Vogue Paris September 2012 : Kate Moss, Daria Werbowy and Lara Stone by Mert & Marcus

Can anyone tell me if in the past have all Vogue Paris multi covers been shipped to the UK when this has happened before? Or is it more likely that only one cover will be imported?

For me too the covers come as a surprise, as in who has surfaced upon them, I was really expecting to see a punchy group shot when I opened this thread earlier today. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised though, Emmanuelle Alt really does love Kate and Daria perhaps a little too much for my liking. It's a bit ridiculous isn't it, already 3 covers for Kate under Alt's reign as editor-in-chief and perhaps another one on the way with George Michael for the October issue. It's good to see Lara though, as I suspected we would see less of her with Carine gone.

Moving on, obviously everything is virtually photoshopped in fashion magazines from the cover(s) to the contents. I've accepted that, it just bothers me though how excessively it's being used sometimes to the point of the subject(s) becoming too fake for me to like. It is Mert & Marcus's work after all though, not that I don't like their work though as I love how they work with colour. In all honesty though, for example we all know Kate doesn't look that great as she appears to be on that cover, I'll forever love her as a model but it's blatantly obvious that she is caked in make-up and been edited to the extremes. I find it unnecessary. Kate definitely pulls off the best pose though as she fills more of the space surrounding her, the composition looks only ever so slightly off though.

It feels a bit pointless to use models only to make them look like carbon copies of one another. Same hair, same makeup, same background, even the same dress?

^Ditto, if anything it makes the whole thing look even more faker, despite this I'll probably end up getting all 3 covers for collection purposes without hopefully having to resort to eBay and I like the whole idea of the black colour theme. Sounds appealing.
When I read the thread title I was expecting something along the lines of the W Magazine cover with all three of them in the bed together - silly me :)

I love all three covers. None of them can do wrong in my book.
I tend to be a fan of all things dark and dramatic, but am I the only one that thinks this make up makes all three of these beautiful ladies look like they just got out of a fight?

Daria's looks bad (and I usually never say that about anything she is in) and Kate's is the worse. Lara's is only sub-par and I am in awe that these were shot by Mert & Marcus. I loathe that gray background..and they have managed to bored me to tears not once, not twice, but three times with such pitiful covers.

NO appeal what-so-ever....
and yet the girls wear Dolce and none of those models is french lol... yeah: "celebrating la Parisienne" :innocent:

Yes, I actually thought the same... I'm a little skeptical to all the changes... I hope that this will bring more substance into the already kind of dry vogue.
I think this is absolutely awful! I do not like any of the covers and I have yet to see an identity that says "Alt" and which blends into the Vogue girl. I find it ridiculous that it's always the same cover subjects and only shows how scared Alt is of taking risks. Fashion is ever changing. It's an industry that continuously evolves yet VP remains stagnant and stale. I have seen all of this before and if Alt thinks that changing the layout of a magazine and changing the font is going to give a magazine a new identity then she needs to think again. This is the worse September issue of any fashion magazine, and I don't even need to see the contents to know that it will be everything that's she has done before in the same rotation... Disappointed!
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im shocking at the idea that being parisienne or celebrating parisienne models have to wear french made clothes. seriously, how silly and narrow minded when people are criticizing this fact.

imo, celebrating parisienne means celebrating their cultures, styles, etc. wearing italian or american brands doesnt mean u r any less parisienne. the origins of clothes could be from anywhere in the world as long as it fits the aesthetic of parisinne.

haters will always be haters!
imo, celebrating parisienne means celebrating their cultures, styles, etc. wearing italian or american brands doesnt mean u r any less parisienne. the origins of clothes could be from anywhere in the world as long as it fits the aesthetic of parisinne.

I agree with you.
that flashing gif file with the 3 covers in 1 is really interesting. they all have similar cheekbones and mouths in this pic. and their bodies don't look all that dissimilar from one another either. just the eyes and pose, really.

i think it's a beautiful cover, because i think that they 3 of these supermodels are each just breathtaking. i'm not a fan of the grey background. and i do wish that they'd done something different for each of them. but overall - i do think i'd stop in my tracks were i to stumble across this in a magazine shop.
Kate's pose makes the ugly Dolce dress look decent, Daria looks gorgeous, and Lara's body language looks lazy. Having said that I do love all three girls but I'm not a fan of all three having to wear the exact same hair, makeup, and design. Maybe it would have looked better if they carried out a common theme with different designs.
imo, celebrating parisienne means celebrating their cultures, styles, etc. wearing italian or american brands doesnt mean u r any less parisienne. the origins of clothes could be from anywhere in the world as long as it fits the aesthetic of parisinne.

I'm not amazingly happy with the three previews, but I totally agree with this statement. It's about that effortless aesthetic of the Parisian woman.
im shocking at the idea that being parisienne or celebrating parisienne models have to wear french made clothes. seriously, how silly and narrow minded when people are criticizing this fact.

imo, celebrating parisienne means celebrating their cultures, styles, etc. wearing italian or american brands doesnt mean u r any less parisienne. the origins of clothes could be from anywhere in the world as long as it fits the aesthetic of parisinne.

haters will always be haters!

