ShuggaStiletto said:
Is anyone here a member of Peta, or someone that could explain more about me to them? I'm confused. Looking at videos on YouTube, reading articles online, going to their website, I'm confused about their views. I heard that they don't approve of pets of any sort? And all these stories about how Peta has killed lots of animals? I don't approve of some of their tactics...
Hey there

Okay so the first thing to bear in mind with Peta is that it's a very varied organisation, also split up historically into roughly three 'acts'. The first, and perhaps their most celebrated, started in the 80s with their campaigning to raise awareness of the horrible cruelty that happened to animals in laboratories, a practice that had been occuring under the public's nose for many years. The second act seen by many was the campaign to eliminate meat from the every day diet, probably their most lasting. The third act has often defined them as activists, with their recent 'activist' protests against the fur industry and other big conglomerates such as KFC.
Now, my problem with Peta is not what they have achieved, nor what they stand for. I think that is all ethically sound. Also i'd like to add that just because the prominent PETA members might utilise more activist techniques, it is no reason not to support their campaign, there are millions of regular every day people who join PETA, who don't believe that using animals is right.
What I will say is this. PETA tars everyone with the same brush. In my opinion this is wrong and misleading. It distorts the fact. There is absolutely no doubt that there is an insane amount of animal cruelty out there, and I will not stop anybody from watching their educational videos, in fact I encourage it. I encourage people doing their research. I would just caution not to always take PETA at face value.
A good example would be their recent campaign regarding the use of wool. Now, i'm not a huge wool user, I have a New Zealand Wool duvet and it keeps me warm, but I don't wear it. However PETA is campaigning against the treatment of Australian Wool Sheep, following shocking undercover investigations into their trade. Australia produces 30% of the world's wool. PETA claims that [all] wool farmers abuse the sheep, shove them into pens, brutally cut the wool off their flesh and throw the corpse into the gutter. This may be true for the australian wool market, but this is insulting to those sheep farmers who tend and lovingly care for their flock, as is the case in many countries such as New Zealand and England. Flocks are allowed to graze naturally on pastures, free roaming, many will only undergo one dip a year to remove parasite eggs, a process that takes fewer than 15 seconds. The sheep are taken individually into the shearing hut, where a single nick of the sheep's skin by the handler could lower the value of the wool by up to 15% or more. The process is fast and done very skillfully, an ancient trade, where the sheep is then released back to the flock, without the hot and cumbersome wool for the summer.
This is just one example of PETA tarring everybody with the same brush. For example, organic farming has completely different operating mechanics and ethics than regular farming. Organic farms are very willing to greet visitors, so if you want to keep eating eggs, i'd suggest finding your local organic dairy farmer and asking if you can come over to see how they operate. Often these small farms are incredibly proud of what they do and they're excited to show it off to their potential (or existing clients).
I'd say, support PETA, you don't have to be an activist, but I urge you to research things for yourself, and decide your own ethics.
If you can, go organic, and really try to cut down on milk, but if you do have to drink milk then it can be organic too, as these are very small farms that allow the calf to stay with the mother, as well as cutting down on the amount of milk the cow has to produce.
And don't wear fur. Its disgusting! Peta is absolutely right, and its my favourite campaign, apart from their campaign against broiler chickens. Sorry if that was a rant