Can anyone recommend a really good eyelash treatment? I noticed I've been loosing more eyelashes lately, it wasn't that many so I wasnt worried but today I woke up and there were lashes all around my eyes. There must have been at least 10-15 that I loseCan it be since I dont remove the mascara completly at night? Or from wearing false eyelashes? I only wear them once or twice a week.
Guessgirl try to use soft eye make up remover, dont rub your eyelashes too hard and avoid waterproof mascara if your having a problem with eyelashes loss...also i highly recommend that you use castor oil on your eyelashes...take an ear cotton bud, dip it in castor oil and use it as if your using a mascara on your eyelashes....i usually use an old mascara wand ( wash it out) and dip it in the oil , i find it easier to apply than cotton buds..if u do this in two weeks, u will notice a difference