The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

Today I went into an italian vegetarian restaurant and it was delicious and it's great cause I usually eat the same pasta but adding meat and now it was the complete different,all vegetables! Green raviolli are great, really liked and I took some green lasagne.The desserts were quite a turn off cause I still taste the soya thing they put it but still quite a good meal.
What did you used to eat for breakfast?

Litres of coffee and I used to smoke but you know I am planning to stop drinking caffeine and fizzy drinks and taking 2 litres of water each day. I wanted to stop smoking but I feel is just too much, you know turning vegetarian,stoping the caffeine and the fiizzy drinks plus no smoking...that'll be too much considering I've smoking since I was 15.

But usually I take "milk+cereals and orange juice". I suppose I can stick with it but instead soy milk+muesli and orange juice or even stay with cereals without chocalate or any of those things. What I really really love is those muesli bars,really love them esp the coconut one. So yes I could take them as a snack or something.
Sometimes I used to take yoghurt but I want to stop it and I certaintly don't want to take soya ones so early in the morning.

i've been 3 days like this,trying it and well is better each time. I really feel lighter without the fizzy drinks.
I am a vegan (for about four years now) but i had to stop it for a while because of health reasons. :cry: I eat fish now... but I only eat fillets because I don't want to see their faces. >.< I feel guilty. Weird, but yeah.

Anyway, I absolutely looooooove tofu. And you are lucky if you have access to vegan tofu "meat." They are great. Some say that it is like fooling yourself. But I think it is absolutely great. A few years back, I can't quit eating spam, my guilty pleasure. Now, I buy this tofu 'meat' that actually tastes like spam! :woot: haha. I do eat it just once in a while though. :D Soy milk is just love! :heart:

I also grow some organic flowers and herbs. :D the flowers taste great with salads (not to mention it looks good!) I think it was really easy for me to switch to being vegan because I do looove to eat fruits and vegetables. :D So learn to love your fruits and vegetables. (tip: buy fruits when they are in season because they taste heavenly!) Also, learn your herbs. The right herbs make a perfect dish. My staple is basil because, for me, it just tastes great with everything. :innocent:

Browsing around the grocery will also help you familiarize with different kinds of food. For example, you can get your proteins from tofu. Calcium from brocolli... stuff like that. (since i became a hard core vegan, i read the ingredients too.)

Experiment and take note of the foods that you love. Because being a vegetarian or vegan may minimize your food choices. :unsure: Plan your meals beforehand so that you wouldnt go crazy because you don't have anything to eat. Also, this helps to track the food that you have eaten. It also helps to have a nutritionist or a book about nutrition. being a vegan is not all about just about not eating anything that lives/breathes... it is also being healthy. Not getting proper nutrition is just harming yourself. (I had this stage when I first started being a vege, and i lost a huge amount of hair and essential vitamins in my body. :doh: eew, i know. I just want to give you a heads up) So do take proper vitamins.

If your family is planning to eat in a restaurant, do ask if they have some meals for vegetarians. :D or for example, they have a salad but it has chicken. You can just request for the meat to be taken out. ;)

Okay, I have lots more. But this is such a looooong post. :blush: haha. If you have any questions, you can ask me. :D

Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot, I will send you a few PM if that's alright. This is must first as vegetarian
thanks leeyone:flower:

I ask the waiter/waitress wherever I'm eating to take the chicken/shrimp/bacon, etc.. off my salad if all the other ingredients look yummy! I use to enjoy cob salads before I became a vegetarian but I discovered that after you take the meat, cheese, bacon, hard boiled eggs off there's not too much left:lol:
fashionista-ta said:
Yes ;) However, the people doing the plant studies contend that assuming a central nervous system is the only way in the universe to feel pain is an extremely animal-centric way of viewing the world ;) When you think about it, they seem to have a point.


I hope you're kidding.

If please provide references for these "studies." In the meantime, I insist that I can perform photosynthesis; objections that I lack chlorophyll is an offensively prejudiced, plant-centric way of viewing the world!
no problem. :blush: glad to be of any help.

i remember i had this very weird conversation with my mother:

Me: mom, I'm a vegan. VE-GAN!
Mom: uhh, just eat this chicken!
Me: No! I don't eat any animal.
Mom: Why?
Me: It's cruelty to animals.
Mom: *gets a carrot* Vegetables have life too. *speaks in a very little voice while holding the carrot as if it were a baby* don't eat me.... it hurts..... pleeeease.

