The Acne Thread

Thankyou for the feedback. The doctor who put me on it said it takes several months to show any results so hopefully it works for you!:flower:
Ok, I've started my own skin routine...I've started using Vitamin E oil for the acne scarring, my birth control has been changed to a less harsher prescription (ortho try cyclin) and Im on an antiobiotic. I'm wondering how long would I see a change using the E oil and a new birth control?

The Roaccutan which I have been using since October still hasn't worked.Why do I have such bad luck?? I think I'm going to be eighty years old spinster with an acne.

I visited my gynegologist a couple days ago. She did the ultrasound for me to check my ovaries, and found out that I might have a small, about 4-cm long twin inside me from the time I was still in my mother's womb. It might also be something normal related to periods, but she isn't sure and said I should come back in the Fall for a check-up.My mother did have lot of miscarriages with twins when she was trying to have a child, so this might not be very far-fetched. Why I'm telling all this is because this twin might produce more hormones in my body, causing my acne. Evil, evil twin.

I also have a question...because of Roaccutan, my the skin in the eyelids has dried, it's almost infected. It's very annoying & painful, I have to wake up in the middle of the night to put on some more moisturizer. I look like I have been beaten, they are so red, and they are very heavy. Has anybody else suffered from this? What can I do? I've stopped using Roaccutan for the time this issue is acute, because the next step is infection. Please help if you have any info!
People who are on antibiotics should stop using them, becouse the period of six months is such a long period for that kind of medecines (I am lazy to explain why), the actual benefit you see id from BCP or AHA that you put on your face.
The best result you will get by combinig them, glycolic acid /salycil acid on your face and BCP that works against androgens that are produced by your suprarenal glands, etc,etc...... For WhiteLinen;If your eyelids are red it is probably the infection, so you have to use antibiotics combined probably with corticosteroids in the cream, but your doctor should tell you more about that
What are BCP and AHA? I've tried salisylic acid and possibly the other one you told about, but aren't those for "greasy" acne? Like with oily skin? My skin isn't oily and the zits aren't deep...Salisylic acid just dries it out without any benefit. Roaccutan is the last thing I'm trying, according to my doctor it is the only thing I haven't used. And it doesn't seem to be working very well.

So should I consult my doctor about my eyelids? She's said that Roaccutan might dry my skin very badly, and it should help not to take the meds for a couple days...I'm using cortison for my eyelids.

Thanks for helping!:flower:
Cortison has to help you with your eye infection in 2-3 days, dont use it more than few days.
Roaccutan is supposed to help you if your skin is oily( and it is the last solution, cos it is very toxic), it makes sebaceous glands to shrink and it dries out the skin, that is why your eyelids are red, and you didnt mentioned that , but your lips are probably also dry.
If your skin is not oily, what kind of acne do you actually have?
BCP are birth control pills, and AHA is alpha hydroxy acid.
When you say people on antibiotics....Well I have only been on them for 4 months and only have another month or so to go? Is that ok? Cause the doctor gave me a prescription of 5 repeats only (5 small bottles) and so once I've finished I'm off them. Doesn't Doxycycline have any affects of all...cause thats all I use along with my face wash routine....I'm scared:unsure: Are antibiotics potentially dangerous for the time I have been on them>?:flower: Thanks for all this info guys:heart:
Yes, my lips are very dry also. My skin is quite sensitive,actually it is atopic.I have kind of mild acne, it is acne but not the worst "purple-ish" case you can imagine. I have in mainly on my face, back and chest, but sometimes in other places too. When I say it is mild, I don't mean it is just a few spots, there definetily is a case of acne all over my face.Mostly just zits and blackheads.

A breakthrough with my eyelids! They are much better today, dry but not so reddish/swelled.
WhiteLinen, If I were you I would stop taking Roaccutane at once!(you are not that case since you dont have cystic forms and mostly blackheads), and go for a different type of "treatment".
At the first place you will have to clean your body from all the toxins caused by medicines you were taking, by going on a low fat and low calorie diet (raw food, lots of fruits rich in vitamin C, carrots, etc...and no junk food, chocolate, sweets, and Coke) clean your liver (taking Roaccutane for a six months is a serious liver attack) by taking big glass of warm water with one squeezed lemon plus 2-3 liters of water on your daily basis.
Than,if you can, go to some pros for a good facial, or do that at home, by steaming your face over the boiling water and clean your blackheads (but only them), and use some homemade recepies (aspirin mask, cider vinegar, baking soda, or sea salt peel, whatever and whenever your skin "allows")
After a month go for a BCP, Diane 35, which will (I am almost sure) help you with acne on your back and chest....
I tried to be "short" and probably forgot something.........Feel free to ask.....
WhiteLinen said:
Yes, my lips are very dry also. My skin is quite sensitive,actually it is atopic.I have kind of mild acne, it is acne but not the worst "purple-ish" case you can imagine. I have in mainly on my face, back and chest, but sometimes in other places too. When I say it is mild, I don't mean it is just a few spots, there definetily is a case of acne all over my face.Mostly just zits and blackheads.

