The What to Wear Where? Thread


Nov 26, 2003
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note from moderator: revising this forum we've realised there are a lot of posts scattered about made by people who are wondering what to wear for a particular occasion, whether it be a wedding reception or a party or a whatnot. so direct all such miscellaneous questions to this thread. :flower:

edit: we've merged earlier posts into the new topic. :flower:

I need help! QUICK!! I'm in the Nutcracker at a local theatre- very fancy, but the dress to it is kind of dressy casual. A bunch of people who are coming to watch are going out to eat afterwards and I'm going with. It's to a casino, the sister of the Mirage and Bellagio, here. What do I wear? My tights and a tee with a cute sweat skirt or something dressier? HELP!!
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hey southerncutie, (where in the south do you live? i too live in the south right outside of memphis) okay to wear tonight i would suggest maybe a pair of nice black pants and maybe a cute sweater or shirt- that way it would be easy to change , you would look nice, be warm. i can't give a whole lot more advice as far as color cause i don't know your wardrobe or complexion GOOD LUCK WITH THE CLOTHES - and even more on the performance..
I'm Italian-American... I was going to wear a long black sleeve shirt with a little key-hole tie on the collar bone and a kee-length red skirt with a red jeweled pin at the top, maybe rubies for jewelry? nothing too... flashy. and some 4 inch black mules I got last month... thanks for the help!
By midnight - hopefully not much...

Just about anything silk is probably the favourite...
Originally posted by PrinceOfCats@Jan 25th, 2004 - 6:22 am silk is probably the favourite...
think silk undies!

And a red/pink accent wouldn't hurt ... it depends what have you planned/where you're at going/at what time
Originally posted by pinkcouture+Jan 26th, 2004 - 5:01 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pinkcouture @ Jan 26th, 2004 - 5:01 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-tealady@Jan 25th, 2004 - 9:47 pm
Black tie! Very romantic!! :heart:
I agree! :crush:[/b][/quote]
If men understood what an aphrodisiac black tie is, they would never take it off! :lol:
I wear them all week though...

Black-lace tank-tops are rather fetching, methinks.
I'm still curious as to why there's a would in the question :blink:

Anway I'm yet to decide, anyone know what men want? Mel Gibson knows what we do...
Well. My band is playing at a big club, so I will go elegant rock star...
Dior Homme tux jacket w/ leather lapels.
White classic dior homme shirt worn untucked.
Black distressed Helmut Lang Jeans
Black Paul Smith chelsea boots
Red leather belt.
I know this topic is supposed to be guys only, but I'm going to post anyway! If I could, I would wear this outfit... B)


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