The What to Wear Where? Thread

i would go with like jeans and a track jacket and like a cute hat and necklaces .. look at some pics of what celebs like cameron diez have worn to games..she always looks fab
WHOA, a tennis skirt would be a BAD idea! You will be walking up lots and lots of, with that said, a fluttery/ultra short tennis skirt would be a no-no. I definitely recommend flat shoes, and closed-toe, because the floors can be icky in those arena places.

If I were going, I'd probably wear some capri pants, with maybe some 2-inch or flat off-the-shoulder adidas top, and a vintage clutch??

Or how bout a pucci scarf on the head, a "wifebeater", and some nice jeans, and 2-inch manolos....nice bag.
Hi there, I'm new to the board. Nice to meet you all. :kiss:

I'm going to London in June and could use some advice on a good summer appropriate style. I have only been there in winter and I'm really not sure what would work otherwise. I live in South Florida so my wardrobe is saturated with the bright colors and linens of this spring/summer season. I've got plenty of stuff that is NYC appropriate too, however, I'm not so sure if what I have now would pull off across the pond. I understand that London is typically quite cooler than NYC even in summer so the temperature thing has me spinning too. I mean, I want to look the season, but I don't want to look like I just warped out of the tropics nor do I want to look too fall/wintery.

To top it all off, this is a surprise trip I'm taking my mom and sister on for their birthdays. They're dying to know what to wear too, and all I can tell them is to think 70F in the day and 45F at night. One day we are going to tea at the Ritz and to the theatre right afterwards, and on other days I would like some comfortable but not to casual, yet sophisticated streetwear.

I am totally obsessing over this! :wacko: If anyone can lend some advice I'd greatly appreciate it!

hmmmm well right now its absolutely FREEZING
but i'll keep u updated on the weather so u can decide nearer the time
In my experience, you might need something for everything. I've worn a down vest in July in London and I've also had heatstroke! Last summer it was in the upper 80s - 90s every day while I was there, though it got to the lower 80s when the sun went down. Bear in mind that most places that you might expect to be air-conditioned are NOT. If it is hot, going into a hotel, restaurant, bar, bus, taxi, store, etc. will be even hotter, providing no relief from the heat. You may want to find out in advance whether your hotel has air-conditioning. Don't be fooled if they say it is air-cooled. That basically means they have fans. :wink:
Hmm...This t-shirt would be fun. But judging from the comments, perhaps with a long sleeved shirt worn underneath. :flower:


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That's a cool shirt. Tealady, I remember the temps being high last summer, but wasn't that a fluke? It was like, record heat. I went on and looked up the averages during the summer months and they were substantially lower. I guess I've just got to plan on waiting until late May to go shop and monitor the weather. Right now I'm thinking layers. We're leaving 6/9. Oh, and I did make sure our hotel had a/c (newly installed) in the event of more unexpected heat. :wink: We're staying at the Darlington Hyde Park:

Originally posted by purplelucrezia@Mar 12th, 2004 - 9:44 am
Hmm...This t-shirt would be fun. But judging from the comments, perhaps with a long sleeved shirt worn underneath. :flower:
I think I want that shirt! B)
Originally posted by Julie Michele+Mar 12th, 2004 - 10:00 am--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Julie Michele @ Mar 12th, 2004 - 10:00 am)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-purplelucrezia@Mar 12th, 2004 - 9:44 am
Hmm...This t-shirt would be fun. But judging from the comments, perhaps with a long sleeved shirt worn underneath. :flower:
I think I want that shirt! B) [/b][/quote]
It's great, isn't it... :smile:
Ben Sherman is such a raavy brand though :ninja: I prefer Vivienne Westwood for old school t-shirts...
I've bought the shirt!! :D

However, I did think of this....Would it be cheesy for an American to wear this shirt in London? Seriously. Not to get into anything political, but I'm curious.

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