The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

I really appreciate this thread, it's not that often I hear of other vegetarians. I'm from a place that loves to hunt deer & hang their heads over their fireplaces while they eat McDonald's on a regular day-to-day basis. I've come to accept this, & I'm not out to change their views or anyone elses...yet when offered a piece of freshly killed deer, duck, etc & I tell them that I'm vegetarian, they feel it necessary to state why they eat meat & why in the end their "better" (of course followed by endless amounts of laughter & jokes). Why can't it simply be accepted just like I accept what their doing? The other day at work (again) everyone went nuts trying to state, well you eat eggs don't you? & you do this or that, right? & like I said earlier in this thread, I've sometimes explained myself but others seem to not want to hear it & just simply reject it & defend their stance defiantly. I used to blame Peta for being so "extremist" & throwing blood at runway models in fur. For people in small town rural America ignorance is in abundance & therefore they apply that perception of a vegetarian to every vegetarian they may come across. I just ignore the "bashing." I've come to realize that's a form of how people with short comings enjoy communicating, so I'll just let it be. I don't think it's right though to instigate an arguement if they person it is being instigated upon has not asked for it. So in conclusion, I'm sick of this awful town & can't wait to go back to college & thanks everyone for your help of not making me feel alone, or better yet like some sort of alien that doesn't find deer tasty....yuck.
kudos to sienna, you always bring intelligence, reason and dignity to this thread, and many others, and you do it articulately <3
Not at all sweets. I love the information and the arguments in this thread. I am by no means vegatarian but I greatly admire your way of life and your reasons for doing it.
Oh god and I also miss prawns (I know its so random in the middle of this discussion, but I just had to say it) mmm prawns where so good!!

Sweets said:
kudos to sienna, you always bring intelligence, reason and dignity to this thread, and many others, and you do it articulately <3
I agree, Sienna often says what I'm thinking but manages to make it make sense rather than me typing one of my incoherent ramblings
missbliss said:
I really appreciate this thread, it's not that often I hear of other vegetarians. I'm from a place that loves to hunt deer & hang their heads over their fireplaces while they eat McDonald's on a regular day-to-day basis. I've come to accept this, & I'm not out to change their views or anyone elses...yet when offered a piece of freshly killed deer, duck, etc & I tell them that I'm vegetarian, they feel it necessary to state why they eat meat & why in the end their "better" (of course followed by endless amounts of laughter & jokes). Why can't it simply be accepted just like I accept what their doing? The other day at work (again) everyone went nuts trying to state, well you eat eggs don't you? & you do this or that, right? & like I said earlier in this thread, I've sometimes explained myself but others seem to not want to hear it & just simply reject it & defend their stance defiantly. I used to blame Peta for being so "extremist" & throwing blood at runway models in fur. For people in small town rural America ignorance is in abundance & therefore they apply that perception of a vegetarian to every vegetarian they may come across. I just ignore the "bashing." I've come to realize that's a form of how people with short comings enjoy communicating, so I'll just let it be. I don't think it's right though to instigate an arguement if they person it is being instigated upon has not asked for it. So in conclusion, I'm sick of this awful town & can't wait to go back to college & thanks everyone for your help of not making me feel alone, or better yet like some sort of alien that doesn't find deer tasty....yuck.

Haha! I'm from a place like that too. One time we had Venison, deer sausages, steak, chicken breast all in the same meal. :yuk: I used to judge the hunters a lot, but now I think that it's not so bad of a way to do it if you're going to eat meat. At least thought goes into each kill, and I don't think it is as cruel as the mass-meat industry. I still wouldn't eat it if I had the option not to, because now I just think flesh is gross, but if it came down to it I would rather use an animal that grew up naturally and was killed singularly rather then one that grew up in a box and was killed on a conveyor belt. :innocent:
^ Yeah, I understand what your saying. The animals that are shot through hunting aren't killed "as cruely" as those animals that are confined to horrible living conditions for a majoirty of their life & then slaughtered inhumanly in a factory. Though that doesn't make it any better & like you I would still never touch the stuff. I still find it wrong whether or not the animal was killed slowly or if the killing was drawn out & painful for that certain animal. & yes it's ridiculous how much meat some people do eat. We had a BBQ at work one day also & my boss cooked hot dogs, steak, chicken, & sausage. Not only is that pretty disgusting, it's also very unhealthy. When I used to wait tables I remember this family would come in & order bacon, except they'd specify that they wanted the white bacon (the part where the fat is). It's white & chewy looking; they'd dip it in margarine at the table & eat it!! People sure do take their meat for granted & completely ignore their vegetables. I've had friends tell me they'd rather fall over & die than not be able to eat meat, it's pretty nuts.
I might go back to vegeterian. I'm doing it as a diet though because I'm not that in love with animals hahaha. But last time I was vegeterians I lost 10 pounds and I felt so much healthier. So thats going to be part of my diet.

