The Face with Naomi Campbell

On one hand I see Naomi as this powerful, succesful woman, very driven. On the other hand she is always playing this games, eliminating who pose a threat. I absolutely love watching Anne V, such a delight. I have no idea what Lydia is doing there though. I think of her as a socialite instead of a model. Don't like most girls either, they can be a girl next door type but I don't seem them as models. And I agree, this season is kind of like ANTM.
Another possible explanation is that she's intentionally pumping up the drama for ratings. It's interesting to me that on the US and Australian shows, she picked one judge to butt heads with from the very beginning. Conflict like that makes for interesting viewing and it could be that she's exaggerating her behavior to achieve a certain result.

Hmm if that's true then she's reducing herself to caricature and no better than the hysterics we abhor on shows such as the 'NTM franchises.

Imo she doesn't need to do that. Methinks silence or a steely look is sometimes a much better riposte. It keeps em guessing....

Look at Caroline and the breakout star she became in the UK version. Me, I was rooting for Naomi as per usual but I have to admit that Winberg and her mischief made for great tv.

I agree with rubydon. Being strict and in control is such a huge part of her image and I do think she plays it up to a certain extent. Being a drama queen is what she's known for! Just recently I've watched some interviews with her and I do think they show a softer side to her.

Who else could have sold the format to so many networks in different countries? And to make the show live up to expectations, she needs to give the viewers what they're waiting for. I might be the only one, but I feel like the guilty pleasure I get from watching the show is seeing her react to things.

Hahaha I have to agree with you re: her interviews.

On interviews she comes across as sage, tempered and reformed - but overall a tough cookie given a bad rap because she's had to fight for what she has.

Seeing her throw tantrums here though is too much 'playing' into expectations for me. And I sincerely hope it doesn't do her harm than good.

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The Face Australia: Episode 1

(Mentors: Naomi Campbell, Nicole Trunfio & Cheyenne Tozzi)

I guess Naomi decided to switch it up for The Face (Aus) :pink: In all the other versions she and the "blonde" mentor would always have the first major altercation and butt heads the most: KK, Caroline, and Anne V. I have also noticed The "non-blonde" mentor rarely, if ever, wins any challenges: Coco, Erin and Lydia (so far).
I saw the article about how Kira is psychologically destroyed by her time with Naomi. I just did not see anything that bad. I don’t think that Kira should have been called out in front of the client, but what she said was wrong and I could see why Naomi felt the need to set things straight.

Kira said that if you were not black and not American than you could not win. Not only did Kira paint Naomi as some sort of Xenophobic racist, but this completely ignores the reality of Naomi pushing for Zhi-lin (who is neither black nor American) to win the first season of The Face.

I really wish we could have seen the discussion that was supposed to have taken place between Kira and Afiya. What was supposed to have been said during that conversation was different from what Kira said to Naomi.

Kira’s leaving does not surprise me. She completely lacked energy at the challenge shoot with Frederic Fekkai and during the runway challenge. It’s clear that she was completely defeated after the conflict with Naomi and was only going to see herself as the victim.

The Good
Felisa’s reaction to the follow-up discussion between Kira and Afiya was all kinds of hilarious. I laughed out loud at her, “What did I miss?”

The presence of Tyson. I don’t see why a male model is needed to judge the walks of female contestants, but Tyson is a great eye candy.

The presence of Tiana. She’s quite the cutie and she did great at the runway challenge with Tyson. I hope Tiana and Khadisha end up staying for a while.

The Bad
Ray staying in the competition over both Isabelle and Kira. She has much less potential than the other two.

Naomi calling out Kira in front of Frederic Fekkai. I get why Naomi felt the need to set things straight. I just don't think it should have been done in front of him. Very unprofessional.

Nakisha’s reaction to being eliminated. She said practically nothing while she stood there next to Khadisha and then put up a fight once Naomi eliminated. I get why Nakisha felt so defeated. She is not a stronger model than Khadisha and should have been the one to go. However, she gave so little effort to stay in the game.

The Ridiculous
Naomi’s reaction to the Nakisha- Khadisha judging room. Did she really think Lydia and Anne V planned that? Anne needs to stop sending her stronger girls to the elimination room (I am still not over Isabelle), but both Anne and Lydia chose the contestant that gave the worst performance. How else were they supposed to determine who gets to go?

Kira’s reaction to Naomi telling her about her walk. Kira’s walk was awful and she needed to work on it. Naomi is a tough love type of person; she does not sugar coat things. She also, from what I could see, showed both Kira and Alana (back in Episode 1) how to improve their walks. Alana seems to have used the information to improve her strut. Kira? Not so much.

Afiya’s Pamella Roland dress on that table. I am curious as to how Afiya was supposed to navigate that long train around the edges of the table and go back without knocking anything over. From what I can see, the only way this could have been managed was for Afiya to grab the train (when she turned) and straighten it out behind her. This felt like an over the top ANTM challenge designed to make a contestant fail, and I notice Naomi gave her no constructive advice on what happened.

