V Magazine Spring 2007 : Kate Bosworth by Mario Sorrenti

Johanna's shot blows everything else away. I believe that her image is the strongest through the whole content.
Back and scanning more...just wanted to note that Testino, not Sorrenti, shot Doutzen and Raquel -- I have no idea why I put Sorrenti :unsure:
My favorite editorial of them all :wub:

"A Kiss is still a Kiss"
Ph. Terry Tsiolis

Stan Jouk + Han Hye Jin | Julian Sapala + Colt Adams | Russell Valentine + Edda Petusdottir | Julia Dunstall + Boyd Holbrook | Boris Kolesnikov + Sofi Berelidze | Ryan Reineck + Buck Ellison | Alana Zimmer + Fraser Tyrie | Dasha Malygina + Max Schlesinger | Ajuma Nasanyana + Carol Sippel | Alyona Osmanova + Rachel Alexander | Johanna Stickland + Johnny Bray

Scanned by me
I love both Goldberg and Tsiolis eds. McLellan is nice too, and Suvi by WV. Sorrenti's Freja ed is not bad, but was disappointment for me, and the others are blah. But this issue turned out much better than I expected after seeing first few eds.

Thanks so much for scanning, Faith. :kiss: :heart:
omg, the julia dunstall/boyd kiss is hot!!

thanks for scanning, id give you karma, but i have to spread the reputation first :doh:
i love the julia/boyd kiss, and the rachel and alyona one as well. thanks faith!
This looks like a great issue. I love Alana's shot in the Kiss ed :heart:

Thanks for scanning everything Faith :flower: :woot:
I love it all!!! Wow that Julia/Boyd pic is incredibly hot! The Ryan/Buck one is cute :D Thank you soo much Faith!!!!!
I love the Kiss Editorial, in fact, I love most of the editorials as of yet! :o
minus perhaps...the doutzen and raquel one. :unsure:
The Kiss editorial is so cute!

Julia Dunstall, Lindsay Ellingson and Alanna Zimmer :buzz:

LIYA!!!!! :clap:

This looks like a great issue!!!! :woot: Thanks for all the scans Faith!!!!

BTW, are there any new ads??? :woot:
I'm so in love with both the Johanna shots, Alexandra T, Alyona+Rachel ( :buzz: ) Han, Lindsay and TWO Dasha pics :heart:
New ads? Yes...but they're too difficult to scan since most are two-pagers :lol: I'm sure other versions will pop up in smaller magazines -- those scans will be much better, too ;)

The ones I haven't seen before are Amber V. for Stella McCartney, a set of Stefanel ads with Gisele, a new Sonia Rykiel with Anna-Maria, a new Filippa K with Mona, a new YSL with Karen, a new Cesare Paciotti with Malgosia...

Last one for today -- going to give my scanner a rest until tomorrow! ^_^

Gemma Ward
"Beauty on the Beach"
Ph. Will Davidson

Scanned by me

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