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Watch Live & Comment... The 2025 Academy Awards!
Okay I made it to the fourth episode, it is a gorgeous series! ❤️❤️ .. the cinematography, the soundtrack, the sartorial feast (16th century England/Spain meets Sengoku period.. 😮💨).. I even made peace with the violence right away (closing my eyes as soon as things get tense because.. they're not playing with the swords and I'm not watching heads fly like sliced onions!). Love the dialogues too, way more balanced and realistic than the bs we usually get from Hollywood ('and then the Westerner arrives and everyone is stunned!' nah these people are grossed out and calling him dog-faced 🤣).Mullet, come quick and wash aways the cheapness of the Oscar's mother-of-the-bride bridelwear. Feast your eyes on the costumes from the Shogun series:
Grey's Anatomy season 20.
Can't believe I've been watching this show for almost 20 years. New seasons are obnoxious, but I cannot not watch.