I am a vegan (for about four years now) but i had to stop it for a while because of health reasons.

I eat fish now... but I only eat fillets because I don't want to see their faces. >.< I feel guilty. Weird, but yeah.
Anyway, I absolutely looooooove
tofu. And you are lucky if you have access to vegan
tofu "meat." They are great. Some say that it is like fooling yourself. But I think it is absolutely great. A few years back, I can't quit eating spam, my guilty pleasure. Now, I buy this tofu 'meat' that actually tastes like spam!

haha. I do eat it just once in a while though.
Soy milk is just love!
I also grow some
organic flowers and herbs.

the flowers taste great with salads (not to mention it looks good!) I think it was really easy for me to switch to being vegan because I do looove to eat fruits and vegetables.

learn to love your fruits and vegetables. (tip: buy fruits when they are in season because they taste heavenly!) Also,
learn your herbs. The right herbs make a perfect dish. My staple is basil because, for me, it just tastes great with everything.
Browsing around the grocery will also help you familiarize with different kinds of food. For example, you can get your proteins from tofu. Calcium from brocolli... stuff like that. (since i became a hard core vegan, i read the ingredients too.)
Experiment and take note of the foods that you love. Because being a vegetarian or vegan may minimize your food choices.
Plan your meals beforehand so that you wouldnt go crazy because you don't have anything to eat. Also, this helps to track the food that you have eaten. It also helps to have a nutritionist or a book about nutrition. being a vegan is not all about just about not eating anything that lives/breathes... it is also being healthy. Not getting proper nutrition is just harming yourself. (I had this stage when I first started being a vege, and i lost a huge amount of hair and essential vitamins in my body.

eew, i know. I just want to give you a heads up) So do take proper vitamins.
If your family is planning to eat in a restaurant, do
ask if they have some meals for vegetarians.

or for example, they have a salad but it has chicken. You can just request for the meat to be taken out.
Okay, I have lots more. But this is such a looooong post.

haha. If you have any questions, you can ask me.
Hope this helps.