The Creepy Man behind Abercrombie and Fitch

I think this article explains a lot why people dislike A&F. Because it tries to say 'this is what an all-american is' with such strict confines. Beautiful, athletic this sort of 'casually flawless' person which is what a lot of people buy into when they buy A&F.
I like various retro pieces from Abercrombie & Fitch. But the whole "LETS WEAR A TSHIRT THAT SAYS ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH ON IT BECAUSE WE WANT TO LOOK LIKE POSERS", is tired. Very tired. I'm yawning.

We have to believe that this CEO probably personifies his own company, the usage of dude, the energy, the feeling. I have no problems with it, as long as he isn't doing it to fool himself or others into thinking he's a 22-year old fratboy. If he's doing it because it's really who he is, and he basically is his company; that's just lovely.
roppal222 said:
Yeah, as lemeray said: why does everyone dislike A&F. I have no real opinion, but the label always comes under fire.... :shock:

Everybody hates A&F (other than the fact that they sell cheap lounge wear for an insane price) b/c
1. They are known to discriminate when they hire people. They are only interested in 'pretty girls' and 'preppy guys'. Everyone that works there looks the same.

2. They sell shirts that say things like "do I make you look fat?" and other insanly offensive things.

3. They sell a catalog with tons of nudity and most of the time their in-store visuals show half clothed boys and girls mounting one another... they are selling an image, an idea, not clothes.

4. If you walk into their stores the sales associates are very clicky and stand around talking. There really is no customer service. It seems like they are there to just 'look cool'.

Ah, I friggen hate that store and their clothing:yuk:
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:lol: this is hilarious... and very very sad... and creepy... all at the same time. so this is what happens when you wear too much abercrombie, you end up looking like that in the future.
What a character! I don't think he'll have a great succes with his expansions in Europe..Thanks for the article poesy :flower:
"In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids," he says. "Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don't belong [in our clothes], and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely. Those companies that are in trouble are trying to target everybody: young, old, fat, skinny. But then you become totally vanilla. You don't alienate anybody, but you don't excite anybody, either."
Rrrriight. That's why in my last years of high school the only people wearing A & F were people who had no friends.....
When I was in 8th grade, a & f was just becoming popular (or a phenomina), but it only took it a couple years before everyone was sick of it.
That store is the main reason why to this day I hate any clothes with a logo on them.:yuk:

I don't think this guy truly understands the meaning of "cool". Or he would know if you're really cool, you don't talk about who and what is cool.:rolleyes:

He goes on and on about his company not being cynical. WTF? Saying "fat" people shouldn't and (by his own will) can't possibly wear his clothes isn't cynical? Me thinks thou doth protest too much.:ninja:

Actually, his attitude doesn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that there are actually people still buying A & F, for the fact they think they'll look cool BWAHAHAH:lol: :lol: :lol:
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lemeray said:
Why does everyone hate A&F, just out of curiousity?

I've heard of him, but his clothes aren't really seen in Australia. What kind of clothes do they produce?

Because A&F targets towards Neo-nazis. Maybe not that extreme, but judging by the racist, mysogynistic message this man, this company, and these products give, that's exactly why A&F is hated, at least by the educated and the sane. Little high schoolers are too ignorant and too apathetic to care about what kind of evilness this company spews out, and i guess under too much pressure to "fit" in.

Jeffries spends sooo much time, energy and money trying to impress the "good-looking, all-american, popular guy" that it makes me think that he was one of the "uncool" kids that he so greatly despises.
This is hilarious. This is like f---ing Quentin Tarantino black humour. This guy is actually a homophobic, closet homosexual, blatent racist and an idiot to top it off. I can't stop laughing it's so terrible.
^ add cosmetic surgery addict cause this is NOT the normal face of a 60+ human
I am appalled by this man! :o This article shed some new light on why I should hate Abercrombie and Fitch even more! :sick: :sick: :sick:

Anyhow, does anyone know WHO is Abercrombie and Fitch?
^ i think they used to be some sort of sports magazine or catalogue or something like that...
Baizilla said:
A close-up on his face...
Uncanny!:rofl: that is so mean but so funny. Gun-gan + human + lots and lots of botox. Him and Michael Jackson would have much to jaw about. goodness I feel a little sorry for him, but he's scary nonetheless. Just read that A&F was founded in 1890-something.... sooo is he the original Mr. Abercrombie or Fitch?:lol: I'm just glad I don't own a single piece of A&F clothing.^_^
I am absloutlay LOVING this thread!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've only been in A&F once,for their destroyed jeans.