A breakthrough with my eyelids! They are much better today, dry but not so reddish/swelled.

Hey WhiteLinen - how is it going with the Roaccutane?? Are the side effects the worst ever?? The reason for asking is that I have persistant moderate/mild adult acne which my dermatologist would like to finally treat with Roaccutane. I however have a lot of reservations about going on such a strong drug. My skin always responds well to antibiotic treatment but I have to switch them every 3 months once they stop working. I know accutane is supposed to be the only cure seeing as there is no way I am going to grow out of it but is it worth it???
aya80: The diet you describe sounds quite normal to me. I'm on birth control now (started yesterday) aswell as on Roaccutan...The prescription is for this month, but after that I'm going to take a break...My skin has never responded very well to facials, I have been told not to take them as they tend to do damage. My doctor didn't like the idea of continuing the Roaccutan this long without a break, but that seems to be the only thing that might help. I have been on bcp before, it didn't make such a drastic change, I'm afraid. I'm trying again, let's hope it works...
Roaccutan is supposed to help everyone with acne, no matter what. With somebody it just takes longer and longer.

Grill: I have been taking Roaccutan since last October. It hasn't made a drastic change, yet. It has not been what I wished for.But as I said, according to my doctor it does help, no matter what kind of an acne you have. It is the last chance for many. Even though I haven't had much help from it, I do very warmly recommend it. Yes it is strong, but it will cure your skin.

The side effects: very dry skin, dry lips, dry eyelids (they are now normal), redness in skin. That at least.

I'm so used to having this skin I'm not sure it will change.

How long did Roaccutan take to work on other people?
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WhiteLinen said:
aya80: The diet you describe sounds quite normal to me. I'm on birth control now (started yesterday) aswell as on Roaccutan...The prescription is for this month, but after that I'm going to take a break...My skin has never responded very well to facials, I have been told not to take them as they tend to do damage. My doctor didn't like the idea of continuing the Roaccutan this long without a break, but that seems to be the only thing that might help. I have been on bcp before, it didn't make such a drastic change, I'm afraid. I'm trying again, let's hope it works...
Roaccutan is supposed to help everyone with acne, no matter what. With somebody it just takes longer and longer.

Grill: I have been taking Roaccutan since last October. It hasn't made a drastic change, yet. It has not been what I wished for.But as I said, according to my doctor it does help, no matter what kind of an acne you have. It is the last chance for many. Even though I haven't had much help from it, I do very warmly recommend it. Yes it is strong, but it will cure your skin.

The side effects: very dry skin, dry lips, dry eyelids (they are now normal), redness in skin. That at least.

I'm so used to having this skin I'm not sure it will change.

How long did Roaccutan take to work on other people?

some people have prolly seen that i always recommend this. so here i go again... Have you ever tried topical medications? I ask this because i had moderately severe cystic acne, and i found this website that offers a product that worked so well for me that my skin was healed from about november of 2004 until now, with absolutely minimal outbreaks (by minimal i mean like my break outs consist of one or two littlebums the size of white heads that have liquid in them, i know its :sick: ). Ive just now started breaking out again, but nowhere near as badly as i did before. I ordered my system about 3 days ago, and i should be good for about another year. I recommend this product so strongly because its not like proactive, where once one product runs out or u stop using it your acne comes back right away. This actually heals your skin and puts back whateer nutrients your body's depleated by fighting off the acne. And unlike those pills can do more damage than good, this has no devastating side affects to your face. doesnt Roaccutane cause severe birth defects in babies? You cant even get pregnant 6 months to a year after you STOP taking that medication because of the defects it can cause! If anything, just check the website out, its SUPER informative, and it may help you out. And its actually not super expensive, For my first kit, (for moderate to severe cystic acne) i paid $50, now i paid like $30 the second time around. I hope this can help some of you.

:woot: :flower:
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Help! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. :(

I have an oily skin type, and I always hear about avoiding putting make-up on the t-zone. But since I have a decent skin-care routine, this isn't a problem for me. I never break out on my forehead or nose anymore. And although that's mostly where I produce oil, it's not that bad.

When I first started getting acne, it was on my forehead and chin. But now it's mostly on my lower cheeks. What caused the change? I feel like I do everything pretty well, so I don't know why I keep breaking out there. Could it just be from my pillows or something? Or is there something else specific that causes acne on the cheeks?
Tatika said:
some people have prolly seen that i always recommend this. so here i go again... Have you ever tried topical medications? I ask this because i had moderately severe cystic acne, and i found this website that offers a product that worked so well for me that my skin was healed from about november of 2004 until now, with absolutely minimal outbreaks (by minimal i mean like my break outs consist of one or two littlebums the size of white heads that have liquid in them, i know its :sick: ). Ive just now started breaking out again, but nowhere near as badly as i did before. I ordered my system about 3 days ago, and i should be good for about another year. I recommend this product so strongly because its not like proactive, where once one product runs out or u stop using it your acne comes back right away. This actually heals your skin and puts back whateer nutrients your body's depleated by fighting off the acne. And unlike those pills can do more damage than good, this has no devastating side affects to your face. doesnt Roaccutane cause severe birth defects in babies? You cant even get pregnant 6 months to a year after you STOP taking that medication because of the defects it can cause! If anything, just check the website out, its SUPER informative, and it may help you out. And its actually not super expensive, For my first kit, (for moderate to severe cystic acne) i paid $50, now i paid like $30 the second time around. I hope this can help some of you.

