The Face with Naomi Campbell

The editing of this show is a mess. Nigel grates on my very last nerve (and his narrations are a complete chop-job).
I hate these team strategies. It takes away the legitimateness of the show (even if it makes for good television). Anne's strategy completely backfired, and well, Naomi was gonna send out her girl anyway - why didn't she actually pick the worst girl on the team, so it wouldn't hinder her so much? (Isabelle was/is the true winner of The Face 2. No one will convince me otherwise.)

I want Afiya to win this thing. She's just so gorgeous. Also rooting for Felisa, Sharon, Tiana and Kira.
(Isabelle was/is the true winner of The Face 2. No one will convince me otherwise.)

No need to this, you are totally right, the girl is fantastic. But, I agree with what Naomi had to say about her not needing to be in the competition and that she could just start her career right now. I think it was the better thing to do. She could easily gain more success this way.

Ray is just really bad.
The whole strategic elimination aspect of judging really puts me off this show. If all the best girls all eliminated by other judges will the winner of the show truly be the most worthy face? The same goes when judges put forward their most inexperienced model (regardless of their performance during the task) in a bid that the other nominated girl will be more experienced/a bigger threat to the winning judge and eliminated tactfully.
No need to this, you are totally right, the girl is fantastic. But, I agree with what Naomi had to say about her not needing to be in the competition and that she could just start her career right now. I think it was the better thing to do. She could easily gain more success this way.

Ray is just really bad.

I also agree with her (and she was getting some work pre-show already), but if we're talking about fairness, it wasn't a fair decision. The whole system of the show isn't about fairness, it's about strategy and competitiveness between the mentors. Which means that the show is, of course, all about Naomi.
I also agree with her (and she was getting some work pre-show already), but if we're talking about fairness, it wasn't a fair decision. The whole system of the show isn't about fairness, it's about strategy and competitiveness between the mentors. Which means that the show is, of course, all about Naomi.

Yeah definitely agree with you on that point. It was a stupid choice on the part of Anne to be honest.
I'm disappointed with the first episode for many reasons. I feel like the show is way less fashion than it was last season. Dare I say it, it had some ANTM vibes.

The whole runway show at Bryant Park felt very cheap. I really, really liked how last season they had the girls take a headshot, then do a runway walk with a huge floppy hat. The casting process felt more honest and fashion oriented. This time it seemed like a gimmick, and it was way too rushed.

Anyone else roll their eyes when Lydia said that she was "one of the most successful print models in the fashion industry"? Seriously, who is she kidding?!

The Juicy Couture challenge also seemed a little pointless. When does a legit HF model ever have to do anything like that?! Even Anne admitted to never having to do anything like that! I wish they had gone for a realistic shoot in order to show the girls' true modeling potential.

Also, NIGEL BARKER NEEDS TO GO. The Face UK was just fine without a host, and his voice is so grating and annoying. And those voice overs, ughhh.

They cut out the best part too!! Why the hell didn't they show Anne's reaction over Naomi eliminating her top girl?! That would have been gold!!! I was waiting for an Anne V bitching out Naomi moment, and it didn't happen. Disappointing. Made me miss the days of the Face UK when Caroline and Naomi would go head to head.

Not impressed with the previews either. The cat fights with the girls makes them look unprofessional. I'd rather have the drama be between the judges (like on the Face UK), it's way better and not ANTM like.

Also, Lydia feels so empty to me. I barely even consider her a model, so I can't understand what the hell she is gonna say to these girls to mentor them. Coco and KK had true modeling ability and advice to teach their girls.

Also, the show sounds SO scripted/forced now too. Nothing that came out of Anne V's mouth sounded natural. Lydia came off as the most genuine.

So far, The Face UK > The Face US Season 1 > The Face US Season 2
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No need to this, you are totally right, the girl is fantastic. But, I agree with what Naomi had to say about her not needing to be in the competition and that she could just start her career right now. I think it was the better thing to do. She could easily gain more success this way.

Ray is just really bad.

Isabelle has been signed for 2 years and is "5'9"" so probably too short to ever make it.
I thought watching The Face UK was the reason i dislike season 2 of The Face US but no. Season 2 is so dissappointing at so many level. I think this season has lack of the balance between the coaches. Secondly, the contestants seem worst than the last season.

But i hope i will change my mind after a few next episode.
The season started really shacky.

I am so happy that you guys here all loved Isabelle as much as I did - this girl was/is a star of the show.

Her elimination was dumb and made no sense but that is what you get with this format of coaches competing.

At the moment I am rooting for Afiya/Khadisha/Sharon.

Tiana just looks unfresh with short hair - she looked so much better with longer hair.
Felisa - just so bland.

Warming up to Amanda.

Right now have a feeling that Tiana/Afiya win it.

Kira is just so worn out - too over the top but TV Gold.
^ Thank you, teaars! Any idea of her age?

Apparently Amanda was with One in 2012 and is with Next LA right now.

Kira shot with Ellen von Unwerth for Vogue Italia (she's with NYMM now, used to be at Muse and Fenton Moon).

Afiya is at Marilyn NY.

According to FMD, Tiana was with LA models and VNY.

Allison Millar is at Click, and has been for a while.

^ Oh my god the show is so laughable there was a video that showed Lydia saying that she's been at the top of her game for a decade to the other models. She did it with a straight face. :)

Poor Nakisha, I felt bad for her. Best of luck to her! Idk wth Kira was talking about. Either way (white privilege or black privilege) it came out racist, she just didn't know what she was talking about and needs to think before she speaks imo. That scene Naomi created sure did humble her, if not embarrass her enough NOT to speak about racist opinions 'while' on the show lol.
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Would be appreciated if you put spoiler messages in white font with a gap between the word spoiler and the actual post, due to scrolling down and now knowing who was eliminated..

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