When Did You Start Wearing Makeup?

i haven't started yet. i am quite active and well, that doesn't lend itself well to a madeup face. ha ha!--i just got a funny picture in my head of me commuting by bike and having my "face" melt off. gross and silly at the same time. i have, however, had people put makeup on me for special evenings, but i've always felt quite uncomfortable and self conscious. and so had to take it off.

ON THE OTHER HAND, i have to confess...one morning when no one was awake to stop me from going crazy on ebay, i won a shu uemera (sp?) eyelash curler. i don't know how to use it properly, and nor do i use it. but i hear that it's good. so i'm keeping it for when i'm "grown up" and need it. (i'm 25 :lol:) ...perhaps you can say that i'm on the cusp of "makeup-ing"?

i got a great compliment the other day. i was with a couple of women i don't know very well and the conversation was centred on makeup. when it came up that i don't wear any, one of them said: "i can't believe it. YOU DON"t wear any? i can't believe that is your real lip colour!" maybe this means i've been blessed with good genes...and affirming new friends! :)
started wearing eyeliner (in every shade, im quite the risk taker) in 8th grade, really wore makeup in 9th (last year). i usually go out with:
-concealor and powder
-eyeliner/eyeshadow/highlighter (i use ALL colors,browns,black,green,blue,pink,etc!)
-BLACK mascara
-lipgloss (dab of lipstick if im feelin dangerous)

i cant believe i didnt start that long ago, i have 3 makeup cases FULL of makeup!! my older sister still asks me what some of my products are for... :lol:
I started wearing mascara and all kinds of eye shadow when I was 15 or so, I was obsessed with make-up then. Wouldn't go to the supermarket without it:doh::D. Now I put on mascara regularly, otherwise I don't bother much. Except when i go partying I experiment with it. :D B)
I started when i was 11, with powder, pink colored lipstick and blue eyeshadow, that was horible...!
I started ballet when I was about 4, so then. But other people did the make-up and I only wore it when I was on stage.

Then I started sychronised swimming when I was 8. I started to do my own make-up when I was about 10, but I still only wore it for performances.

I started wearing eyeshadow and lipstick when I was about 10 for special occasions.

I added mascara when I was about 12 and started wearing it nearly every day.

I had a brief period of wearing blusher when I was about 13.

I started wearing eyeliner when I was 14.

Now I'm 19 and I can't go out of the house without powder and mascara at a minimum. Usually I wear concealer, powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara.
I started to use everyday makeup from the highschool about 15/16 but only lipgloss and mascara.. basically now I wear makeup everyday, without i feel naked, at least a lipgloss and blush mascara .. my sister "she's only 13" wers more make up than a drag queen! i think that when you get older you ty to put less make up than you're young!
I'd been using lip gloss since I was about 12, but I started using eyeshadow, mascara, foundation etc when I was 17.
I started wearing makeup at around 11 not alot just a blit of lipgloss and powder to make me feel more mature, then by the time I got to 15 I was a full on makeup junkie, i'm 16 now and i'm doing the whole bardot thing with my makeup which I always get complimented on :D
I'm not wearing make-up yet ^_^
When I was 6-7 my child-minder gave me nail polish on sometimes. Red or pink colours. I felt like a star and I was sooo cool :lol:
First time I wore makeup was for my kindergarden's Christmas show when I was 4. I started crying while reciting the poem because I thought my makeup had faded! Later on, my mum would occasionaly let me use rosey hued lipstick and pastel eyeshadow. By the time I was 14 I already had a huge makeup purse that I took even to school. Now, that I'm 20, i'm not so obsessed with makeup anymore. My minimal basics are lipstick and black or brown khol.
madraykin said:
Then I started sychronised swimming when I was 8. I started to do my own make-up when I was about 10, but I still only wore it for performances.
hey! im a synchronized swimmer as well :lol:
not too many of them out ther..
I guess I was 11, I would sneak some of my mom's lipstick and put it on when I went to school, then take it off before going home.. ;)

When I was 13 my mom put me in this really cheesy modelling class and they taught me how to apply make-up, how to keep your hair/nails looking nice, etc.. I hate to admit it but I ate up the make-up tips and it was a great excuse to get my mom to start me a kit, since she signed me up! :) Hated everything else about that 'class', though..

I will admit I took it too far, though.. I'd wear lots of make-up for the sake of it.. butI suppose a lot of girls do that once they discover make-up ;)

I guess it's the progression; discover make-up.. wear too much of it.. realize it is to enhance what you have rather than covering it up, so you pull it back.. then wish you didn't have to wear any at all :)
I think I was 10 the first time I wore makeup. But I didn't really start wearing it regularly untill I was 13.
EliteModel said:
madraykin said:
Then I started sychronised swimming when I was 8. I started to do my own make-up when I was about 10, but I still only wore it for performances.
hey! im a synchronized swimmer as well :lol:
not too many of them out ther..

Sorry for the double post, but I just noticed this.

Woah I was a synchronised swimmer to. I was horrible at it though and only did it for 3 years.
at around 13-14 ... omg i was SO BAD :cry: as resenance said : WHY DIDNT ANY BODY TELL ME ! :doh:

According to my mom I was about 8-10 :lol: I don't really remember that and I'm sure it was lip gloss and a tiny bit of eyeshadow. I didn't *really* start wearing it until maybe 12. My makeup routine's been the same from the on: concealer, powder, eyelash curler, liner, bit of lipstick. Except if I'm going out to somewhere I actually care to go to.
i started at 15 with eye liner ...

before that i only wore lip gloss and nail paint.. since class 6

now, at 20, i like using Kohl pencils in different colours: dark green goes well with tan skin.

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