Most of them discrimate based on looks. My old room mate loved the store, and she said that all she was doing was shopping, and the manager came up to her and offered a job right on the spot.

Oh and I too, would like to comment on how creepy this guy is. I'd venture to guess that if the pic was distibuted all over America for every young person to see, A&F would go out of buisness. Because there's nothing more uncool than seeing a 60 year old wearing destroyed jeans. :doh:
Abercrombie and Fitch started out selling outerwear and sporting goods back in the late 1800's. I have no idea how it evolved into this junk.
sasscam said:
Alex N I gather you're not into A&F? :lol:
No. Here are a few reasons why...

He'll say...when the jeans on a store's mannequin are too thin in the calves, "Let's make this dude look more like a dude."

Just about everyone at A&F headquarters wears flip-flops, torn Abercrombie jeans, and either a polo shirt or a sweater from Abercrombie or Hollister.
Cookie-cutter mindset, and the flip-flop/ripped jeans/polo look is not cool or fashionable, yet these people think they are the cream of the clothing crop.
...he spends much of his days huddling with designers who come armed with their newest ideas and designs.
What f**king designs???
After all, there is nothing casual about an A&F sweatshirt worn over two A&F polos worn over an A&F T-shirt.
Yes, there is.
For many young men, to wear Abercrombie is to broadcast masculinity, athleticism and inclusion in the "cool boys club" without even having to open their mouths
(that may be why the brand is so popular among some gay men who want desperately to announce their non-effeminacy).
Funny, because I actually think Abercrombie is gay-looking, period. I don't mean that in a negative way; it just strikes me as funny that they think they're defined masculinity. Anyhow...
Our first bump came when I mentioned the 2002 uproar over the company's thongs for middle-school girls, which had "Eye Candy" and "Wink Wink" printed on their fronts. "That was a bunch of bullsh*t," he said, sweating profusely. "People said we were cynical, that we were sexualizing little girls. But you know what? I still think those are cute underwear for little girls. And I think anybody who gets on a bandwagon about thongs for little girls is crazy. Just crazy! There's so much craziness about sex in this country. It's nuts! I can see getting upset about letting your girl hang out with a bunch of old pervs, but why would you let your girl hang out with a bunch of old pervs?"
What an absolute moron.
He stared at the jeans on the female mannequin. "The jeans are too high. I think she has to be lower."

A guy named Josh got down on his knees and started fidgeting with the jeans, trying to pull them down so they hung to the ground. "And we need to make the leg as skinny as we can," Jeffries said. "Should we clip the back of the leg in the knee?" Two employees scurried off to get clips. "We want it bigger at the top and skinnier at the legs. Yes, that's sexier. Much better. That's less butch." (Jeffries isn't a fan of the "butch" look, though when they were all the rage he grudgingly incorporated camouflage army pants into his Hollister line for girls.)

Jeffries then turned his attention to the male mannequin. "OK, how rugged and masculine can we make this guy?" he asked, prompting a couple of his assistants to fidget with the jeans, making them bigger in the leg. "Good, he looks cooler now. He's got more attitude. We love attitude."

There was more mannequin fixing at the A&F store, where a male one decked out in jeans wasn't looking very manly. "We have to fix this guy's package," Jeffries said. "We could stuff him," a girl suggested while a guy fiddled with the crotch, trying to make it poofier. With that fixed, Jeffries turned to a male mannequin in cargo pants. To make sure it looked realistic, he had a very attractive male employee put on a pair of the pants and stand next to the mannequin. "That looks great," he said as the young man did a 360, the pants sagging off his ***. Jeffries looked at the mannequin again. "Are the pants low enough? This guy's got it lower."

"They're right at the edge of falling off," said an assistant.

"OK, that's good," Jeffries said. "Let's get them as low as we can without them falling off. We don't want him looking like an old guy."
I rest my case. :innocent: :wacko:

Also, the article's source is ONTD.
After reading this I am definitely gonna have trouble sleeping tonight. Gross!

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