the way I walk (:rolleyes:) and my expressions, though not everyone (cough, university interviewers) understand this.
Cowboy boots, red socks and highly inappropriate clothes are out this season in favour of buttoned up to the neck shirts (without ties), neutral colours, and fur.
This all came about mostly when I had the biggest clear-out of clothes the universe has ever witnessed, my wardrobe now based on tasteful colours, clothes that fit and are of good quality.
0-4 My mom dressed me like a little vintage boy everything was vintage
5-10 oh the 90s that is all I need to say floral and GAP
10-13 Middle school frumpy logo tees bad ill fitting jeans long hair I had no clue
13-16 My docile stage I was taste full lots of neutral I still was a little blah but I started caring about how I looked some times I went all tacky 80s plastic and leggings. It was a time of extremes.
16 trip to NYC I know this is silly but in a 5 day trip to NYC I changed my style entirely. Before I left I bought a lot of tailored nice clothes a LBD I took out my heels and wore a lot of black and all my friends were wondering what happened but they all liked it so it stuck
17-18 a lot of black not in a gothy way but a more minimalist way I wore a lot of heels a lot of dresses big on vintage. I cut off my butt length hair in to an Anna Wintour style bob but my hair is black so its ok.
18-Present I dress a little old for my age I think my parents ask me why I am so dressed up when I am home but in college I think it works fine. I love black, plaid, solid colors I am not a huge pattern person and the higher the shoes the better. I think that right now I am in a mod with a touch of goth stage. After getting really into fashion I think I realized that you dont need to dress crazy to be noticed. I am thinking about growing my hair out from a bob again because I think that long hair wont make me look younger like it did in high school.
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