Vogue China September 2011 : 6th Anniversary Issue by Inez & Vinoodh

Just stunning!!!! Even as hot as their 5th year anniversary issue, I love the top models on both sides of the cover, the outfits/hair/male-up is amazing = just really cool!!!! Hope I can get my hands on this issue ;) and cool to see Du Juan again on Vogue China cover + editorial. Perhaps Raquel's cover is for October of later this year, anyways tks Vogue China for nailing it once again after some bad cover choices.
Great cover. Love the composition and colours.
this is gorgeous, and I am glad they didn't stick a european model in between them this time :lol: Sui He, Liu Wen, and Shu Pei Qin should have ben on the front imo
What a great cover. I do have agree with the other posters saying that Sui, Liu & Shu should have been on the main cover.
i think this model should in the cover:

liu wen!!!!(she's no.6 in models.com real supermodel)
sui he( first chinese RalphLauren girl)
shu pei (verawang gril)
xiao wen(new face)
grace gao(new face)
sun feifei (she's really hot in this season)
oh wow, not another cover with a model in front of a white background? groundbreaking for China...
Raquel has an editorial inside.


China vogue is out! we shot 6 great Chinese beauties for the cover and Raquel Zimmerman at the pool.kisses Inez
inezandvinoodh Tumblr
Sui nailed her 1st cover ;) Although, I'm bothered by Ming's uncanny position :lol:
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Vogue China always turn it UP for their september issues, I'm so excited to see the content
the cover is beautiful, if possible even better than last years
Amazing cover!!
Du is boring though.
Is it just m,e or does Sui He look out of place, she looks like she's a white girl mixed in with all these stunning Asian girls lol. I mean I know she's Chinese, but did they photoshop her or something?
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It seems that Raquel was supposed to be on the cover of this issue, but they changed the plan.
Love the cover anyway. The preview of Raquel's ed makes me look forward to the full ed.
I love all the models featured here but don't like the cover itself and I don't understand this overuse of Gucci -_-
hope the content is better.
OMG THIS IS AMAZING TOTALLY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! in Mexico don´t find this anywhere is a shame
It seems like Raquel's ed might be outtakes from the Vogue Paris August spread.

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