I'm not in the topic, because I haven't been here for ages, but I think that the best thing in being a vegetarian is that... I really eat healthy food, I feel very healthy and I just have more energy :clap: I'm happier and everything seems to be better :woot: This way of living really can change the life :)
I'm not a vegetarian since I eat fish but I haven't eaten meat for almost 3 years and I don't have any urge or will to. I feel great..I eat sea-food and tuna and all (mainly due to my parents' concern)..and feel healthy and great. :flower:
Bonchic said:
thanks leeyone:flower:

I ask the waiter/waitress wherever I'm eating to take the chicken/shrimp/bacon, etc.. off my salad if all the other ingredients look yummy! I use to enjoy cob salads before I became a vegetarian but I discovered that after you take the meat, cheese, bacon, hard boiled eggs off there's not too much left:lol:

haha. that happens to me too. >.< I ask the waiter if they can add more greens in my salad. And most of the time, ther do add some.

Odette, you can Pm me anytime. B)

i'm thinking to turn vegetarian but i'm just afraid that i don't get all the vitamins.. it sounds so hard to make sure to get everything that one needs to stay healthy. i absolutely hate taking pills.. but i don't know. how hard is it? really? to make sure to get everything and how hard is it to turn vegetarian?

i was being lazy and just reading the last post so sorry if these had been asked all ready. i'm just starting to be really into this thing and leeyones post inspired me more. now i just have to convince my boyfriend als that this is a good thing :D
i dont even take a multi :ninja: and seem to be doing just fine for the last... 5 years:D cheers! go veggie!
what do boys know about nutrition anywho? from my experience, a whole lot of nothin! But they always seem to butt in with their two cents if the women folk try to do something good for themselves
for the past few hours i've been reading stuff about vegetarism and i'm getting really excited. so i finally became to the solution that i would loose meat, and eat fish, milk and eggs. well milk i use quite often since i need it with my coffee, but eggs only when baking or doing food. maybe some point i'll stop eating them fully. fish i don't eat that often, but since i love fish that has been cooked in oven i can't stop it fully :D i'm gonna start light and little by little loose more products from my diet.

i'm doing this mainly for health reasons, but also for idealogy and losing weight. i'm combining all these three reasons together :) tomorrow i'll go to library to find out more
Sweets said:
what do boys know about nutrition anywho? from my experience, a whole lot of nothin! But they always seem to butt in with their two cents if the women folk try to do something good for themselves

thank god my boyfriend was like "yeah sure whatever i can eat that stuff" :lol:
adi said:
for the past few hours i've been reading stuff about vegetarism and i'm getting really excited. so i finally became to the solution that i would loose meat, and eat fish, milk and eggs. well milk i use quite often since i need it with my coffee, but eggs only when baking or doing food. maybe some point i'll stop eating them fully. fish i don't eat that often, but since i love fish that has been cooked in oven i can't stop it fully :D i'm gonna start light and little by little loose more products from my diet.

i'm doing this mainly for health reasons, but also for idealogy and losing weight. i'm combining all these three reasons together :) tomorrow i'll go to library to find out more

hey, that is great! :D Its really much easier easy not to give up on all (like fish and eggs or milk) cause it'll help you adjust to the new lifestyle much faster.
Also, look for vegetarian recipe books. There are LOTS of 'em around. :D
well, since the only meat i really eat is chicken, and the occasional pepperoni pizza, i don't think it would be hard for me to become vegetarian. i just gotta use my will power to get me through this! :doh: but i don't think i can be vegan. i like cheese and chocolate milk too much. -_-

edit: oops i pressed submit before i was even finished.

anyway, this thread really got me excited. i hope i see a change in my health and body and energy and mind when i do this. i'm doing this to lose weight, but also i've been really tired and my skin breaks out from fried chickien a lot. no more fast food chicken burgers for me!
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marisaidwhat said:
well, since the only meat i really eat is chicken, and the occasional pepperoni pizza, i don't think it would be hard for me to become vegetarian. i just gotta use my will power to get me through this! :doh: but i don't think i can be vegan. i like cheese and chocolate milk too much. -_-

edit: oops i pressed submit before i was even finished.

anyway, this thread really got me excited. i hope i see a change in my health and body and energy and mind when i do this. i'm doing this to lose weight, but also i've been really tired and my skin breaks out from fried chickien a lot. no more fast food chicken burgers for me!

oh wow, from a fried chicken eater to vegetarian??? your body will thank you n the end!! :D

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