The X-Factor 2009 ... Do not post stills from the show or Rex Features (copyrighted)

There's a lot of things pointing towards the fact Joe has probably always been the one with the most votes each week.

When the contestants sing a song, that song always goes up in the download chart, however it turns out that all of the songs Joe has sung have ended up having the biggest increase in sales..
I'm really rather surprised that Stacey went. I would have expected Olly maybe, as much as I like him. Really, I like Joe, he seems like a nice guy, and he's quite good, and his vocals are good as well, however he never has entertained me much, I usually forget he's even in the competetion. :ninja: And to me, as important vocals are (being singers, and all) they're also, and maybe above all, entertainers, and I just don't find Joe entertaining... :innocent: But that's all objective, I'm sure there are plenty that are smitten with him, guess he just isn't my cup of tea. So, basically, my vote is for Olly. :flower:
sorry for the long reply my internet cut but the last person to be voted off is:

it was Stacey
the results show has just finished and the winner of the X-Factor 2009 is:


the runner up is:


so thats it The X-Factor 2009 is finished T_T congrats to the winner Joe.
Congrats to Joe - well deserved :clap:
I'm glad Joe won. And not just because he's from the mother land, ha, but he was the most talented one, and he was a nice lad. I wont be buying the single or his album probably, he's not for me.... but I'm very happy he won as he deserved it.
I'm so happy with the outcome. I loved Joe and wanted him to win so badly!!! I hope his single gets to Number 1 :heart:
Great win for Joe:D Easily the most consistent contestant with Stacey close on his heels.
Thanks honeycombchild:flower: for the very interesting voting results:shock: Hell, some weeks they were all over the place.
Danyl's voting pattern especially.....and Rachel's.
Also really interesting, as you say, that Olly could have been beaten by Jedward had it gone to deadlock.
So pleased that this is all over.:rolleyes: and the single is appalling:ninja:
Why do the songs have to be so wet and drippy and always about soaring over ocean's or climbing mountains, or having wings and all that bollocks.
All the previous winner's songs, including this one would make up a whole Westlife album.
Great win for Joe:D Easily the most consistent contestant with Stacey close on his heels.
Thanks honeycombchild:flower: for the very interesting voting results:shock: Hell, some weeks they were all over the place.
Danyl's voting pattern especially.....and Rachel's.
Also really interesting, as you say, that Olly could have been beaten by Jedward had it gone to deadlock.
So pleased that this is all over.:rolleyes: and the single is appalling:ninja:
Why do the songs have to be so wet and drippy and always about soaring over ocean's or climbing mountains, or having wings and all that bollocks.
All the previous winner's songs, including this one would make up a whole Westlife album.

i have to admit that made me LOL but its true :lol: also im going to miss The X-Factor :cry: what am i going to watch every weekend now? i have to wait for a year now :(
Ohhh, you have much to learn it would seem! As it's only a matter of weeks before the amazing crapness that is Dancing on Ice begins. Oh yes.

It's utter crap. Yet so good.

Heather Mills McCartney on ice? Yes please.
i have to admit that made me LOL but its true :lol: also im going to miss The X-Factor :cry: what am i going to watch every weekend now? i have to wait for a year now :(

That was really funny AGREE! but I am certainly not looking forward to the next year... I guess I am officially retiring from X-Factor...unless they offer me a job;-)))
Good for her she is a pretty girl... and when I saw her pix in Grazia I thought that she could do some modelling too

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