1. I stopped eating meat completely about 8 months ago. Before that I would eat a bit of meat a couple of times a week. I actually stopped eating meat for a few reasons, a couple of ridiculous ones! Reason one was that I was looking at the stringy grainy texture of a chicken breast I was eating, and looking at my arm imagining an anatomy image with like the muscles drawn on and stuff. The stringy texture reminded me of the lines drawn on the anatomy picture. So then I stopped eating chicken. Then I dreamt that I was in KFC and KFC was developing a new type of cow that would be like chicken. The Cow lived in like a closet in the dark and started to get all mutated, I decided I must rescue the cow! And I couldn't leave the other cows, so I stole a big truck and trucked the cows to a mountain, KFC had the Much Music Vjs chase me!

I released the cows on the mountain and they turned into puppies, the Much Music Vjs started to pick the puppies up and put them in sacks to take back to KFC. I then realize that puppies cows horses etc are all the same. A reason I stay vegetarian is that the thought of meat now disgusts me, and when I think about it it's not like I would go kill and butcher a cow myself to eat it, I think it's ignorant to have someone else do it and just pretend it doesn't happen. Steak wasn't born a steak!
2. I eat a lot of vegetables, I try to put vegetables into everything I cook now. I sometimes have veggie-meat products, like fake beef or whatever. I actually eat mostly the same as I did before, I can get veggie chicken nuggets, veggie hot dogs, etc. they usually just have less calories and less fat. One of my favourite dinner meals is veggie burritos!

I sometimes have breakfast shakes if I have been eating badly, but I'm not so worried about it. It's not like eating meat automatically means you have a healthy and well balanced diet. I know many meat-eaters who eat very badly, so I'm not particularily worried!