Kira’s argument to stay in the judging room, which pretty much amounted to a bunch of blame shifting. I saw Naomi tell Kira that her walk was awful (it was). I also saw Naomi working with Kira to get her to improve her walk. I am not sure how that amounts to no one trying to help her. Here is the thing: If you suck at something, no one (including Naomi) should blow smoke up your bum about how great you are.

Kira’s reaction to being eliminated. That was a completely emotional break down and worse than watching Nakisha trying to get to stay after the fact. I was glad Naomi broke the rules to go back and console Kira. It’s interesting to hear Kira talk after the show about how she was treated. IMHO, Naomi going back to make sure Kira was okay showed that Naomi did care about her.
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^ Well said dpbenson!

I feel like the language barrier was Kira's detriment. She may have been crazy but it was heartbreaking when she consistently pointed out that "you don't have to push a person to her breaking point..."

What was said between Afiya and Kira should have been shown to get better context of what actually happened. But I feel coming from Kira's standpoint, I don't condone racism but I get where she is coming from. She's the only one with visible work and who actually appeared in Vogue Italia, and I feel coming from her experience, the models who book the jobs; they're the white models.

Have Fekkai used a non-white model in his campaign before? Even the Fekkai campaign shown during the show shows a white model. So, in all honesty, it wasn't as though she was lying when she said that a Black girl or a non-American girl couldn't win the competition. It's such a taboo topic which people always points out but nothing substantial ever comes out of it, and obviously when you've got Naomi as a mentor, you know she's gonna go after you, especially since Afiya is her favourite.

But that aside, does anyone think the PSA about saving electricity with Anne V and Sharon was funny as hell?!?
^ Yes, Fekkai has used black model, one major supermodel being NAOMI. That is a racist comment because Fekkain himself is NOT white! He is French with African(Egyptian) and Vietnamese descent. Both you and Kira's perception are distorted and simply not true. Another thing is that is was a GROUP photo shoot! Fekkai couldn't just throw out the black girls on the teams lol smdh.
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Kira's comment to me is not racist but misinformed and being the loud one who seemed to act before she thinks did not keep her ignorance(which is sort of a surprise considering she has some experience in the industry), Naomi with her hot head failed to see that and blew it out of proportion. If it was a ratings schtick then we should expect a disappointing slippery slide into another Antm which i would seriously want to believe its beneath Naomi considering the quality of campaigns in the show. For Kira it was downhill from there and i expected her to be of tougher skin cos she could have been a serious contender and i imagine this is what Ann saw and eliminated her to play into Naomi's game strategy.
Seriously if they continue these strategy games, the show is going to eliminate the best girls.
Another good I forgot was how supportive the mentors were during the Frederic Fekkai shoot. I like how they coached the girls through the nude shoot. That was great to see.

Re: Frederic Fekkai and models of color. I am looking on the Frederic Fekkai Facebook page right now. The photos I see are overwhelming of white models. However, I do see pictures of models of color, and there is nothing stopping him from choosing a model of color as the winner of The Face.

Regardless, it's really not Kira's job to tell other contestants who will and will not win. If you know anything about Naomi, you know she's all about breaking down barriers. I don't see how anyone can think she would have selected a company for the prize that would automatically disqualify anyone that was not white.

Kira came into this competition as a know-it-all who was above-it-all. Yet, she failed to learn the one thing that was very important: How Naomi Campbell works.

I feel like the language barrier was Kira's detriment.
I agree. I think a lot was lost due to language issues.

But that aside, does anyone think the PSA about saving electricity with Anne V and Sharon was funny as hell?!?
Ha! It was like a random segment of The More You Know was inserted into the show.
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Anne V: Why I Chose to Save Ray and Eliminate Kira
Before I talk about how terrible it felt to have to choose between two gorgeous models and why I eliminated Kira, I have to give a shout out to my girls for winning their first team challenge! They were rock stars on the runway!! They listened to everything that I said. They were poised and focused, and they deserved to win.

This isn't to say all my girls were perfect. (Although, to be fair, who would be strutting on top of a fully set dinner table?) While Khadisha did a solid job overall, I was bummed out because she walked too slowly. And Sharon doesn't quite feel like a typical runway model -- she's sexier and more voluptuous than most. Still, she handled herself super well.

Tiana, on the other hand, is a natural on the runway. She has perfect instincts for posing and how to handle her body. She has just the right attitude, too. And it was impressive to see how quickly she mastered my lesson for kicking out a dress before taking each step so as not to trip.

Winning was a major boost to our team's confidence. We needed it!

Now, about that elimination… It was the most terrible feeling to have to choose between Ray and Kira. Both models are beautiful. Both are fighters in their own way. But when it came down to it I felt Ray deserved to be there more than Kira. Ray has a spark in her. She's like the little diamond in the rough. She's come such a long way in the first few challenges this season, and I want to see how far she's going to take it.

