The 4-5 Piece French Wardrobe #10

I've been really busy lately, too... Changing jobs (not just the place, but also leaving banking), buying a house with my boyfriend (which means I'll have less closet space - I need to rethink some of my old clothing lying around!)

I'm trying to remember the last time I posted here :) I got ta-ta's Burberry, which fit like a glove, and I will still be owing you a pic of me wearing it because amid all the chaos I don't have a full body pic on me (my boyfriend has yet to send me the pics from our March vacation).

I also bought a pair of black Adidas Campus, which have been getting a lot of wear. Definitely a great purchase. Some tops and a dress from COS... two pairs of trousers. Another pair of shoes.That's all this year, so far :)





adidas, COS, ASOS, benneton, mango
Fewormany, I love the variety of colours and prints on those! Congrats on the acquisition of new responsibilities ;) :D

Betina, I love that style of shorts! I think they can look very feminine and nice.

ta-ta, I'm glad you finally got your coated jeans! And I love the leopard dress. Might look into it myself... Loving the splash of pink, too!
Congrats on the new responsibilities, Fewormany, and nice to see you! It's nice to find a brand that really works for you.

Looks like you got some nice basics, barbaraaa ... I need to do that too. I've been thinking more in terms of color and what looks good on camera (videoconferencing), but with these new colored jeans and pants, I'm realizing I don't have any white Ts since I discarded my last one some time ago, and I never replaced the black tops that died, so I have a hole there too ... which I plan to try to address with my trunk.

betina, Trunk Club is somewhat similar to Stitch Fix in that it's a clothing box and there's a stylist assigned to you, but it diverges in that it's owned by Nordstrom, so as a cardholder there's no styling fee. There isn't the data science that Stitch Fix has (which affects fit I'm sure), but you also get more time from your stylist and can talk to them directly--text in the app, and they can also call you. You also get ~12 items vs. 5, so you can get multiple options and/or sizes for the same request. Plus I will get Nordstrom loyalty points, which convert to store credit. I haven't had a single top purchase (or viable option) with my current SF stylist, so I'm hoping that will be different with this service. (Recent tops have fit well, but haven't been to my taste. Especially that god-awful polyester floral.) Nordstrom also carries a lot of brands I like (though not all my favorites). The trunk can be up to 17 lbs, so there's more room for bags and shoes if that's what you want ... and there's also more higher-end inventory available. So I'm looking forward to trying it :)
@barbaraaa: thank you! I find them quite feminine as well. Especially worn with a shirt. I have worn them a bunch of times already.

that sounds quite cool, especially if you don't have the time or feel like scouring through the entire selection in store yourself. I would like that option from time to time. Do you then give the stylist pointers on what kind of items you'd like? Sounds like it would be a great solution when searching for something specific.

Despite the heat, I started contemplating my FW wardrobe. I feel like I already have a lot of good items for Autumn and Winter, so my wishlist is quite short at this point:

- Black western inspired yet somewhat classic boots
- Broderie anglaise high collar shirt (will work well for SS as well)
- (Something moon print - been looking for that for the past two years)
- (Black turtleneck sweater)
- (Light blue/greyish sweater)
- (Stine Goya dress, black with gold dots, second hand).

Pics via,,,,

^ Broderie anglaise is on my wishlist as well! The moon print sounds fun ... do you mean crescent moons?

Yes, you provide a note for the trunk, plus you can text the stylist on the app, as well as receive a phone call to discuss. So tons of communication compared to the other services!

There are kind of two plusses ... one, getting the box feels like Christmas, and two, it forces you to try/consider things you wouldn't pick up for yourself, so a little bit of a new angle on your style.

In the case of Stitch Fix, the amazing fit algorithms really make shopping for jeans painless. Unfortunately, tops are really more important right now in my wardrobe. I am stocked up on jeans and pants!
I am also alive! I moved in with my boyfriend over christmas and have been busy with work, so I have not had as much time for tfs or shopping. The shopping I have done, I did with far less consideration than I have usually given it, but I have still ended up with a lot of good items from brands I like.

In total this year, I have bought:

* Navy silk blouse
* Isabel Marant blazer
* 3 x pre-loved camel cashmere knits (not pictured)
* Navy suit for work
* Jeans from Khaite
* 5 x Uniqlo linen shirts/blouses
* 2 x Uniqlo merino crewnecks in brown and navy
* Striped linen midi-dress
* Chanel ballet flats, pre-loved


I also bought a cheap bikini and thrifted a pair of shorts. Both purchases were 5 minute purchases during the heat wave...

