The X-Factor 2009 ... Do not post stills from the show or Rex Features (copyrighted)

first Rachel and now Lucie and lets not forget Miss FRANK :(

I think we all knew from the start that they were wishing for a male winner this year, to give them someone different to market, but it's sad to see some decent girls go so early, and leaving us with more lukewarm acts.
Laura's single, rather sadly, is not doing well at all. It was struggling to break it into the top 30..

well I am not surprised... she did not have any support from X Factor... and these days without a massive publicity there's no way to No. 1.... which is a rather sad part of our reality... because Laura is amazing...

At the moment I actually think that X Factor is CRAP! Definitely not watching it next year... not because I am sad because of Lucie... I think it was unfair not to give her a chance...and Simon is just ridiculously inconsistent ... honestly, i think John and Edward are cute but anyway...
Leona "Beige" Lewis has made it up to #3 on the ITunes chart already, she'll be number one this week it would seem. That will mean the past number ones have been Alexandra, Cheryl, JLS and Leona...
It's a nice little earner, get your acts or associates singing on a Sunday when there's millions watching, see the record chart high the week after, then repeat the process until Christmas.
Urgh just saw who got voted out - what a massive cop out on Simon's part, I don't even like Lucie much but I feel so bad that she lost against those two twats. If you're going to go out, lose to someone deserving at least! Shame
I am thinking bottom two tonight - Lucie and Jamie.

Lucie to go. Lovely voice but just two insipid to be a relevant recording artist. Needs awakening, deflowering. A poor man's Katherine Jenkins at best but probably destined for West End obscurity.

I'm afraid I couldn't resist - bit gauche to quote oneself I know but there we go :)

Not too many others saw that coming hence it was a very nice price on the betting exchanges thank you very much. Look out for my investment advice next week!

I must admit I was worried when I saw the songlist because that was a brilliant song choice for her but the performance was half hearted, limp, like an embarrassed child. She had zero seX factor. Simon sees that, believe me.

Danni is a bad mentor because had she got Lucie rocked up, cool and relevant sooner- instead of having her singing and styling somewhere between choirgirl and west end theatre for the first few shows- then Lucie might have grown into it by the time the competition hotted up and it might have been a different story. Stacie is also awful and beginning to grate.

Simon is an awful liar - he said on Xtra that he thought taking it to deadlock would produce the opposite result. Poppy. He knew. He's not stupid - how much is the Jedward pr factor, all the column inches, bandwidth, worth for the show as a whole.

The 'Jedward to win' trading on the exchange is highly volatile. I do want to close out my position. But not quite yet ;)
Watching the Xtra Factor + 1... Someone called in about the whole Louis vs. Dermot debacle, Louis just embarrassed himself even further. Childish old man, Simon was right to sack him the first time. And Tentacl, I agree... I think Dannii 're-invented' Lucie far too suddenly, I'd bet that she was very close to being in the bottom two last week, as well. I was a bit worried for Stacey for the same reason, tbh :S
Seriously considering stopping watching this now.......what's the bloody shower of sh!te.
Not really sure why I am watching it tbh:unsure:
Cowell just proved everything I have thought about him, spineless, gutless ****hole. He said just before the 2 acts sang that they would genuinely choose the best singer and forget all everything that went before and then he does that:rolleyes: Lying tosspot.:ninja:
He then tries to backtrack on Xtra factor, what a child. I hope he sleeps at night with the fact that he is famous for being a 50 year old man who pulled young people to pieces. What a legacy!!!!!! Although I suppose he can sit and fiddle with all his cash all day long while rubbing banknotes all over his smug face.
Dannii Minogue is really coming into her own in this series and is very dignified. Louis is nearly more childish than Simon.
Much as I like Leona Lewis, that song just bores me rigid and she looked way too old done up like that.
I don't find the twins that entertaining anymore; maybe there was something about them the first couple of weeks, but it's gone beyond having any charm, because now they're deliberately acting all uncoordinated and useless in their performances, and it's not a great sight. Add to that, the show's calculated efforts to keep them in, and it's become a bore. So I'm not outraged by that result, I'm bored by it - now knowing who I'll have to sit through this weekend, if I watch.
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Lucie was not great and was never going to win. Simon had it right.
But he is a hypocrite and the whole thing was tactical, for the benefit of his category.
I don't like anyone left, everyone is overrated IMO>.
I only like Stacy and Joe out of the rest also i think Lucie had a xhance of winning if Simon gave her the shot
joe!! :heart:
but im going to stop watching this, its become a complete farce, and i cant stand cheryl lol.
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Quick story to share -

I just got home from a concert at the O2 and those twins were there and everyone around them started booing them. They kept on waving at everyone and as more people realised it was them the boos got louder. So pretty much the whole of the O2 arena booed.
Love the fact they don´t go around feeling sorry for themselves or looking sad for the bad press or "lack of love" from the public etc. , they actually go out there, always smiling and seem to be having fun, i applaud them for that.
I know, its really amazing that they have that much confidence (or at least they pretend like they do). I think they're quite fun and just like to watch them. I hope they know that there are people who are their fans too.
I think the whole thing is one big fat farce... they always do that around 4-5th week... i think this is their own way to wind up the public and concentrate whole attention of X Factor... remember last year when Laura White was voted off... they even spoke about it in the House of Commons... I just think it is a way to manipulate with public ... the whole X Factor does not make sense to me... I am not particularly into pop music even though I like it... and I think it is a shame that the bands like JLS are getting number ones in this country... a very good evidence what good publicity can make and how it can destroy musical taste... and at the end of the day when people are judged by Checryl who let's face t can't sing ... and when she gets number ones... anyway... I am not going to watch it and not because I am angry with Simon , I just realised that the whole things is a complete crap... it does not support talent... they did not even invite Laura to their show because all they care about is money and not supporting talent...
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it's Queen week! I heard it was meant to be Dance week but Simon changed it, surprise surprise!

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