I really appreciate this thread, it's not that often I hear of other vegetarians. I'm from a place that loves to hunt deer & hang their heads over their fireplaces while they eat McDonald's on a regular day-to-day basis. I've come to accept this, & I'm not out to change their views or anyone elses...yet when offered a piece of freshly killed deer, duck, etc & I tell them that I'm vegetarian, they feel it necessary to state why they eat meat & why in the end their "better" (of course followed by endless amounts of laughter & jokes). Why can't it simply be accepted just like I accept what their doing? The other day at work (again) everyone went nuts trying to state, well you eat eggs don't you? & you do this or that, right? & like I said earlier in this thread, I've sometimes explained myself but others seem to not want to hear it & just simply reject it & defend their stance defiantly. I used to blame Peta for being so "extremist" & throwing blood at runway models in fur. For people in small town rural America ignorance is in abundance & therefore they apply that perception of a vegetarian to every vegetarian they may come across. I just ignore the "bashing." I've come to realize that's a form of how people with short comings enjoy communicating, so I'll just let it be. I don't think it's right though to instigate an arguement if they person it is being instigated upon has not asked for it. So in conclusion, I'm sick of this awful town & can't wait to go back to college & thanks everyone for your help of not making me feel alone, or better yet like some sort of alien that doesn't find deer tasty....yuck.