Betina, I started thinking of fall during the heat wave:lol: Your wishlist looks really good. I love blouses like that.

On my FW-wishlist I have;

* A black waist belt. To wear with high rise work trousers. Trying to find something without a logo, but I am still looking.
* A long navy coat. I loved the one Filippa K did last fall, but doubt I will find anything similar tbh. I loved the length.I would cover everything except my boots!
* A dress for Christmas/New years events, preferably something midi length.
* Navy and black turtleneck from Uniqlo



Also, congrats to Fewormany and Barbaraa:flower::flower:

Ta-ta, as you can see, I solved the ballet flats issue by getting some Chanels:lol: They will do for now. The Porsellis should arrive sept/october.
^ I did notice that ;) How do you like them?

A lot of the Chanel shoes I see locally are heavily logoed :ninja: I do love a lot of their details, but I guess I just haven't found the right pair yet. Interested to hear your report ...
^ I have found when starting a new job that it can be helpful to actually be in the office for a few days before formulating a new work wardrobe plan. What people wear from place to place varies significantly :flower:
Fashionista-ta you have a very good point. My worry is I won’t have time for shopping once I start (and it takes me an age to make decisions on clothing). I really just want a capsule wardrobe but I am not disciplined enough! :lol:
Some places I've worked, it's jeans every day. (For that, I like to wear a lot of denim trousers because I just don't like blue jeans.) Others (like working behind the scenes for a bank), more sweaters and dress slacks, suits for meetings with execs. Without seeing what's going on, you could buy a completely inappropriate wardrobe. So I would say just worry about what you're going to wear the first week, stock your dream box on Yoox (or wherever), and then see :)

You should also get the dress code your first day (hidden in the employee handbook)--or at least that's how it works here.
hi all, was quite busy with my cat (he is a senior and needs more attention) so did not post here often, although the stress made me shop quite a lot, incl some COS shirts that i really like. too bad we dont have COS in my country.

also indulged in some pleather legging by commando and lysse, and wait anxiously for them to arrive. leather pants is my obsession, so hopefully they turn out great. anyone tried them yet?

and my dream red bag finally arrives yesterday, red small bucket bag from tods. love the quality but really a bit too small.


perfect size for me is small city but cant justify having 4 small cities, really. but small city has every feature that i want in a bag, so i dont know if i will cave in and get a red small city down the line.

hopefully i have everything that i need and can stop shopping now, especially since i plan some trip to NY and HK later this year, so need to save money for the trips
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@fashionista-ta: Are you looking for a broderie anglaise blouse, dress, or something else? I ordered a dress last year but I found it being a bit too "girly" (in lack of a better word). I think a blouse will be a perfect fit and since I have a tendency to sort of neglect that part of my wardrobe, it would be a nice addition.

I am thinking crescent moons, but I am also liking the more celestial print like on the dress I posted.

Sounds really smart with both stitchfix and the nordstrom box. Painless jeans shopping seems like utopia..

@eizhowa: nice to "see" you :flower: congrats on moving in with your boyfriend. I really like the black shirt you bought as well as the coat on your wishlist. Any chance of scoping it up second hand? Sweltering heat is usually not any obstacle in terms of me planning my fall wardrobe either. Somehow it is my fave season to plan for.

@floodette: nice bag! If you find it to small, I would return it though. I can see why it seems crazy owning 4 versions of the same bag, but I would prefer "buying it right".


I got my first AW item. My mother-in-law has knitted a cardigan for me. I have been searching for a shorter cardigan for ages, to go over my dresses. Everything in stores is too long for my (apperently) short torso. This is just perfect, and I love the colours and the softness (it is a mohair blend, I believe). Already started wearing it with summer dresses, shorts etc. but I will be wearing it loads for AW with my fall apropriate dresses, the new trousers and the button skirt.

^ How lovely! I too need a MIL who knits for me ;) I am not sure what I am looking for in broderie anglaise ... but like a Supreme Court justice, I'll know it when I see it! I did see a rust-colored top that I liked. Probably a top ... it would be lovely, actually, if I could kill two birds and get something in black since I already need that.

floodette, I love the idea of a red bag. I like the one you got, it looks like a perfect pop of color ... but agree with betina if you don't find it functional. My cross-body is smaller than my regular bag, but it does fit the essentials when it comes down to it. If you've found a bag style that really is perfect for you, I don't see a problem with adding another color in the same style if you really will get use out of it. Hope this finds your cat well and happy :meow:
@Betinapple the cardigan looks so soft and snuggly! love it!

