Victoria's Secret Show 2005

OH AND sorry, but heidi's body is repulsive
and thats unrelated to the fact that i am a homosexual male
Donald Trump (of all people) said Heidi's body doesn't look too good anymore as well... It HAS changed but she did JUST have a baby so maybe it'll be back to the former shape after a while...? I'm not much of an expert on such things...
Eccentricity said:
she brings an edge, a certain bitchyness to the show that is enjoyabe to see because it is so covert. I KNOW for a fact those girls gossip about what a b*tch she is. I didnt like her body for this show. Slightly too hard and athletic, but her face was gorgeous as usual.

yeah.. overall she IS a really good model.. but the butt thing... :sick: never again please... :p
how old is she anyways?
fashionistangeL said:

oh i totally saw that!!!! :shock: i thought it was just me.... but yeah, naomi was showing off too much!
i especially hated it when she rubbed her butt or whatever she did,.... not sexy...:yuk:

Guys! u gotta look properly 'down under' Naomi....! B)

Naomi's heels got stuck/trapped somehow by the drapping gown. Which forces her from moving forward. She did a last minute pose to somehow remove the trapped gown by lifting her heels while pulling the gown HARD off before catwalking back into the stage.(u can see how the gown just bounces back behind her when she turned.)

I'm quite impressed with her gesture because if it turned out to be some other models, i guess they'll stop and look down their heels or even trip. Naomi did it so smoothly, u thought it was a publicity stunt. Dun get her wrong.:innocent:
yeahh maybe it was that..then if it was for that reason,. i liked that pose, she did it well.... .. but the butt thing........... haha ok ok ill let it go...

does anybody know if they are eveeer going to repeat the show in american tv?????? or anyone knows where to download it complete? i can only find it in parts...
Eccentricity said:
OH AND sorry, but heidi's body is repulsive
and thats unrelated to the fact that i am a homosexual male

well she did give birth about 2 months before the show :rolleyes:
I don't know about you guys, but after watching TYRA's new show many times, I have learned to LOVE and adore her.

She is very caring and genuine, I am super glad that she is and was successful.

Think of this, when you hear the word VS, TYRA is the first person you think of. And all you haters need to back off because she is probably still richer than all them VS girls put together. We just need to admit it because she dominates everyone.

Simply amazing!!
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i've got to say, watching the show, i found Natasha to be stunning and cute and i really liked her. Then i went to the victoria's secret website, and looked at the new bra collection for spring, and she doesn't photograph that well. It's her mouth, mostly. naomi watts, if you know what i mean.

also, her face is too sunken in. She needs to relax her face and gain a bit of weight.

i have hopes for her, hopefully she'll pull through.
whos bianca? cans omeone post a picture of bianco and natasha poly and angela please? they all look al ike to me =S either blonde or brown wavey hair and a body to die for.
how tall is alessandra ambrosio/ i read somewhere that she is less than 175cm..?

Gisele kind of looks like a man her face is wayy too defined but it stands out, shes just so attractive but not the pretty face attractive tis the power in her
Hey, no one has mentioned Izabel Goulart! VS said right after the show that she will be their new "face"! I was suprised; beautiful girl but kind of an unknown, yes?
madem0iselle said:
whos bianca? cans omeone post a picture of bianco
how tall is alessandra ambrosio/ i read somewhere that she is less than 175cm..?

alessandra, i heard she's around 5'8. :huh: is that 175 cm? i cant convert it.
^ No, 5'8 is about 173 cm. 175 cm is 5'9.

Alessandra looks short so, I can believe it.

Izabel Goulart is not memorable at all. I don't even remember what she looks like.
they all look pretty much gisele's height
madem0iselle said:
whos bianca? cans omeone post a picture of bianco and natasha poly and angela please? they all look al ike to me =S either blonde or brown wavey hair and a body to die for.

hey.. its all in the past pages.... but ill post you those 3 girls! :flower:






and this is BIANCA BALTI.....


Boomer said:
Hey, no one has mentioned Izabel Goulart! VS said right after the show that she will be their new "face"! I was suprised; beautiful girl but kind of an unknown, yes?

yeahh she has been mentioned..some pages back.. you should check them out! :flower: but most of us think that she look A LOT like alessandra... and i personally dont really like her to be a VS angel.... but we'll see what happens! :p
cyberfruit said:
^ No, 5'8 is about 173 cm. 175 cm is 5'9.

Alessandra looks short so, I can believe it.

Izabel Goulart is not memorable at all. I don't even remember what she looks like.

alessandra isnt and doesnt look short at all..... i mean.. just look at her super long body.. long legs and looong torso!

but i agree with you about izabel..... i didnt like selita's trying too hard.. but at least her performance is memorable... haha
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oh wow thanks people! i love alessandro i think she has a nice body damn i wish i was 5'8 or 5'10! im only 5'6 =( ighope ill continue growing.
ANGELA LINDVALL is LOVELY she stands out she has a cheekbone to die for! and that angelic face ahhhhhhhh what lovely ladiies out there!

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