What's your signature color(s)?

If we don't include jewllery to make up gold and silver palettes to match choice clothes worn, then:

+ Pink....exhaustive shades and colours (despite favouring the lighter side for wardrobe antics... the majority of my wardrobe could be attributed to this colour regardless)
+ Rich, insane, turquoise blue
+ Deep crimson, berry red.
+ Black
+ Gunmetal silver

Does it count if the rest of my palette is on my eyes? D8
I've been told that I am a victim of too much black, but I quite like it. Lately I've also been wearing lots of heather greys. I also like rich but muted earthy shades like beige, charcoal, and saffron.
Black still dominates my wardrobe (ever since that teen goth phase some years ago), but I also like gray and white. The only colors I really wear are dark purple and petrol green/blue. Bright colors and pastels don't suit me at all.
Lately my signature color would have to be green...it just so happens to match my eyes. :p
black/grey/white - combination
olive/leaf green
and this peachish pinkish brightish shade of pink. im not sure what the name is precisely! :eek:
sorry, o forgot to add 'teal' too. been wearing alot of that lately! if not the clothes in that color, alot of my accessories are in teal!
Black, Blue, and Grey are my main colors. Its rare to see anything different as these are the colors I am comfortable in.
^^same here.

Black, Gray, Blue, Brown & White. im always using some deep colours-mixing them with a white shirt or scarf.. or sometimes the opposite.
I've found that not only is pink + gray a pleasing color combination, but it goes very nicely with my facial palette

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