The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

If you have a balanced well thought out vegetarian diet then it is perfectly acceptable, sometimes even superior, to a haphazard meat and dairy based diet. Bear in mind that not all met, in fact the majority of meat, and dairy products are not of high quality. The meat can be processed, heavily washed to remove chemicals and trace steroids and so on. If you buy an organic angus steak you'll probably be getting a 'healthy' meal out of that (subjectively) but i'm willing to wager that the majority of meat based diets use meat that is of inferior quality to our ancestors of the past, due to the raising and production method. The same goes for dairy, as sweets pointed out, there are lots of hormones and chemicals in cow's milk (non organic) not to mention, what other species drinks another animal's milk? If you stop and think about it, it's a bit strange.
Sweets said:
please keep in mind there's a lot of propoganda, especially when it comes to finding facts AGAINST vegetarianism. i dont really think its justified to compare not eating meat to smoking cigarettes... oh and saying "well.. you'e wrong" is rude, regardless of the smiley face you put after it. Kids, especially girls are going through puberty at a much earlier rate these days because of the hormones put in milk. That is not good, healthy growth. Any vegetarian child or teenager can get plenty of calories, especially if they have supportive and/or vegetarian parents.

I'm really sorry if I was rude, not my intention, and the comparation was because just before coming here I had been reading a paper about smoking, and it was the first idea that crossed my mind. I know there's a lot of unjustified propaganda against vegetarianism, as it's against eating meet, and what you accept depends mostly on what you want to believe. Food and nutrition it's something I'm into since my mother works in a Public Health Agency doing quality tests to food before it's available to the public and my current studies are very much related to health, everything I've said has a real, objective, scientific base, it's not my opinion or my belief.
Sweets said:
how do you do a tofu scramble? i had one at a resturant and really liked it, but i dont know how its done

It's so easy! I usually use tofu that has been frozen and defrosted. When I get home from the grocery store, I pop the tofu into the freezer then take it out a few hours later and let it defrost in the fridge overnight. Then I have it ready to go all week long.

For the scramble: I like to add veggies and/or salsa to mine. First I heat a little olive oil in a skillet, then add my chopped vegetables, salt, pepper, and a little cayenne. You can use any veggies you've got on hand. I love asparagus, tomatoes, and spinach. Oh -- add a little garlic, too! When the veggies are almost fully cooked (only takes a few minutes), squeeze a lot of the water out of the tofu and add it to the pan, crumbling it up as you do. Just tear it into small peices with your fingers. Add a sprinkle of tumeric (this is optional but gives it a nice egg-like yellow color), toss everything to combine, and just let it hang out (mixing it up occasionally) for 2 or 3 minutes. Then you can eat it plain like scrambled eggs, or pop it into a tortilla with some cheese (if you aren't vegan) and salsa.

I use about a half-inch thick slice of tofu for one scramble. The whole thing takes about 10 minutes total and it's a great breakfast.
hitzpink, that sounds so yummy. I will definitely have to try it. I like anything with tofu but never made a scramble. Thanks for the recipe!
Irene_A said:
I'm really sorry if I was rude, not my intention, and the comparation was because just before coming here I had been reading a paper about smoking, and it was the first idea that crossed my mind. I know there's a lot of unjustified propaganda against vegetarianism, as it's against eating meet, and what you accept depends mostly on what you want to believe. Food and nutrition it's something I'm into since my mother works in a Public Health Agency doing quality tests to food before it's available to the public and my current studies are very much related to health, everything I've said has a real, objective, scientific base, it's not my opinion or my belief.

scientific proof or not i'd rather be my 5'3 height (which i like and im sure is hereditary (sp?)) that eat something dead off my plate:innocent:
Well I've been thinking...and I think I'll give it a try. So for the entire month of August I will eat no meat, eggs or dairy. I know I can do it! It will be fun! I want to see how I feel and I will keep notes in my journal on my progress, how I feel, discomforts, skin breakouts (if any), etc.
I have seen great changes in my attitude lately. I've been feeling
joyful, full with glee! Ok, maybe I'm over doing it there, but I have
seen some changes with my attitude. It has been over 9 months
now that I've sticked with a vegetarian way of life, and let me tell
yea, my body is loving me right now. I don't feel tired as much like
I used to. I used to have a hard time sleeping as well, but now, it's
such a breeze! I've kicked caffeine out of my life too, so maybe that
had some benefit to me sleeping better at night. :p I have more
energy, and lost few pounds along the way. I'm physically active
with biking to work in the city, and my surfing at the beach too. I have
seen that I eat more, but hey, that's all good! I've been researching
Raw Food Diet. I'm not looking to lose anymore weight, but the idea
of eating more raw foods sound good to me. Imagine the great benefits
of eating more raw vegetables. Getting all those nutrients. I like how
my skin feels too. It literally shines. My skin feels smoother, and I
don't have dark circles under my eyes like I used to. I think kicking
caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks out of my body really made a
difference too. NO PIMPLES! NO MORE! :clap: Oh yea, and I used to
suffer each month from PMS and bad, bad cramps! NO MORE! :woot: I am
sooooooo sticking with a vegetarian way of life!
^ Wow! Those are some great changes! Congrats on your new lifestyle. :D

