Trends You Are Sick Of #1

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Quite fed up of seeing tea dresses on everyone, usually with footless tights but they are everywhere where I live and I'd rather see something a bit sharper and fresher for summer.
It's been said, but the denim leggings (with some exception as some do wear them well)
my college bus is full of students wearing them as they would jeans, with a short t-shirt.
uhh i hate keds. my friend recently bought three pairs, all in different colors, and they are so ugly. :sick: they look cheap and they have an unflattering shape.
Styleocide - how did you hide your horror?! I saw a girl in the street wearing leggings with little lace up pumps and skinny jeans... I couldn't tell you what she had on the top half as I was too busy being blinded by the bad fashion.

I hate my home town!
Styleocide - how did you hide your horror?! I saw a girl in the street wearing leggings with little lace up pumps and skinny jeans... I couldn't tell you what she had on the top half as I was too busy being blinded by the bad fashion.

I hate my home town!

I put a book in front of me. :rofl::rofl:
What winds me up the most is that I had a hard time finding the plaid shirts, the jeans, the trainers etc. Now they're bloody everywhere! Cheap.

HA! i know exactly what you mean - i spent like a fortune on the only plaid shirt i could find anywhere at the time and then months later they were like $5 at Big W and everyone boght them

i am sick of the whole scene-kid-massive-voluminous-black-mullet hairstyles with leopard looking pieces and stuff - it seems the aussie kids from like 12-16 are sporting this hairstyle these days...
i am sick of the whole scene-kid-massive-voluminous-black-mullet hairstyles with leopard looking pieces and stuff - it seems the aussie kids from like 12-16 are sporting this hairstyle these days...

We have that over here as well - the scene kids wander about, giving everyone attitude with their skinny jeans belted up round their backsides, flipping their ridiculously huge hair out of their eyes every thirty seconds. Arrghh! Drives me mad!
would "scene" kids be the european equivalent of what we call "emo" kids in north america? because they do the same stupid "skin-tight skinny jeans + chucks + american apparel deep v tee + 8 neon accessories + curtain of hair" they 'shake' out of their faces every 5 seconds. BARF!
Coloured jeans are horrible,but the most thing I hate is ugg boots,in Lithuania a lot of girls a la fashionistas bought ugg boots and wore them with everything..I MEAN EVERYTHING.They wore those even with classic pants,pencil skirts and shorts...That is so lame.

With pencil skirts?...My mind hates me for trying to imagine it
would "scene" kids be the european equivalent of what we call "emo" kids in north america? because they do the same stupid "skin-tight skinny jeans + chucks + american apparel deep v tee + 8 neon accessories + curtain of hair" they 'shake' out of their faces every 5 seconds. BARF!

I cannot stand it! And what's more, my school is FULL of emo/hipster american apparel lovers.
would "scene" kids be the european equivalent of what we call "emo" kids in north america? because they do the same stupid "skin-tight skinny jeans + chucks + american apparel deep v tee + 8 neon accessories + curtain of hair" they 'shake' out of their faces every 5 seconds. BARF!

Yep, thats them - they call themselves "emo" over here as well. It drives me nuts. On teenybopper night at our local clubs they're everywhere - you can't move for bad leopard print and stupid hair!

Great blog, by the way! :D
im sick of the American Apparel bright colors/80s
as well as the bohemian headband look..its everywhere in DC
girls use the elastic headbands to give the look and it makes their heads look
like also tired of the plaid shirt w/ the black tights and ankle boots ensemble ugh
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