39. Mr Deeds goes to town34. The apartment
35. His girl Friday
36. Marnie
37. Gone with the wind
38. The heiress
40. The man who shot Liberty Valance
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39. Mr Deeds goes to town34. The apartment
35. His girl Friday
36. Marnie
37. Gone with the wind
38. The heiress
16. Playtime (France, 1967).
17. J. Edgar (2011)
18. Much Ado About Nothing (1993). I've never been a big fan of Shakespeare, but this one I really liked.
19. Sense and Sensibility (1995).
20. The Iron Lady (2011). Disappointed in this one, both in the movie itself as well as in Meryl Streep's performance.
21. Howards End (1992). I thought the acting was splendid!
22. The Remains of the Day (1993).
^how was My Week with Marilyn?
i'm slowing down here...
17. the iron lady
32. Nowhere Boy [***]
33. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [***]
34. Adrift [***]
35. Trust [****]
33. Yuki & Nina (France, 2009)
34. Duel (US, 1971)
35. El Bulto (Mexico, 1991)
36. I Am Curious (Yellow) (Sweden, 1967)
37. I Am Curious (Blue) (Sweden, 1968)
38. A Swedish Love Story (Sweden, 1970)
082. Protektor (2009 -foreign/czech) - beautiful movie.. Beautiful, yet tragic081. Cabin in the Woods (2012)- saw this last weekend & this movie mother-f
king ROCKED!!!! Did NOT know Joss Whedon wrote/directed this until the opening credits
. I frigging loooove him & I loooved this movie (as if u guys couldn't tell from all the emoticons
).. It was just soo cool & funny & has so many twists that it totally lives up to the hype
. I highly recommend seeing itB)
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