Prada - it's said to be iconoclastic, intellectual....well look at this:
Hey! My name is Erica.. I am 14 years old. I am 5'5, and i have blonde hair blue eyes! and yaa.. i LOVE PARis hILton!, Shopping, Juicy Couture, Abercrombie & Fitch (guys), Being Blonde, Don't hate me cuz i'm a material girl.. Sorry if i act ditzy sometimes.. I LOVE THE OC, LAGUNA BEACH, STepHEn, LO, LC, KriSTiN, TreY, TalAn! i Love bEbE, LAcOsTe, StiLlEttOs, MaKe-uP, MEAN GiRLS!!, dReSSiNg uP, CoACh, pERFuME, CELL pHoneS!, CaLiFORNiA, NYC!, bUrBeRrY, ADAM BROdY!, DaViD & gOliATh, KiTSoN, NiCOle RiCHiE, MK & Ashley OLSEn, fRiENDs!!!, fAshiOn, jeSs & aSHlEe SimPsoN, NiCK lAcHey!, i Dont care iF YOU CALL ME A PREP =) i LEARNED 2 NOT CARE.. i haTE JEaLoUs pEoPLe, i HaTe wANNaBeS! i LOVE VaCatiOniNG, i love CHRistMaS, i LOve bEn, aDaM, MiscHa & rAcHeL! cHaD mICHAEL mUrRy iS SOO GORGEOUS!, JoJo iS sOo pReTty!, i Love the coloR piNK, i LikE tHE GiRL nEXT do0r, i LOVE buRbErrY, gUcCi, pRaDa, LoUis VuiTtOn, i LOve tHe beAcH, sMooTHiEs, a & F gUyS arE YumM! i L0VE THE GOTTi HOttiES!!
That was searching Prada on yahoo...
THAT is the image Prada has. That's why I dislike Prada. If you ask me, Miu Miu is a million times better because sometimes it seems like it's more exlusive, less hyped, and a whole lot better than the mainline overall.
I feel sorry for Prada, it's now in the ranks of "buRbErrY, gUcCi, , LoUis VuiTtOn and a & F gUyS" (although if you ask me..I don't think Prada is guilt free....they created this image for themselves by expanding somuch)