Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
im sick of designers bringing back the 80's- the 80's will never be back!!!!!!!
why are people still wearing legwarmers?!![]()
Yeah, I wish people would stop wearing and that designers would stop trying to revamp themAgreed! I hate all that neon, and why are people still wearing legwarmers?!![]()
Styleocide - how did you hide your horror?! I saw a girl in the street wearing leggings with little lace up pumps and skinny jeans... I couldn't tell you what she had on the top half as I was too busy being blinded by the bad fashion.
I hate my home town!
What winds me up the most is that I had a hard time finding the plaid shirts, the jeans, the trainers etc. Now they're bloody everywhere! Cheap.
i am sick of the whole scene-kid-massive-voluminous-black-mullet hairstyles with leopard looking pieces and stuff - it seems the aussie kids from like 12-16 are sporting this hairstyle these days...
Coloured jeans are horrible,but the most thing I hate is ugg boots,in Lithuania a lot of girls a la fashionistas bought ugg boots and wore them with everything..I MEAN EVERYTHING.They wore those even with classic pants,pencil skirts and shorts...That is so lame.
would "scene" kids be the european equivalent of what we call "emo" kids in north america? because they do the same stupid "skin-tight skinny jeans + chucks + american apparel deep v tee + 8 neon accessories + curtain of hair" they 'shake' out of their faces every 5 seconds. BARF!
would "scene" kids be the european equivalent of what we call "emo" kids in north america? because they do the same stupid "skin-tight skinny jeans + chucks + american apparel deep v tee + 8 neon accessories + curtain of hair" they 'shake' out of their faces every 5 seconds. BARF!
With pencil skirts?...My mind hates me for trying to imagine it