As for Kira, I felt she was begging in the elimination room. She let her emotions get the best of her. I don't know exactly what happened between Naomi and Kira. Maybe there were communication barriers. Maybe there were personality differences. Whatever the case, Naomi seemed to be trying to teach her with tough love, and I don't think Kira was able to feel the "love" part. I also think Kira was cocky by acting like she was the best in the house, then she felt disappointed in herself for being eliminated early.

It certainly hurt my feelings when Kira accused me of hating her. That's just plain silly. I wanted Kira on my team because she's a gorgeous model. I would never be so cruel as to hate her -- or anyone else -- for choosing to be on Team Naomi. It's a competition. You can't take anything personally. You gotta do what you gotta do. And unfortunately for Kira, what I had to do was let her go.

Kira, I wish you the best.

Anne V
The Face website has blog posts and behind the scene videos that I encourage people to watch and read. Both Kira and Naomi and Anne gave statement about the Frederic Fekkai episode.
Just FYI, Kira said if you're NOT black and NOT American, you will NOT win the competition. In other words, if you ARE an African-American, you WILL win the competition (and Devyn, who is in Naomi's own words "a black girl" - she's actually mixed though - and also an American, won last season). Naomi doesn't determine the winner, the client does, so whether Naomi wanted Zilin to win or not is irrelevant.

Naomi misinterpreted it as if you're black and not American, which means you're a non-American African like Khadisha, you will not win. And it was her blowing up this misunderstanding in front of Frederic Fekkai that caused Kira so much trauma.

We don't know what Kira said to Afiya, but Afiya said Kira said a black girl would not win. It is also possible Afiya misinterpreted it since even Naomi misinterpreted Kira's sentence.

As for how Naomi treated her, I agree it didn't seem much different than how she treated the others, but I felt like that didn't particularly matter. I think it was already too late. Naomi humiliated and ruined all of Kira's chances to win by shaming her in front of the client over a misunderstanding, so Kira was already defeated then. Continuing or not in the competition wouldn't have mattered either way.

But I agree, the way Kira went about her elimination speech was never going to work. Anne said so herself that the mentors were only there to guide them. That blaming speech was just another nail in the proverbial coffin.

And this is just an opinion and not in any way stating that's how Naomi is, but I doubt she actually cared about Kira. Ever since the Face US 1 Naomi has taken every opportunity she can get to cause drama and be the center of attention on all version of the Face. I felt like Naomi rushing into the elimination room was more for Naomi to be in the center of the action than it was about Kira.
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Just FYI, Kira said if you're NOT black and NOT American, you will NOT win the competition. In other words, if you ARE an African-American, you WILL win the competition (and Devyn, who is in Naomi's own words "a black girl" - she's actually mixed though - and also an American, won last season). Naomi doesn't determine the winner, the client does, so whether Naomi wanted Zilin to win or not is irrelevant.

I pointed out this very same thing in the second paragraph of my post. As I stated, this also would have set Naomni off because it paints her as some sort of Xenophobic racist, which she is not.

Naomi pushing Zhi-lin to win is quite relevant because there is no way Naomi would executive produce a show unless someone from her team stood a chance of winning.

And this is just an opinion and not in any way stating that's how Naomi is, but I doubt she actually cared about Kira. Ever since the Face US 1 Naomi has taken every opportunity she can get to cause drama and be the center of attention on all version of the Face. I felt like Naomi rushing into the elimination room was more for Naomi to be in the center of the action than it was about Kira.

I might agree with you if several of the girls from the show had note made significant agencies changes afterward. Afiya was with Images Management before the show and now she is with the Marilyn Agency.
I pointed out this very same thing in the second paragraph of my post. As I stated, this also would have set Naomni off because it paints her as some sort of Xenophobic racist, which she is not.
I know, other people in this thread misunderstood and I was merely explaining as clearly as possible what actually happened. I agree that since this show is produced by Naomi, insulting the client and the show like this is, by extension, also an insult to Naomi.
Naomi pushing Zhi-lin to win is quite relevant because there is no way Naomi would executive produce a show unless someone from her team stood a chance of winning.
It is irrelevant because as far as almost everyone else, including Kira and excluding the producers of the show, knows, Naomi doesn't pick the winner. Whoever actually has a chance is determined solely by the client. Who Naomi or any of the mentors thinks has a chance is irrelevant. Now you argue that because she is executive producer, she therefore has some part in picking the winner, but I don't think we have concrete proof of that and we may never will.
I might agree with you if several of the girls from the show had note made significant agencies changes afterward. Afiya was with Images Management before the show and now she is with the Marilyn Agency.
I didn't mean to imply she cares for none of them. I merely meant she plays favorites and that I didn't think Kira was one of them. Just like Aleksandra, Sandra, and Jocelyn were not before Kira. And yes, I did know that Afiya switched to Marilyn, which is also "coincidentally" Naomi's agency.
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