So I picked it up today, and I'm happy with it, but not overly impressed.
I understand that there is a giant push to promote Catherine at this very moment, but I would have liked to see some other new girls in stories. Or at least more than just two pages, with one shot each, of six girls. Instead I got six pages of Coco twisting and scrunching her face up. Not to mention that Bruce Webber edit, where the clothes were painted on A&F adverts...*sigh*
I guess I'm only disappointed because I'm so used to having V give attention to new girls, in great editorials. However this time is was all McNeil, more Coco than I can handle right now, and brief little blurbs and shots of Diana, Irina, Kasia, Olga, Anabela, and Magdalena...
Beggers can't be choosers, and all that I know. Its just as much as I liked this issue, I was left really wanting more. That's all.