@fashionista-ta thanks for the wish for my cat. thats sweet of you. pls send my kisses to,your,dog Napoleon as well.

alas, it is quite difficult for me to return the bag as it was bpught in US, sent to Singapore and forwarded to my country. but it is such a pretty bag, and for that colour, i dont think i would like something bigger as well. tomorrow will be first time am using it, and will keep you updated.

today we have cold-ish weather (for tropical country) due to some storm in australia. am excited to think bout wearing thin sweater to office tomorrow.
It's been literal years since I was here but it's so good to see an active thread on TFS.....though I'm new here, it's nice to see you all!

I was in a bit of a style rut for years, even now I basically wear the same 3 pairs of trousers, 5 shirts (3/5 are pink cotton button-ups from the Van Heusen men's department) and 2 black jackets to work. Tropical countries+conservative dress codes can be serious fashion buzzkill! But my trousers and shirts are reliable, comfortable and appropriate, and I've learned the hard way not to get just any old piece that I don't like that much "for work". And also discovered that pleated trousers are the best way to go for my body shape (as long as I wear a belt). My current wardrobe (all purchased secondhand except for the shirts and blazer) is

1. I pair black pleated Sportmax trousers
2. 1 pair blue floral Hawke trousers from Elizabeth&James
3. 1 pair black Lafayette 148 wide-leg trousers
4. 3 pink short-sleeved Van Heusen men's shirts (one with blue pinstripes that I've had since 2013, the quality of the fabric is really something)
5. 1 gingham shirt from Wrangler (yes, the cowboy brand...)
6. Three-quarter sleeved supima cotton tshirts from Uniqlo
7. 1 scarf in green silk-cotton blend, to cover up the fact that my Uniqlo tops are not blouses but tshirts (my office is also cold on the inside)
8. 1 black three-quarter sleeve jacket from Y's
9. 1 black blazer from PS by Paul Smith

I did start building up my "not for the office" wardrobe a little, though, and from TheRealReal I bought (awaiting delivery now)
1. Green dress from Theyskens' Theory
2. Dries van Noten A/W...2004 I think? Or 2006? jacket, it's a sort of bronzey-gold colour in the pictures. Definitely a 'hold it until November' piece here but I really like the print and the shorter length

I would really like to try a pair of braces to hold up my trousers (inspired by Ms De Brun on Derry Girls ) but it's been ten years since I wore them and I wonder if it'll look weird with, well, a chest.

(Images source:

WTHYS28226_1_enlarged.jpg DRI58226_1_enlarged.jpg
Welcome, Drusilla! I can see that you are one of us ;)

There are two types of braces/suspenders--the nice ones button into pants. That might be a challenge, since your pants aren't going to come with those buttons, and getting everything positioned right could be more trouble than it's worth. There are clip ones, but they are possibly cheesy?

Your antique gold jacket would be great with black velvet palazzo pants (something I used to own :))
fashionista-ta, thank you for the welcome!

You're right, all the nice braces/suspenders are the button-in type, and women's trousers generally don't have those buttons (and often do have visible belt loops....bit awkward to wear braces with those!). The braces I owned earlier were the clip-in type, yes, a bit cheesy but I used to have fun wearing them with skirts, I feel like it's a nice way to add visual interest to a basic top-and-bottom outfit - almost like the look of another layer without taking up as much space as an actual layer!

You're also right about the jacket, it would go really nicely with something that's got a bit of texture going on. I don't have velvet, but I do have this old pair of dark blue corduroys that might be worth testing (I admit, I bought it primarily as a 'wear with skirts' jacket bit I'm excited to try it with other bottoms now).
welcome, @Drusilla_
One thing about tropical climate + conservative work code: dresses in cotton (in somber colour).the breezze on my legs are just what I need.
thanks, @floodette ! I love dresses and skirts, but have a sort of psychological barrier against wearing them to work, it's like 'work Drusilla' is someone who wears pants, at least in this office- meanwhile 'holiday Drusilla'/off-duty Drusilla' ONLY wears dresses and skirts and the occasional shorts. Weird, I know!

You're right about the cotton, though. I have an absolute rule about NO polyester in my shirts (sweaty), linen can get wrinkly, and I'm reluctant to sweat into my nice silk shirts in this weather.

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