hey francesca, thnx to you and all the other members for sharing.
I have to say there is something about your photography that is breathtaking, litterally.Your style is new, fresh, with no pretention. A new elegance of some sort. A spiritual elegance, always working the emptyness of the picture. Like tada ando, its not about the walls, but the space within, your models are the walls, we need more people like you showing there is an alternative to the "now elegance" that represents all this nasty world we are living in.
The humans depicted in your pictures are as week as human are, but while showing this weakness so lightly , you talk about the strentgh within. the play with greys is out of this world, and the balance between neutrals and extremes in the same composition is so subtle.
I could, and would go on more if you want me too, when something moves me, i can dig up words for hours, but i reassure you, i felt them in a matter of seconds, from the first one.
One last thing, in the constructive criticism area: its hard to put into words, but i feel your pictures are asking to be looked at, rather than feel like hidden gems that exist our subconscious, i dont feel its a technical issue, more of a spiritual one. Your pictures are beautiful, your eye is sharp, trust it and let it wander...
im sending you positive energy, and i hope one day (in my career as a fashion designer) we will be able to make a project together!