:rolleyes:riiiiiiight because when you think about PARISIENNE you don't think of someone french or a top french model wearing some french high end brand :lol: yeah and you call people narrow minded? :blink: I meannnnn :D it's like if you would have a cover of Chinese Vogue and put a Russian or African American model and put the coverline 'The chinese woman'. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and people get confused with the simple fact of showing the real deal according to the main message: therefore I believe that even though YES celebrating 'La parisienne' could mean enhancing her style, the french aesthetic and everything, it's still BETTER and CLEARER to show a FRENCH MODEL (helloooo Constance, Noémie, Laiticia...) wearing a french label such as Chanel or Dior (especially since the name of its new designer is on the cover) like duh! :innocent:
From what I understood from the article, Emmanuelle said that VP is about celebrating the Parisian woman in general and that this issue is dedicated to black, hence the lack of French women and clothes on the covers. On the other hand, last month's issue that was about Paris, had a French actress on the cover and the main editorial was all about the city.
:rolleyes:riiiiiiight because when you think about PARISIENNE you don't think of someone french or a top french model wearing some french high end brand :lol: yeah and you call people narrow minded? :blink: I meannnnn :D it's like if you would have a cover of Chinese Vogue and put a Russian or African American model and put the coverline 'The chinese woman'. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and people get confused with the simple fact of showing the real deal according to the main message: therefore I believe that even though YES celebrating 'La parisienne' could mean enhancing her style, the french aesthetic and everything, it's still BETTER and CLEARER to show a FRENCH MODEL (helloooo Constance, Noémie, Laiticia...) wearing a french label such as Chanel or Dior (especially since the name of its new designer is on the cover) like duh! :innocent:

Or maybe Alt is trying to communicate that the vibe/aesthetic of Parisienne has transcended into becoming something global, that is universally attainable by all women, irregardless of nationality.
Can anyone tell me if in the past have all Vogue Paris multi covers been shipped to the UK when this has happened before? Or is it more likely that only one cover will be imported?

I remember all three covers of May 2010 arriving here, and the June/July 2008 covers arrived also. So I'm certain these should come over, at least I hope so, because I'm wanting the three.

And wasn't the August issue dedicated to a Parisienne aesthetic? Perhaps Alt has been misunderstood. From what I understand, the issue is aimed at everything black. Every single issue of French Vogue could be aimed at Parisienne influences, for me.
From what I understand, the issue is aimed at everything black. Every single issue of French Vogue could be aimed at Parisienne influences, for me.
^ yes it is and that`s exactly why it is Vogue Paris and not Vogue France. and it always was Vogue Paris.
Wasn't Kate Moss supposed to get the October cover? This is not funny anymore (it never was...). Alt is not even mediocre, she's just plain bad. Everything she does is so wrong, so washed-out, so ugly, so inferior, so dull, so boring, so pointless, so irrelevant, so banal, so forgettable, so poor... I guess getting upset at this point isn't worth it.

Vogue is a ship adrift... A very out of fashion, ugly and uninspiring ship adrift... :(
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:rolleyes:riiiiiiight because when you think about PARISIENNE you don't think of someone french or a top french model wearing some french high end brand :lol: yeah and you call people narrow minded? :blink: I meannnnn :D it's like if you would have a cover of Chinese Vogue and put a Russian or African American model and put the coverline 'The chinese woman'. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and people get confused with the simple fact of showing the real deal according to the main message: therefore I believe that even though YES celebrating 'La parisienne' could mean enhancing her style, the french aesthetic and everything, it's still BETTER and CLEARER to show a FRENCH MODEL (helloooo Constance, Noémie, Laiticia...) wearing a french label such as Chanel or Dior (especially since the name of its new designer is on the cover) like duh! :innocent:

let's get real here, this is a fashion magazine, so celebrating parisienne means celebrating their fashion styles. and when it comes to styles people have the option to choose clothes that best represent their aesthetic doesnt matter where the clothes are coming from. fashion wise, being parisenne is about the LOOK that best represent them rather than the name tags. and this is vogue paris, this is how they interpret fashion under their point of view.

hollywood stars wear mostly french or italian made clothes, does that make them any less hollywood/american?

im from toronto, canada, and being torontonians we would wear lots and lots of clothes that are comfy like jeans and t-shirts and the origins of these clothes have nothing to do with our style and they will never define who we are. we are not foolish enough to go after someone to check for the name tags. it's all about the look not the name tags that define our lifestyle and cultures. in fact, over 90% of the clothes that we wear are made in china, vietnam, turkey, etc.

i dont think u can go anywere with your explanation above bc it makes no sense. having a chinese on a cover of a magazine and having an italian dress are two different things. that is the case of comparing apple to orange. this is a fashion magazine. it's all about the fashion style under parisienne point of view.

beign parisienne doesnt mean u r limited to everythign french. it's all about making fashion CHOICE that best represent them. to me being parisienne, one can wear dior dress, with italian shoes, and spice it up with american made jewelery. as long as it screams sophistication, class and sexiness.

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