V Magazine 47 : Catherine McNeil by Mario Testino

That McQueen feature makes me appreciate his FW07 collection a bit more. Some things just look better in print, I suppose.
That McQueen feature is amazing!

Good cover + at least 2 good eds means I will be getting this issue :woot:
So I picked it up today, and I'm happy with it, but not overly impressed.

I understand that there is a giant push to promote Catherine at this very moment, but I would have liked to see some other new girls in stories. Or at least more than just two pages, with one shot each, of six girls. Instead I got six pages of Coco twisting and scrunching her face up. Not to mention that Bruce Webber edit, where the clothes were painted on A&F adverts...*sigh*

I guess I'm only disappointed because I'm so used to having V give attention to new girls, in great editorials. However this time is was all McNeil, more Coco than I can handle right now, and brief little blurbs and shots of Diana, Irina, Kasia, Olga, Anabela, and Magdalena...

Beggers can't be choosers, and all that I know. Its just as much as I liked this issue, I was left really wanting more. That's all.
^^I was hoping Angus' top 10 girls feature would be more elaborate, but that's too bad :(

I should be picking this up today as well...scans coming later tonight, then :flower:
^^Moldovan looks really good in that one shot of her. Very seductive and stunning. She's definitely a standout in that "edit."

^I agree I guess I was hopping for a more elaborate feature, since there were various shots of Kasia and Olga that were displayed on Vmagazine.com - oh well...Let me know when you get to Coco with the underbite!
Thank you, Faith! I know how difficult scanning the big pages can be, so it is GREATLY appreciated!
^Returning my sentiments towards you (And W) from last night I see! :rofl:

No problem, of course! :lol:
please, Faith , after Testino ed, could you scan 10 models ed? we hadn`t seen any pic from here
thanks in advance
"Birth of a Supermodel"
Ph. Mario Testino

Scanned by me

I think Catherine's absolutely sensational in this...definitely a lot of versatility to demonstrate a range of her looks. The styling's so-so (If not less than stellar), but you can really feel that Testino and her are a great team. If you were still cynical you could still argue that it just looks like the book of a ANTM by the time the season finale rolls along -- but IMHO it's amazing.
Diana Moldovan, Irina Kulikova, Kasia Struss, Olga Sherer, Anabela Belikova, and Magdalena Frackowiak
"Hottest, Freshest, Latest!"
Ph. Tom Allen

Scanned by me

Pieced together eight scans so no one got the short end of the stick :D Sadly, only 6 out of the 10 girls on the V blog (Not counting Catherine, that is) were featured :(
^Only Coco has a beauty ed, which I'm scanning right now :flower:

And Irina...K or L? :lol: I don't see Irina L anywhere, and that's the only shot of Irina K I see in the mag :)
ahahah totally "hello!" :
Olga Sherer. where`s from: Minsk , Russia
sorry since when Minsk became a part of Russsian Fedaration??? morons

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