Trends You Are Sick Of #1

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hair that looks like the person has been camping in the middle of no where for a week without a hairbrush. I sort of always anticipate finding tigs and braches in their somewhere.
I am sick of everything.... gladiators, yellow, washed out jeans, supers, tights,....
I want something new!!! :judge:
Personally I am utterly sick of slouch hats.

Be lucky you don't go to my school. The slouch hat (more known as "grunge hat" here for some reason) is the sign that you go to this school. I think they look good but they are worn out.,
I really wish designers, department stores, and even places like Macy's would have this massive conference and decide that the things they sell are going to be COMPLETELY and utterly revolutionary. That way every single major store in the nation will not be selling the same-old, same-old.

But of course that would never happen. Only in my dreams....

We should do something on here. Decide on a trend that we will start. :P
Eco-friendly bullcrap is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too overrated and ridiculous!!!
Give me a break. So what if my shirt isnt "green." its a SHIRT!!!

I live in Portland Oregon, and we are literally, the capital of eco-friendly.
It is so annoying. Get real geesh.. the world is gonna survive if you have a plastic toothbrush... seriously.


well at least those t-shirts and bags etc with the "eco" messages are doing exactly that--getting the message out there. which is the first step of many. :)

this is an oldie but i am sick of seeing girls in (get ready for this) FLARED JEANS. wtf?! why am i still seeing those horrid things all over the place here?

also i HATE the nerd glasses thing. i bought a totally kick *** pair in tokyo a few years ago and now all these stupid hipster kids are wearing them. so i can't wear mine. lame.
Joley, just quote your post without image and write down the source :flower:
^flare jeans?
surely you must mean extremely-flared-flare jeans? most non-skinny jeans are flare to some extent! :shock:
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I'm pretty tired of seeing people walking around campus adorned in trendy clothing in such a way as to show the clothes wearing them, rather than them wearing the clothes. Just because it's 'hip' doesn't mean you're going to look good in it. :yuk:

Tired of those puff-ball skirts, so very tired of them. And the thing with wearing a sheer top under whatever else you're wearing so it sticks out underneath as a band of color and makes their hips look huge and not in a sexy way.
I'm pretty tired of seeing people walking around campus adorned in trendy clothing in such a way as to show the clothes wearing them, rather than them wearing the clothes. Just because it's 'hip' doesn't mean you're going to look good in it. :yuk:

Excellently stated, and I am right there with you. It's even worse when they're wearing a ridiculous amount of trendy clothing, each item of which embodies a different trend, like that's going to make them look exponentially trendier and thus incredibly good, I guess, instead of just looking awful, as it actually does. Ugh.
OH! i HATE the extreme layering of those C&C california tank tops.
a girl at my school once wore like 7 (at once) all in different colors!!
OH! i HATE the extreme layering of those C&C california tank tops.
a girl at my school once wore like 7 (at once) all in different colors!!

:lol: I can't even imagine how ridiculous wearing 7 tank tops would look.
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