Wow, thanks for that post. It's nice to hear there are other vegetarians who feel the same as me. I DON'T want to change the world or or sway everyone over to my way of thinking. I DON'T want to discuss why I'm a vegetarian. I just want to eat lunch with people without having to take a political/moral stance. I actually stopped discussing it with anyone. I just say, "It's not something I talk about." Everyone thinks I'm snobby or weird, but oh well.
palyxa said:

Wow, thanks for that post. It's nice to hear there are other vegetarians who feel the same as me. I DON'T want to change the world or or sway everyone over to my way of thinking. I DON'T want to discuss why I'm a vegetarian. I just want to eat lunch with people without having to take a political/moral stance. I actually stopped discussing it with anyone. I just say, "It's not something I talk about." Everyone thinks I'm snobby or weird, but oh well.

aww, you welcome! & thanks for that post, it completely just made my day.
Since somebody asked about Christmas, I'll give a quick recap of mine (although I'll elaborate later because i'm tired).

For Christmas day my boyfriend's mother made a delicious nutroast. We then had some gratin dauphinoise and lots of yummy roasted vegetables. Served with a yummy nicoise salad it was one of the best Christmas dinners i've ever had! For pudding we had a healthy fresh seasonal fruit salad. It was very hot so we helped ourselves to jugs and jugs of water.
For my Christmas dinner, I had a delicious Morningstar Tomato and Basil Pizza Burger and a salad. I can't express how much I enjoy the taste (and aroma!) of those burgers.
Delicious and Simple Green Bean Salad Recipe!

Green Bean Salad With Corn, Cherry Tomatoes & Basil Recipe

3 cups fresh corn kernels (3-4 ears) 1 lb fresh green beans, trimmed and cut in half 1 small red onion, cut half then into thin slices 1 garlic clove 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 pint cherry tomatoes, cut in half 1 cup fresh basil, roughly chopped fresh ground pepper, to taste kosher salt, to taste
  1. Cut the corn kernels from the ears, while bringing a pot of water to a boil.
  2. When the water comes to a boil, add the corn kernels and blanch for about 1 minute. Remove them with a strainer and set aside.
  3. Let the water return to a boil and season generously with salt. Add the beans and cook until tender, about 3 minutes. Drain the beans and flush with cold water until they are cool.
  4. Meanwhile, put the onion slices in a bowl of ice water, which will crisp them and mellow their flavor.
  5. Using either a mortar and pestle or the flat side of a chef's knife, mash the garlic to a paste with a pinch of salt.
  6. Add the paste to a small bowl (or leave it in the mortar) and whisk in the vinegar and let sit for 10 minutes. Add the olive oil and whisk again.
  7. Just before serving, drain the onions. Put the beans, corn, onions, tomatoes, and basil in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, and then toss with the vinaigrette. Season further if required. Serve right away.
I've just re-read this thread, and have realised what an excellent source of information, recipes and inspiration (Minus a couple of posts). :heart:

I've really been considering becoming vegan as I think I'd be healthier because of it, milk, yoghurt, honey, leather (I cant afford it any way!), fur (I dont own any) and even chocolate (dark chocolate can satisfy my cravings just aswell). But cheese and eggs (not by them selves but in things like pasta and omlettes) I could not give up. Its strange the things you miss the most, like this week I'm on a detox - so I can only eat fruit and veggies, pulses, oats, poatoes, brown rice, rice cakes, unsalted nuts and seeds, plain popcorn, e/v olive oil and honey - I thought I'd miss milk in porridge etc more, cakes, cookies and chocolate but the things I miss most are bread, pasta and cheese, which except for cheese I'd be able to eat when Vegan, so I'm seriously considering that I may have enough will power to go Vegan! Maybe when I leave home ^_^
Posting that recipe is making me hungry for that salad. I'll have to make some tonight.
im not a full blown vegetarian. I admit i like eating chicken or turkey. But ever since i've heard that they're gonna clone animals in the meat industry i want to just be a vegan. I can't handle eating something cloned.ewww
Has anyone here ever tried making seitan? I was in Chicago last weekend eating at my favorite restaurants (Blind Faith and Chicago Diner) and I was inspired to try and make seitan. I got a recipe from a friend, but I'd love any helpful advice if there's some to be had.

Just start slow and if you really want to keep eating eggs and cheese, go ahead. Don't force yourself if it doesn't feel right. I was a vegan for a couple of years and it was too difficult for me. I really admire anyone who is able to stick with it though. Good luck!!:flower:
marcy248 said:
Has anyone here ever tried making seitan? I was in Chicago last weekend eating at my favorite restaurants (Blind Faith and Chicago Diner) and I was inspired to try and make seitan. I got a recipe from a friend, but I'd love any helpful advice if there's some to be had.

I've never done it before, but I'm a Cook so I thought I'd give it try. What recipe are you using?

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