Tall women vs short women ...

5'7...or something.

I love my height, not at all short, but not so tall that I feel awkward in heels...

Woop woop...
Trista said:
I'm between 5'6" and 5'7" but I feel inadequate and obscenely short considering I used to be one of the taller girls when I was younger but now I'm just...average. I would do ANYTHING in order to grow a few more inches.

I know excatly how you feel. Oh how I would love to be 5'9.
average height yea 5'3 5'4 but in a few years its gonna be 5'5 5'6 ppl tend to be taller and taller as generations go on, like majority girls marries taller guys. come to think of it IF i was 6'1 i really wouldnt want to know how tall my great grand children would be.lol:blink:
im 4' 11" but imskinny, and my legs are long compared to my body, so i dont look bad, and guys are always telling how cute and little i am lol, i think if you're tall u look sexy and if you're short you look cute but i wouldnt like to be an average height
one can have long limbs at any height though. Why do people automatically equate height with all-over length? many tall people have short necks and small hands and fingers.

in terms of gender recognizition, height doesn't make a woman more feminine, it makes her more manly.
i don't see why many women think height would attract men.
However i have met men who are attracted to tall women soley because they are tall, not because of anything else, and that makes it a fetish. I don't think women in general want to be treated like a fetish piece. i've also noticed men who are attracted to model-like proportions (height, boyish body) have gay-tendencies themselves.
i've never met an average guy who doesn't have noticable gay or questionable characteristics that is into tall women. They rather like petite/average/small-featured women.
My dad's over 6', but my mum is only about 5', and I've inherited her genes, because I'm only about 5'1" / 5'2".

I've always hated my height, especially as most of the girls my age are far taller and so I sort of feel that I'm always getting ignored/overpowered because of it (sounds weird, I know, but I'm quite shy as well so I guess I just get overlooked).

But if you think about it, each height does have its advantages. Tall people usually have longer legs and clothes generally hang better on them. But can you imagine the dainty, knee-grazing dresses usually worn by Reese Witherspoon et al on someone who was taller? They wouldn't have the same effect, in my opinion anyway.

And there are many beautiful, successful short women:
Kylie Minogue- 5'1"
Rose McGowan- 5'1"
Carrie Fisher- 5'1"
Reese Whitherspoon- 5'2"
Shakira- 5'2
Mary-Kate Olsen- 5'2"
Jennifer Love Hewitt- 5'2-1/2"
Natalie Portman- 5'3"
Ashley Olsen- 5'3"
Vivien Leigh- 5'3"
Sarah Michelle Gellar- 5'3"
Elizabeth Taylor- 5'4"
Britney Spears- 5'4
Sarah Jessica Parker- 5'4"
Madonna- 5'4"
Lucy Liu- 5'4"
Catherine Deneuve- 5'4"
Drew Barrymore - 5'4"http://<b>Renee Zellweger</b> 5'5"<...5"<br /> <b>Pamela Lee Anderson</b>5'5"<br />
Demi Moore- 5'5"
Jennifer Lopez- 5'5"
Courtney Cox- 5'5"
Pamela Lee Anderson- 5'5"
Marilyn Monroe- 5'5-1/2"

And Joan of Arc was only 4'11" :D. Queen Victoria was only 5', but I wouldn't exactly class her in the 'beautiful' category :innocent:.
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I'm 5'8(ish) but apart from 2 chaps (both temporary staff) I am by a long way the tallest in my workplace (towering over my male boss). I find it rather odd though since I think of myself as average height, I am shorter than my mum who is/was(she's starting to shrink) 5'11.5, about the same height as most women I know socially and shorter than most blokes I know socially. I have been this height since 13 and others just caught up, so at school I did feel too tall, and was one of those girls that people took the proverbial out of (the red hair didn't make blending in easy either!).
My mum is mostly leg, but I am a fairly even split so I don't have the clothing issues she has.
im 5'11 and im lovin it...sure when i travel to countries where even guys are shorter than me i feel a lil bit strange but never the less :heart: :heart:
What about members over 5'9" here? Don't you feel uncomfy wearing high heels? I'm 5'9", i love high heel shoes, but i'm always worried of being Miss Skyscraper in the group. :cry:
well, i think its just silly what did you say. beside the fact there exist men who are attracted only to short women, and repeating after you, soley b/c they are short, not beacause of anything else...blah blah...
In the same way i could assume that average *normal* guy who prefers short women is strongly insecurred, must dominate to feel good or likes unmatured kids, so kinda pervert.

