The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

Happiness aww, how cool to know that I have inspired you....:blush:
What got me to where I am today and to feel this amazing
change in me was in part the understanding the human body.
I did alot of research before I just gave up meat cold turkey.
As my father would always say to me in whatever I do, as it
be me driving my car, riding my bike, playing my Cello, or
whatever it may be, he tells me to be mindful. I guess it's his
way of saying appreciate the little and the big things in life.
Simplicity as he would tell me. Think with simplicity. It's not
that hard to know that you are only in this body for so long, so
take care of yourself, be mindful! Good luck to you Happiness! :flower:
ShuggaStiletto said:
aghh I haven't eaten meat for about 4 days, but I've been wayy over binging on junk food! I was just wondering for all you vegetarians/vegans out there how much weight, if any, that I should expect to lose?

honestly.. being a vegetarian doesn't mean that you are going to lose weight. of course the meals are healthier and lighter, but if you eat regurarly (5-6 times) your weight will stick the same :flower: and veggie food can be unhealthy too, because there is lot of veggie junk food out there :lol:
I find the trick to not binging is just to prepare a batch of food on one day and freeze it, or put it in the fridge. For example, I like to make batches of pasta sauce (sundried tomatoes, italian tomatoes, garlic, onions etc), soup, pizza bases and vegetable sausages/patties so that I can clean the kitchen and next time I go to cook the food is all ready for me. You really have to be organised imo.

I also like to cook huge batches of rice in advance so that I can just quick stirfry stuff, or stuff onions/tomatoes/peppers and put them in the oven.
cosmogrl5 said:
^ Thanks to everyone who replied to my question. The way my ex reacted to it was so extreme that I wondered if other non-vegetarians had issues with it too. He said that it was a big issue and it would make our lifestyles too different. Guess he was just a controlling nutbag, and I am glad to be rid of him! :lol:

I've never really had a problem with people reacting badly to it...only when I was younger when other people didnt think I was getting the right nutrition just because I didn't eat meat. I'm british and I think vegetarianism is pretty common here now...but I had a South American boyfriend, and used to go to his uncles house where alot of family and friends would be, and they'd always have big plates of meat there for people to tuck into, I don't think vegetarianism is that normal where they come from but the only question I was ever asked about it was 'do you have a problem with people around you eating meat?' I thought there'd be more of a fuss about it but it seems that most people are rather accepting of it now I think...

And cosmogrl, I think it's ridiculous that he threatened to leave you if you became vegetarian. I would never dream of leaving someone if they wanted to eat meat :lol:
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I made the exact same experience. People who don't know me well always ask if I have a problem wiith people eating meat around me and if we go out to eat people sometimes think that it would bother me if they ordered meat so they think they they have to order veggie food too. That's really funny sometimes. I always reply that I don't care what they eat as long as I don't have to eat it myself.

That is a great tip for cooking ahead. I should start cooking some rice boiled in veggie stock, so it's preflavored, and ready to mix/eat.
Cooking ahead is a great tip. I do it a lot with all sorts of foods. Everything that misssakura mentioned, plus I do a lot of muffins or fruit breads, pancakes, and French toast. I love having homemade pancakes and French toast in the freezer. Just pop them in the microwave for a minute in the morning and you've got a super-quick, healthy breakfast. Actually, I think you could even freeze the tofu scrambles I posted about earlier if you made a breakfast burrito out of them. Hmm I think I'll have to try that sometime!

I just made a big batch of pappa al pomodoro (tomato and bread soup) to keep in the fridge and take to work for lunches this week. Yum!
i statrted hcanging my way into being a vegetarian this past monday.hardest thing for me is gicve up my dairy..i'm so used to having yogurth or milk with cereal ,and i'm not very used to having soy milk yet.does anybody have any other ideas for breakfast?
and also since i will not be driking milk,what kind of other foods contain same nutrients like calcium etc that i should be eating so i dont lack any essential vitamins?Thank you
I've actually abstained from meat for three and a half weeks now and I love the way I feel. My skin's definitely cleared up and I did drop a few pounds.

