The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

I didn't eggs too often before I became a vegetarian and still not so much afterwards. It's hard to avoid them when they're in cakes and brownies, but otherwise I don't eat that as often. I'm thinking about the ethics involved with dairy consumption. Any thoughts? We are the only species that drinks the milk from another species.
lostinemotion said:
I like rice and beans, but watching my carb in take. I am not on the atkins or anything. I guess, brown or wild rice would be good with red beans?

Brown rice is considered the way to go. It's got a nice protein and iron content. Plus it doesn't quite have the refined and bleached quality that makes white bread and white rice so hated by carbwatchers.
I just had some wild rice and brown rice mix, with a little olive oil and chick peas with some mexican chile spice.
I started taking Bone Up, for vegetarians. It also has glucosamine. Which I hope will stop the cracks in every joint!
i find eggs discusting on their own ew... they are all slimy and goopy and slimy and ewww... maybe in a cookie or cake they are tolerable though:lol: ...
what about hard-boiled? thats how i like them... i absolutely crave one once very few weeks.....:ninja:
bit weird perhaps.....:lol:
grosses me out.. plus i have my vegan side reminding me what it is exactly that i'm eating... but if you like it, knock yourself out, have a few hard boiled eggs!
we'll see how we go......i'll limit it to one a month and see how i feel.....:lol:
Bone-Up is calcium supplement to help build strong bones. i don't drink enough milk, maybe in my tea, but it's just a spot.
I bought mine at Whole Foods, but I see it Natural Food Stores or Vitamin Stores.
It has a picture of a spine in b/w...LOL
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adorefaith said:
we'll see how we go......i'll limit it to one a month and see how i feel.....:lol:
I use to eat a boiled egg every now and then before I was a vegetarian so I know what you mean... I think if you're going to eat them see if you can get free range eggs (usually local people sell their chicken eggs;) )
lunabella said:
you don't need to eat tofu or beans for protein. fruits and vegetables have more than enough protein in them.

...i don´t think you know what you are talking about...:rolleyes:
Bonchic so you're now officially vegetarian? That's great.How long have you been?

I am starting to think about this, I told my friends and my parents and they feel I am absolutely crazy. They told me I don't need to lose any weight at all and it's crazy and went on with the "you must eat all kind of food..." and so on.

I'm not doing this to lose weight,but because of my ideology. I am considering starting as semi-vegetarian which includes everthing except for eggs and meat. I feel is too much to stop eating milk if I don't want to use any calcium supplement and stop eating fish the same thing though I don't usually eat much but still...
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Question-How can some members of the board turn vegetarians being just 11? What did your parents say? Cause having a vegetarian in the family must change the cooking methods of the case?
i pretty much just refused to eat the meat, and made myself something instead... it never seemed to be too big of a problem, mom would make me something separate if i asked her to
yeah, i just refused to eat and gag around the table..of course I was younger when i went through my first phase.
i told them i would only eat fish, which i knew we didn't have that often anyway. my mom would steam vegetables and rice etc. i just didn't like the taste of meat.
^ The same with thing me. The only meat I east is fish and i don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I only eat it about once every 3 weeks anyway. My mom still eats meat but loves cooking vegetarian meals for us then throws in a big hormone-injected chicken wing for herself:yuk::D
Odette... I can't remember the exact date that I became a vegetarian but it was probably a year ago? I started this thread so I may have posted it somewhere in here:unsure:
Glad you are, sorry if you felt bad or something, what I meant by official is that you've been a long time round being vegetarian and you're not in the process of being unlike me!

How is it going? Does it take the same effort to avoid certain food? You feel better now I suppose?
it does take some time... I weaned out certain foods a little at a time. Starting with eating fish instead of other meats, then no dairy only soy, etc... now I eat 75-80% raw and 20-25% cooked (steamed veggies, baked potato, whole grain bread) foods. The raw is fruits and veggies of course;):p I do feel better and part of that is knowing that I won't have to go through what alot of people do when they struggle with their weight as they get older. Plus you get a sense of accomplishment with knowing you can achieve something so big, a little at a time.:flower:

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