I believe, that tall and loved people represent a bit more than 5'9 and up, to attract a "normal" guy (hoever, personally i'm not interested in an *average* couch potatoe type).

btw sorry for my English, it's not my first language.

it's happening said:
one can have long limbs at any height though. Why do people automatically equate height with all-over length? many tall people have short necks and small hands and fingers.

in terms of gender recognizition, height doesn't make a woman more feminine, it makes her more manly.
i don't see why many women think height would attract men.
However i have met men who are attracted to tall women soley because they are tall, not because of anything else, and that makes it a fetish. I don't think women in general want to be treated like a fetish piece. i've also noticed men who are attracted to model-like proportions (height, boyish body) have gay-tendencies themselves.
i've never met an average guy who doesn't have noticable gay or questionable characteristics that is into tall women. They rather like petite/average/small-featured women.
I'm 5'4.

I don't have to worry hardly at all about men being shorter than me...
I can wear heels with no problem
Clothing sizes are never a problem

I look ridiculous in flats... and capri pants... and Bermuda shorts...
I feel like a shrimp walking around at times
I'm 5'10

long legs
clothes look on me
can wear flats and my legs still look good
even if I gain weight I still look thin

3" heals look ridiculous on me
finding jeans long enough for my legs
I'm 5'7

-I am JUST tall enough to be accepted by most modeling agencies, but...
-I don't TOWER over most guys. (Unless in heels. And I love heels.)
-I can choose between both long and regular jeans

-I am still considered short for a model
-I did tower over my homecoming date, who stood just over 5'2. Seriously.
-Long jeans are usually too long, short jeans are usually too short
i like being short as well. although my legs are short in proportion to my torso, i don't necessarily see it as a problem, as short legs can look really cute. plus, whenver i want to look well-proportioned, it's simply a matter of putting on a pair of heels.

the only beef i'm currently having is that i've gained about 10 pounds due to stress-eating, which obviously shows more on me than it would on someone else (i'm 5'2). once those pounds come off, i think i'll be relatively happy with my body.

also, because i'm short i feel like people expect less of me. this works in my favor, because it allows me to surprise people when they find out i'm not as infantile as i look. = )
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i'm quite average.... 5'4-5'5. But, as most of my friends are between 5'-5'2, i feel really tall, and i also feel like i'm the one that stands out when we're all together, which is great!!
Fionuir said:
And there are many beautiful, successful short women:
Catherine Deneuve- 5'4"

Probably a website error, Deneuve is at the lower spectrum of what it takes to be a model (5'6"-7 probably....). Doesn't mean that being short is a problem for girls though...as a man I don't really care either way.
ashley olsen is not 5'3'' and mary-kate is def. not 5'2''.... i'm 5'1 1/2 and i passed by them.. and i was taller.
^ya my friend met them as well and said they were around 4'11
anyways, I'm around 5'6-5'7 average height but I wouldn't mind being 5'9...nt too short or too tall and clothes just usually look better.
I'm only 4'11 :( My whole life ive wanted to be taller. Not TOO tall, but around 5'6. Im very proportionate though, and very slim.

The reason i want to be tall? Because tall girls stand out so much more!! When you're in a room and a beautiful tall girl walks in...everyone will notice. If a short beautiful girl walks in...its a bit different, u know what i mean? Ok thats really shallow...but i definitely think tall girls stand out SO much more. Plus the long legs always looks good. I hate feeling like a dwarf in a crowded mall or something...tall girls really stand out. And i hate how short girls are always labelled "cute". I don't want to be cute! :lol:

That said...on the guy front, i always seem to attract guys over 6'0. Dunno why...and i much prefer really tall guys for some reason too. I also noticed that guys don't really prefer taller girls. Most guys ive spoken to said they prefer shorties because they feel like they can protect them and just pick them up :lol: And when i used to go out clubbing with a girl who was over 5'7...she never got more attention that me. That said, i still wish i was taller and think tall girls stand out heaps.
KhaoticKharma said:
I'm 5'7

-I am JUST tall enough to be accepted by most modeling agencies, but...
-I don't TOWER over most guys. (Unless in heels. And I love heels.)
-I can choose between both long and regular jeans

-I am still considered short for a model
-I did tower over my homecoming date, who stood just over 5'2. Seriously.
-Long jeans are usually too long, short jeans are usually too short

Wrong. there are simply too many models that are 5'7 too say that!

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