The September Issue : A Vogue / Anna Wintour Documentary

^ Interesting, I went to the Gaumont Opéra theatre for the 7:40pm screening and it was sold out... Bought tickets for the 9:30 screening and when I arrived at 9:20 it was sold out too! The room was full of girls and gay couples :lol:
I really enjoyed it overall, though I must echo the general feeling: Grace did steal the show :wub:
It's really unbelievable that some theaters were sold out. :lol: Nice to hear!
Their Facebook site stated a few days back
Another awesome weekend at the box office-- per screen we're #5 in the US, #2 in the UK and Australia!

2 in the UK's pretty great.
Finally went to see it last night. Every seat was sold out.

I think the most fascinating parts for me were the ones of Grace at work. I could've watched a whole documentary on just her.

And of course André Leon Talley playing tennis...
I got my copy of the DVD today, two days before it actually gets released here in the UK. (Thanks to the lovely people at who post things out early)

I'm a bit sad to see the only bonus feature is the trailer. I thought there might at least be some clips that didn't make it into the final cut or something, but never mind.
Does anyone know how long this will be in theaters? I wouldn't be able to see it until november when i go out of town, that is if it's still playing.
Can't wait to see the movie. Does it come out in the Philippines?
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I just got the DVD at the store tonight. I can't wait to watch it. :buzz:
i ordered mine :buzz: i never saw it in cinema so i am so excited. how long does take to deliver honeycombchild? :p
They say to allow for 3-5 days, but usually it takes about 2 days. You'll definately have it before the weeks out!
I have just finished watching it and can honestly say that I enjoyed every second. I never moved off the chair, I was so hooked on it. Interesting beyond belief! :heart:
Just ordered it today off of good price, but I don't know how many years it'll take to ship.
The only film since 2000 to do as well as THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE at the Curzon Mayfair Cinema, in London is THE QUANTUM OF SOLACE.

It seems to be doing some serious business in the cinema it is showing at!

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