The Film Lovers Thread!

This is the best place to visit to get film suggestions. I'm just about to watch Boy In The Striped Pajamas.

My Suggestion:
Yesterday I watched Alfred Hitchcock's The Birdswith Tippi Hedren and Jessica Tandy, based on Daphne du Maurier's short story. I haven't watched it in years but I was just blown away by it; the acting is incredible - this one part, Tippi Hedren is on the telephone to her father for about five minutes - just her alone acting and it sounds ridiculous but it was an amazing piece of acting. Tippi Hedren is incredible in this film.
And of course Jessica Tandy's reaction to her discovery.. (won't spoil it..)
Oh, and I literally just "oh my god"ed over this one part - Suzanne Pleshette who plays the schoolteacher Annie Hayworth, she was sat in the chair listening to Tippi Hedren on the phone to Annie's ex-boyfriend who she'd clearly been in love with and it was so realistic the way she was acting it literally blew me away - you could tell she was still suffering the after-effects of love without it even being mentioned.
And, not even needing mention, Hitchcock's directing is just astounding: In the scene just mentioned he put the camera where Tippi was sitting so it was as if you were looking at Annie while on the phone, it was so personal and so incredible.
Just watch it. Right now. So good.

Oh, and I didn't like Twilight New Moon. I was bored and unconvinced. There was a lack of emotion and good direction and great deal of ridiculous-looking computer animation. It would be laughable to compare the acting and the general film of New Moon to that of The Birds. They don't make them like that anymore; I pity those who have never watched a film older than the 1980's.

The best new film I have seen lately is Juno - I just really liked the main character - she had a unique personality and she reminded me a lot of my friend.

I hate to make a negative of overly positive judgement on a film just in case someone watches it with a biased opinion, so these are just what I think.
^i loved tippi in the birds. funnily,that's always been a favourite of mine so i might be biased.

xerq,most times i would say that would be a resounding YES to your query. but i think it also depends,although,very rarely. there's actually a re-make i am rather looking forward to coming out in february.....wolfman! it looks really promising actually. benicio playing antogonist wolfman...emily blunt his love and anthony hopkins his father....
Go see Mike Leigh's Naked. It's by far the best performance of Thewlis' career! Absolutely brilliant film! :D
Yeah I've heard good things about that one, will do - at some point if I can find it anywhere..

I just bought 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days as well as The diving bell and the butterfly and He was a quiet man - who can resist for $ 4 a piece
debating which one too see tonight, ^_^

Oh, and I really want to see the birds now, I've kept stumbling upon random references to Tippi Hedren in that one, and Crying Diamonds, your description has only made me want to see it more. :p
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The Birds is an exceptional piece of film making on many levels and always worth a repeat viewing.

Also Mike Leigh's Naked really needs to be seen.
His films are always very gritty and obviously not to everyone's taste. This is likely Leigh at his grittiest but David Thewliss is unreal in a totally unsympathetic, brave and unselfish performance that I haven't witnessed since.
Great support from the late Katrin Cartlidge and Lesley Sharp as 2 women the lead character totally demoralises.

Other great Mike Leigh movies include Life Is Sweet, Secrets & Lies and Nuts In May if anyone is interested in watching his work.
Xerq, that was an amazing movie! It was such a downer, though..
A personal favorite of mine was Jellyfish. It's an Isreali film, but you can watch it with subtitles. It won one of the top awards @ the Cannes Film Festival.
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Just went and saw Paranormal Activity in the cinema - apart from some parts where it went a bit over the top (instead of keeping it more subtle like the whole leaving it to the imagination thing in Blair With Project) it was pretty good, with several bits that made you jump (at least I think they did seeing as my friends kept screaming and jumping and hitting me).
It was good! Take some friends and go and see it in the cinema.
Oh, the diving bell and the butterfly.. very good film :heart: reminded me a bit of the sea inside (mar adentro) which i loved, it is one of my all time favourites.

Jellyfish....i haven't heard of that, i don't think. i'm intrigued just from the poster ! :woot: thanks for the recommendation, Frankie. will track it down.
originalzzb and frankie please credit the images you posted (per tfs community rules) so that they won't have to be deleted...

thanks :flower:
I saw Gone With The Wind for the first time a couple weeks ago and I defintiely get why this was such an iconic movie at the time. I mean it was in color at a time when that was rare and the acting wasn't so bad, although a tad over the top at times. It makes sense why this and Titanic remain some of the highest grossing movies of all time, although I would've liked to see a real love story between Rhett and Scarlet rather than Scarlet and Ashley. Ashley was such a wet blanket, I can't imagine whey she was so caught up with him.
I saw a norwegian film last night called reprise... something different, absolutely, but not to my tastes... has anyone else seen it? If so, what did you think?

i'm going to watch Summer Hours tonight....very much looking forward to it..:heart:
I just finished watching for the 6th time or so, Life Is Beautiful :wub:

I've been really dying to watch Le ballon rouge. I saw it when I was in kindergarten. It's been on my mind all day today.
↑ Bergman? I'm not familiar with the English titles, haha. But if it is Bergman's, yeah, I love it too. ♥
I saw Gone With The Wind for the first time a couple weeks ago and I defintiely get why this was such an iconic movie at the time. I mean it was in color at a time when that was rare and the acting wasn't so bad, although a tad over the top at times. It makes sense why this and Titanic remain some of the highest grossing movies of all time, although I would've liked to see a real love story between Rhett and Scarlet rather than Scarlet and Ashley. Ashley was such a wet blanket, I can't imagine whey she was so caught up with him.

On my list of favourites. I always cry at the end because I cried so hard at the end of the book - I really didn't want it to end!
Plus, Vivien Leigh's lip quivvers and it just gets to me x
i just stumbled upon this the other day... for film lovers if you're looking for a gift to give yourself or to ask for, or if there's a film lover in your life who you know might enjoy it, this could be a great gift for them:

Film Movement highlights award winning foreign and independent films and they have a DVD of the month club/program where each month a dvd is sent to your home (which you get to keep)... giving you access to indie/foreign films that might not necessarily have wide distribution but that are supposed to be quite good...

i don't know.. i thought it was interesting :p
a bit expensive when you look at the overall cost but if you look at it month to month and consider that you're essentially purchasing 12 dvds then it doesn't seem so bad

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