I am not a vegetarian (though I do not eat red meat), but I have thought about making the switch for a while now. I had a bf who told me he would dump me if I became one (I since dumped his meat-eating a**!), and this made me wonder about how hard the change is to make socially. Is it difficult when going to a friend's house for dinner, a work function, restaurant, etc?
no, i still dont understand why anyone should be offended if you DONT eat something... i think its common sense to prepare something for the vegetarian population if you are throwing some sort of party... i never have issues at resturants, and no i dont just eat salads...
I've been a vegetarian since I was 16 (I am now 22). I can't imagine ever going back to eating meat.

That being said, I am not at my healthiest. I am very anemic. Iron deficiency is genetic in my family; even my meat eating brothers are anemic. But being vegetarian has made it far worse for me. While I rarely get sick, i find that I am always tired. While I do not feel too unhealthy, I know that I can't continue with this diet without taking supplements. I suggest that vegetarians and vegans should speak to their doctors and nutritionists during their next visit. I knew I wasn't eating the best I could, but I had no idea that I was lacking so much. Through blood tests, they can see what you're missing. This is not to say that everyone should be taking supplements. It is very possible to maintain a well balanced vegetarian diet; but it does take time and effort to plan out healthy meals. But if you do find that you're severely lacking in iron, calcium, etc, do speak to your doctor about taking supplements! We all want to take care of the animals, but also remember to take care of your bodies as well.
cosmogrl5 said:
...and this made me wonder about how hard the change is to make socially. Is it difficult when going to a friend's house for dinner, a work function, restaurant, etc?
if you just make sure that everyone close to knows that you are vegetarian, i wouldn't see it as a problem. i mean you don't have to eat the stuff if it contains meat. at least that is what i do. and you can politely ask if your friend could do some salad or other veggie things, so you won't have to starve.
and restaurants offer quite a lot veggie foods these days, so there is no problem :flower:
good luck in your transformation!
I never have any problems either because all of my friends know that I'm a vegetarian and two are veggies themselves. So everytime we cook or eat together there is always something without meat. I'm sure that your friends will get used to it pretty soon. Most restaurants offer a variety of vegetarian dishes these days. ( I remember a time when it wasn't like that).
^ Thanks to everyone who replied to my question. The way my ex reacted to it was so extreme that I wondered if other non-vegetarians had issues with it too. He said that it was a big issue and it would make our lifestyles too different. Guess he was just a controlling nutbag, and I am glad to be rid of him! :lol:
I´m vegetarian for a half year now, i feel so much better
cosmogrl5 said:
^ Thanks to everyone who replied to my question. The way my ex reacted to it was so extreme that I wondered if other non-vegetarians had issues with it too. He said that it was a big issue and it would make our lifestyles too different. Guess he was just a controlling nutbag, and I am glad to be rid of him! :lol:

He was just silly, who said couples have to eat the same? You're better without him.
well if a guy can't handle you being veggie, then he's not worth it! i mean come on, healthy relationship can handle two different eating types :flower:
aghh I haven't eaten meat for about 4 days, but I've been wayy over binging on junk food! I was just wondering for all you vegetarians/vegans out there how much weight, if any, that I should expect to lose? I'm only 16, but in the 130lbs range, and though I'm becoming vegetarian, eventually a vegan if my health is alright, for moral reasons, but I would love to lose some weight.

(I know this is related to weight, but I'm wondering about the way being vegetarian ties in :flower: )
cosmogrl, I have to admit that I sometimes have difficulties when eating with friends and family. Nobody is rude to me and they always make sure that there is something I can eat, but I do get tired of having to constantly explain that vegetarianism isn't some crazy hippie idea of mine. Sometimes people act like being a vegetarian is so extreme. However...I don't think most people are as bad as your ex-boyfriend and I'd say it sounds like you're better off without him!
BodhiTree!! Karma to you for that wonderful and inspiring post (#607). I hope that one day I can say the same thing. i'm so trying to get there. Today I had a meatless was pretty cool. :) That's a start for me.

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