Your style evolution

My style has literally evolved in the past two days.
I shop exclusively in charity/thrift shops but, I must admit, I tend to only shop for the best quality and the best brands.
As you can imagine, this is extremely limiting as you only get real finds literally every now and then, plus you have to add size, style and if you like it or not into the equation - no wonder I felt like I never had any clothes!
This also meant that your finds dictate your style. I was bored of my style, bored of my clothes and the joy of shopping and discovering had been utterly sapped.
(Starting to sound like I'm about to advertise a miracle cleaning product..)
I have rediscovered the joy of shopping for clothes just by seeing something I like and buying it - it's so hard to find anything in my size anyway! Plus original mens' clothes designs are even harder to find.
So much happier now I've dropped the Brand attitude - and now I have, when I do discover a real find it'll be all the more exciting
Me as a kid:

I loved dresses and wanted to be a princess..very original I know :innocent:

My high school years:

I liked jeans and band tees and short skirts and heels^^ That hat's not mine tho I just tried it on^^
haha this thread is great. I don't think my style ever changed all that much -- I think I jsut grew up. It's funny, I still dress in theory very similarly to the way I did when I was 12 -- tons of black, tons of eyeliner... just more grown up and more in context (IE, mid 20s and working/living in NYC, not early teens and living in the suburbs.)

I went through a lot of hilarious punk rawk phases as a teenager...but I have very fond memories of that and I think it is still a very big part of who I am. In college I experimented for a while with being more girly/boho (grew my hair out, let it go blonde, etc)... but it just didn't work for me and in retrospect I think it had a lot to do with being extremely uncomfortable with the enviroment there. By my early 20s I was back in leather jackets, short hair, black eyeliner and red lipstick....just the boots had heels instead of being old docs, the converse sneaker vanished, and the clothes weren't from the mall anymore.

If one thing has REALLY changed it's more HOW I shop -- I'm an "invest in one really great $400 piece once every 2-3 months" type now rather than a "buy everything I can get my hands on from H+M and F21" type as I was when I was younger. Which I think has also really helped 'focus' my style as well.
^^ and actually, looking over my and facebook amuses me for this -- within the past two years I see myself wearing a lot more "nice" and minimalistic life is now "5 days a week in an office and nights out at parties" rather than "5 days a week on campus and writing papers in the library and hanging out in dorm rooms." I feel pretty set in this though, I think I'm always going to own tons of black skinny pants and heels and keep things more monotone. And never wear tshirts and jeans EVER again.

here i am in '06 dressed generally kind of "childish" and "quirky":



versus almost four years later:

13-15 y.o. - a punky/goth style - studs, ripped jeans, band shirts
that was the only specific style so far.
i'm not satisfied with my style right now because i live in a small town and i also got no opportunities to show off. i got many beautiful dresses or accesories but i'm at home or at school all the time and no time is right to wear un-casual.
i'm hoping to change it soon
My style has changed quite drastically in the past few years. First off, my appreciation for fashion and style has been a very recent development. It has been only since my first year that fashion has become an avidly pursued art form. I initially drew inspiration from my Indian roots and my education in Italian history. Bold, loud colors like pink, lime green, reds, purples, healthy doses of oranges and blues all occupied places in my wardrobe. However, recently there has been an almost 180 degree switch to the serene, the neutral... the monochromatic. I don't know if I'm entering a new phase in my life or if my aesthetic sensibilities are becoming more refined (or perhaps age is drawing me away from adventure).

There is a tension between the old Harpy wardrobe and the new Harpy wardrobe though. I enjoy exoticism and pattern, yet I also yearn for simplicity and cleanliness (in design). So far the settlement has been to keep pattern but only in black, white or grey. I also try to incorporate bright punches of color... I never wear more than one item with color. But most importantly for me, because clothing is such an indicative account of one's personality, is to incorporate accessories such as Indian brooches, my mother's gold kada (bracelet), baroque angel pendants etc.

Uhh.. so that has been my aesthetic transformation these past few years.
The evolution of your style

Post pictures of previous years and now, and we can see how your style as changed/developed!

I'll start with an example

My style in 2009


and now/2010


(I don't have pictures older than from 2009)

Now you guys!^_^
This topic almost makes me want to cry. So many of you have been experimenting with fashion and your personal styles for long. I'm 27 and I'm only recently begun to experiment.

I've always been interested in fashion--during my teen years, I watched the award shows and read books about Coco Chanel, Old Hollywood, and Jackie Onassis. And, I was obsessed with following Princess Diana's and Carolyn Bassette-Kennedy style. But I always thought of myself as the geek or the girl next door, so I never allowed myself to spread my wings. (Of course, I also had self-esteem problems too.)

At college, I was too busy trying to fit in or make friends and involved so much political stuff to even worry about fashion. Only last summer did I really decide that I wanted more than a basic jeans/sweater, jeans/t-shirt look. I've begun embracing a more preppy girly style. Right now I'd stay my fashion style is sort of Katherine Hepburn/Lorelai Gilmore cross but I'm working on making it a more Blair Waldorf/Grace Kelly look. I have felt happier and more ME since upgrading my look, but I feel like I have so much catching up to do. (I remind myself that it took years for Princess Diana to become her chic self when I feel overwhelmed.)

Even though I've only been a member of this forum a short time, I feel like I've learned a lot about how to improve my fashion (for example: how to make jeans I still own look more preppy via shoes, blouse, and accessories.)
How has your style developed over the years?

Over the last ten years, since i was 17-18 and really started developing my own personal style, the actual personal style in question has changed dramatically, gradually- developed slowly, or re-invented over night, several times. I dress very differently today compared to even just two years ago. Have anyone else gone through such a "journey"? How has your style developed?
I was once a jeans and chucks girl, then I transformed into a girly girl (think lace shorts, lace dresses, bow headbands, etc), and now I am into the minimal look - think basic v-neck tees, ballet flats, cardigans etc.
I had quite alot of styles. most of them are directly connected to the music I was listening to at that time.

9-12 Grunge (Nirvana was huge at that time)
11-13 Girly/Girl Power Look (a mixture between tank girl and the spice girls)
12-14 Punkrock/Grunge
14-16 Wannabe HipHop Gangsta
16-20 "my parents are rich"-Party Girl look, only expensive clothes, always in heels, very visible designer labels (Paris Hilton was kind of the inspiration)
19-21 the "I go to very expensive clubs but I'm too cool to dress up"-look
22-23 back to the roots: grungy punkrock
24-now: I guess I kind of found my basic style, which is kind of a mixture of every look I ever had (minus the hiphop part)

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