The Last TV Show You Saw?

I've been rewatching Veronica Mars. This show was so good. I'm glad they could do a movie and a season 4, years later.
Mullet, come quick and wash aways the cheapness of the Oscar's mother-of-the-bride bridelwear. Feast your eyes on the costumes from the Shogun series:
Okay I made it to the fourth episode, it is a gorgeous series! ❤️❤️ .. the cinematography, the soundtrack, the sartorial feast (16th century England/Spain meets Sengoku period.. 😮‍💨).. I even made peace with the violence right away (closing my eyes as soon as things get tense because.. they're not playing with the swords and I'm not watching heads fly like sliced onions!). Love the dialogues too, way more balanced and realistic than the bs we usually get from Hollywood ('and then the Westerner arrives and everyone is stunned!' nah these people are grossed out and calling him dog-faced 🤣).

My only criticism and it's just something I can't unsee and cheapens the production a little, are the freakin' contact lenses. I seriously thought oh ok these pupils are crazy because the man was beaten up, but after a few scenes, you just see the texture of the contact lenses and it makes him look permanently '😵‍💫'.. I know this is based on a novel and I guess the character was blue-eyed but if this actor was that good that they'd overlook physical requirements, why not keep his brown eyes? it's not like he's going to look less foreign!
I'm so obsessed with Queen of Tears right now, it's everything that originally got me into watching Korean dramas and the way the entire styling and cinematography teams take every opportunity to gleefully show off Kim Ji-won's exquisite beauty, is something else. Loved this writer's work ever since You From Another Star but I might have a new fave now!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"last days"
documentary about sakamoto's last days
filmed until one hour before the very last moment.
consciousness lost, there were continuous movements of fingers and hand, like playing the piano and conducting.
you can feel infinite music playing in his body.
The new Ripley series on Netflix. Makes me wanna book a flight to Italy pronto! Also reminds me a lot of recent Dolce ads for SS 24
been rewatching bits and pieces of Vincenzo (2021) after Song Joong-ki's cameo in Queen of Tears.

The opening two episodes are ok, but episodes 3 to 20 are pure fire with how good they are.
I’m kind of enjoying the Fallout adaptation, it’s making me nostalgic for the games.
“Baby Reindeer.” The lead actress played the role of a mentally unhinged woman very well…too well, if you ask me.
Vigil season 1, I love British detective shows what can I say (and also I need fodder to last me until Queen of Tears' finale this week, last week's ending was very frustrating)
finished Queen of Tears last week! Honestly not as good an ending as it deserved, but definitely going down in the kdrama canon as an instant classic thanks to the cast, it went from absolutely fantastic at episodes 1-10, really good for episodes 11 through the first half of 14, and then just spinning its wheels for episodes end of 14 through most of 16. Waste of the leads to not show more of the romance stuff tbqh (yes I am lowbrow like that but they had amazing chemistry and it was wasted on keeping things stupidly chaste - ridiculous since they were playing a married couple).
Watching Madam Secretary, which is a very enjoyable show with interesting storylines and lovable characters - and it also is a love letter to public service and diplomacy! I am on Season 3. :flower:
"Face The Nation" on CBS, where that stupid governor from South Dakota (the one who shot the puppy) CLAIMED to have met Kim Jong Un, but when asked if she actually did, she couldn't answer with a Yes or No response. :shock::shock::shock:
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Grey's Anatomy season 20.
Can't believe I've been watching this show for almost 20 years. New seasons are obnoxious, but I cannot not watch.
Grey's Anatomy season 20.
Can't believe I've been watching this show for almost 20 years. New seasons are obnoxious, but I cannot not watch.

OMG! I rewatch it at least once a year (comfort show), it's always on my rotation, but I never make it past season 14. I intended to, on my most recent rewatch and I was really going to make it all the way but then I just didn't... I can't even remember what distracted me. I think the furthest I made it was when Meredith had that big trial and Alex was still on the show (watched that season in real time). Then I quit and then I watched the COVID episodes when they were bringing all the dead characters back while she was in a coma. I couldn't stomach all the insufferable interns (the gay one with the glasses and the annoying blonde that's obsessed with Meredith, they feel like fanfic characters) and I really couldn't stand the dumb*** sister that just popped out of nowhere in like season 12. Are the latest season watchable at all? I saw people talking about the most recent season being alright, I saw that Arizona made an appearance, but I can't decide if I'm willing to put myself through it...

Anyway, I'm being brave and finishing the last season of Gilmore Girls (another rotation show) and I also started Fallout, which is quite interesting so far. Waiting for House of the Dragon to start.
@aracic, then I'm not sure if the new seasons are for you, as most of the new characters are annoying and almost caricaturistic as you described. Even the OG characters like Bailey are ridiculous now, but then again, you follow the lives of all these fictional people for years, so it would be a shame to stop. They are kinda dear to me.
At least it's once a week, several months a year, so it's not unbearable lol.
Doing a rewatch of NYC Prep and omg TBT the fashions 😭 PC and his gay @ss fashion entourage showing up uninvited to this event has me dying.

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just finished Lovely Runner which was adorable, charming, feelgood and everything I need right now. Sure it's a bit cheesy but the chemistry between Kim Hye-yoon and Byun Woo-seok is so good it saves it from becoming cloying.

I feel like that old auntie squealing over young'ins even though the couple in it are only like.... five years younger than me by the end of it lol.

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