:woot: :flower:

Thanks for help! Yes, Roaccutan does cause severe birth defects on babies, but I'm 15, so I'm not going to have children in years, if I have any, so it doesn't matter. The side effects don't bug me that much, I would cut my arm off to have a beautiful skin.
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Biochemically Speaking, Acne Is Easy to Understand:
Testosterone (an androgen hormone) targets the skin and the sebaceous glands where sebum is produced. It combines with the enzyme 5alpha-reductase to produce dihydrotestosterone, which stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce increased volumes of sebum. Sebum is expelled out into the follicular tube.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) and other bacteria on the skin and within the follicles produce bacterial lipases (enzymes) that move into the follicle opening and convert sebum into free fatty acids, which irritate the follicle lining. This irritation causes excessive production of cells and cellular debris, which block the follicle and trap P. acnes inside. The P. acnes inside the blocked follicle breed and produce acne infections. Infections grow and irritate and inflame the skin and macrophage cells produce histamines that cause the skin to become red, puffy and sensitive or even itchy. This causes more follicle blockage and promotes more acne infections. Skintactix[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Most Other Acne Products: Most acne products attempt to kill P. acnes with ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, and keep the follicles open with ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and glycolic acid. They do not address the other issues that cause acne. Benzoyl peroxide can cause premature skin aging, slow healing and is associated with increased skin cancer risks. In 1995 the FDA issued warnings regarding the use of benzoyl peroxide and changed its status from safe to uncertain. (See the Skintactix "Acne Tips" page for additional information on this subject.)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Skintactix Acne Products: Skintactix acne products kill P. acnes and a variety of other undesirable bacteria that produce lipases. Antibacterial agents include cinnamon extract, sage extract, turmeric extract, wild marjoram extract and small amounts of salicylic acid. The products keep follicles open with sage extract, green tea extract, calcium, minerals in pascalitic clay and small amounts of salicylic acid. Skintactix acne products block 5alpha-reductase with cinnamon extract, zinc and green tea extract, and thereby reduce dihydrotestosterone. This reduces sebum production. The products very significantly reduce bacterial lipases by removing a variety of undesirable bacteria, and thereby reduce the production of free fatty acids that promote follicle blockage. The products block the production of histamines with specific extracts from green tea and turmeric to prevent additional histamine-induced acne. Skintactix acne products address all aspects of the biochemical progression that cause acne and achieve control or a complete acne cure in over 85% of cases. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Skintactix's high rate of success comes from its comprehensive approach of treating the multiple causes of acne, rather that focusing on the symptom like most other over-the-counter products. The dermatologist and biochemist who develop Skintactix products have a clear understanding of the skin biochemistry involved with acne and the natural plant extracts that will correct this skin chemistry and provide an effective acne cure.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]More Biochemistry: Linoleic acid is a normal component of sebum. It is an "essential fatty acid" required by the body and you may be more familiar with this bio-chemical as omega oil, fish oil, safflower oil (as contained in Green Tea Poultice) or a number of other terms. Essential fatty acids are very powerful anti-inflammatory agents and sebum made with linoleic acid is calming to the skin. Modern foods have avoided these essential oils in favor of "designer" lipids like trans-fatty acids and research has found links suggesting trans-fats may break down the body's supply of essential fatty acids. When linoleic acid is not available in the skin, the sebaceous gland produces sebum with oleic acid and this form of sebum is irritating to the skin and promotes acne. It has been suggested that oleic acid sebum is drier, firmer and more prone to cause blackheads, whiteheads and promote follicular plugs that lead to acne infections. Skintactix[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Skintactix acne products contain linoleic acid to ensure it is available for production of non-irritating sebum and to act as a powerful antioxidant and reduce skin inflammation. People with very dry skin and continual follicle blockage (blackheads, whiteheads and/or acne) may benefit from increasing their consumption of foods rich in linoleic acid/omega oils or taking supplements such as flax seed oil. Do NOT take flax seed supplements if pregnant or nursing. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Specialization of Products: Light to moderate acne occurs in excessively oily skin and oily, normal and combination skin and even dry and dry, sensitive skin. Skintactix has products specifically developed for each of these skin type groups so the products don't irritate or dehydrate the skin.[/FONT]

all information from
I think the easiest and cheapest way to clear up the skin is by following the Clear Skin Regimen from I'm almost 2 months in and it's really clearing up dramatically. My skin's so soft now and I only have a couple of scars left :flower:.

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