One question though:

Does anyone have any simple yet delicious recipes they can share?
ShoeGal4Eva ^ It seems that you are leaning toward a vegan way of life? No dairy?
Vegetarians can have eggs, milk and cheese, just no meats. If you are leaning in vegan direction, I recommend that you do more research before just giving up your strong source of nutrients. (such as dairy) Taking extra vitamins and minerals are good if you are thinking of becoming a vegan. It's
good idea for all people IMO* If you want calcium but you can't seem to
get it from foods, just take extra calcium tablets. People say take extra B12 while your at it,
but really, being vegan you don't have to worry about taking extra B12
It's a myth that vegans will end up having B12 deficiency. Most people
with B12 deficiencies and or pernicious anemia are NOT vegans. B12
deficiencies occur primarily when something is competing for your B12
like parasites; something is distroying your B12 like cyanide in cigarettes;
or something is preventing the proper obsorption of B12 like inadequate
production of intrinsic factor. Another factor is if a person has been taking
antibiotics for a lengthy time can drop in B12 production. There are many
more issues with B12 loss but becoming a vegan is not one of them.
Get some sun light too, since it's good for your bones......I hope
I gave you some advice? :flower: :D Eat well!
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umm ShoeGal4Eva i wouldn't recommend that you turn to vegan right away.. you have to study so much about to know everything. Make the transition slowly, so you don't feel any gravings and your body gets use to the new nutrition. First give up red meat, then chicken and fish, then eggs and last dairy. That is what's usually recommended..
Totakeke said:
One question though:

Does anyone have any simple yet delicious recipes they can share?

One of my favourite simple recipes is stuffed tomatoes. Basically, just cook a huge pot of brown rice, so you can just take some out of the fridge when you want. Heat up some olive oil in a pan and chuck in some spring onions, chopped peppers, capsicums and sundried tomatoes, then add in the rice and garlic. Pre-heat the oven to 180C, then get the tomatoes, hollow it out, throwing the hollowed out mixture into the pan. Then stuff out the mixture you've made into the tomato, put the lid back on and cook it for 15 minutes. Serve with salad.

I also like sundried tomato and olive oil spaghetti, again with garlic and onions. Or Tofu Parmegiana with roasted kumara (sweet potato). Actually roasted sweet potato is delicious on its own, or with salad.

A really quick one is miso soup. I keep packets of miso soup and various ramen/soba around. You can just heat up the water, add in miso paste, cook the noodles (rice vermicelli/buckwheat soba/ramen/udon), then throw in a bunch of vegetables, I keep freezer vegetables for this purpose so I can throw them in and they're cooked in 4 minutes. Add some soft tofu (and sometimes I add an organic egg to let it poach on top) and you've got a really yummy filling and healthy meal in under 10 minutes.

Tomato soup with brown bread and olive oil spread (vegan friendly)...any soup actually. Make up a big batch and just heat it up when you feel hungry.

Rockmelon, balsamic vinegar and kumara salad (with organic iceberg)....

I love talking about food...don't even get me started on homemade pizzas or curries (although those are slightly more time consuming)....
I have decided to become a kind of vegetarian;
at first no meat then no fish & later no milk products;
HOw long took it for you until you became a "full vegetarian"??
I'm a vegetarian and want to become vegan but my mum isn't vegetarian and refuses to buy vegan stuff JUST for me. Like I hate normal milk, I want to try soya milk but because my mum doesn't like it she wont buy it...and to think I pay her rent aswell to live in my house!
BodhiTree, I agree with what you said about B12 deficiencies being mainly caused by factors which have nothing to do with veganism, but you really shouldn't advise a potential vegan not to take b12..

sure, the body can store an amount of B12 to last for a few years , but it still requires a source of B12 in the diet after some time, and the consequencies of a lack of B12 can be very bad.. plus I can't see why anyone would create a myth about that
Aimeeeee said:
I'm a vegetarian and want to become vegan but my mum isn't vegetarian and refuses to buy vegan stuff JUST for me. Like I hate normal milk, I want to try soya milk but because my mum doesn't like it she wont buy it...and to think I pay her rent aswell to live in my house!

Can't you just go to the local waitrose/tesco and pay £2.50 to buy a carton of alpro soy milk?

And also I just went vegetarian all at once, but i'm not vegan yet. Actually i'm not sure if i'll ever be fully vegan, but I'll always buy organic eggs and cheese so that I know the production methods are sound.
Thank you for wonderful advice. it makes sense to do it gradually,so i already started with red come chickens and fish:)
ill keep posted on my progress
this is a great thread!
ShoeGal4Eva I have recently (within the last week or so haha) began to cut out meat. I've gone cold turkey on the meat, and am fine with it, I can't even look at meat being appetizing because of peta video I watched haha buuut I am gradually going to go vegan as well (hopefully).

I eat so unhealthily though I must say. Sure I eat fruits and vegs, but I eat more cookies and ice cream. It's hard being 16 and in the 130s lbs. range :( I want to lose weight, but it's like I don't think straight/right when I eat, I never choose the correct foods! arghh

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