Your fur style - please read thread guidelines in post #1 before posting

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i've had quite a fancy for fur recently i dont know quite where its come from and then i got a vintage fake fur coat handed down to me that used to belong to my great grandmother and i love it. i'd quite like some of the real thing but thats a guilty pleasure:ninja: but i do love my real leather jacket fake leather just doesnt compare but i dont mind fake fur since its quite good in quality.

as for the issue of vintage vs. new fur items would you be buying current fur items 30 years from now? at the end of the day its still fur.

I think the situation for me and fur is, I love animals, I can't bear suffering of humans or animals, I don't eat meat because of this. However, I love clothes, and friend recently gave me a cossack hat that I thought was faux fur. Turned out it was real, but I loved it so much I didn't get rid of it. I feel totally hypocritical because of it, but we're in more enlightened times now and I feel that if the vintage fur could be re-used, that would be more acceptable than going on slaughtering animals so that rich women could walk around feeling special in their big coats.

What are peoples opinions on that? If the fur industry could be stopped with the use of recycled vintage? It's not ideal, and obviously it probably won't happen, but it would be a more positive option.

Finally, personally I can't understand the idea that someone just doesn't care about the suffering. I've suffered in my life, through illness etc, and it was nothing compared to what these animals go through. Just because they can't speak and tell you how dreadful and painful and torturous it is, doesn't mean that that little life isn't worth something.
i dont like animals suffering and i have seen those peta videos which are truely awful but i have also seen how ethical fur is farmed there is two extremes to the spectrum.

Mindbear recycling is always a good idea no matter what material it happens to be and with animal skins and furs they can last with proper care but wont be amazing forever. also alot of people are sort of recycling anyway as they are opting to buy vintage instead of new but that might be due to a cost thing!?.

the point i couldnt get my head around is that whether it be vintage or new its still a dead animal what makes it any better knowing how old the piece is? i know alot of people prefer to buy vintage but wouldnt people prefer to buy ethically farmed? like going and buying your free range eggs as apposed to battery?

i dont know why but i've been thinking about fur alot lately:lol:
The reason I thought the recycling would be better is that you're not buying into, or condoning, the ongoing suffering and cruelty of the industry. I'd much rather vintage, which obviously first time around would have been the result of negative actions, but reusing the fur means that no more suffering will be happening. I'd rather that than the ongoing killing of animals in an ethical way, because that way no death needs to happen to give someone a coat. If people must wear fur, recycled fur makes sense to me, because that animal is going to be dead either way, it was killed forty years ago to make the coat, so at least if its reused, the animals descendants don't have to go through the same misery.
The reason I thought the recycling would be better is that you're not buying into, or condoning, the ongoing suffering and cruelty of the industry. I'd much rather vintage, which obviously first time around would have been the result of negative actions, but reusing the fur means that no more suffering will be happening. I'd rather that than the ongoing killing of animals in an ethical way, because that way no death needs to happen to give someone a coat. If people must wear fur, recycled fur makes sense to me, because that animal is going to be dead either way, it was killed forty years ago to make the coat, so at least if its reused, the animals descendants don't have to go through the same misery.

i understand your intentions and yes buying vintage fur is better because its not condoning killing animals now, but in my eyes its still the killing of animals past or present thats why i brought up ethical farming because its not the perfect solution but regulates it in a way.

and im little confused at the highlighted bits because with all fur new or old death is a part of it and fur new or old is going to be a dead animal either way. i would like to see stopping this trade in the cruelty to animals but in which ever way this may take form but i cannot see anything wrong with a tightly regulated industry as with anything that is produced that is controversial. (producing cheap clothes, testing for life saving drugs etc.)

i appreciate your opinion i like to get other peoples view points on any subject:flower:
^ I think your point is valid ... I use the same reasoning with diamonds. I will buy vintage occasionally, but not new ;)

As for fur, I find it decadent in my climate, so don't buy vintage either ... but I am working on being non-judgmental ... about this & everything else. It's harder than it sounds ;)
I am neutral on fur (and diamonds), but it seems to me that even if you wear vintage, you are perpetuating the image of the glamor of fur (or diamonds), and potentially creating more desire for those luxury items... you may - unintentionally, of course - inspire someone else to get their own fur (or diamonds.) Which may or may not be vintage.

It reminds me of a graffito I saw once; "Every time you eat meat, you put out a contract on an animal."
Fur to me was like a secret fantasy/lust sort of thing that wasn't at all a key factor in my designs, but as I was studying Victorian macabre it popped up and I suddenly became this fur freak.
Damn that Scognamiglio jacket!
I'm bored of it now though so i'll have to put it back into it's place in the lust category for me to desire but not have and for it to stay there.

Sorry for sounding so heartless guys when I was in my Fur is Fun! phase.
I'm not pro-fur, I'm anti-PETA.

I don't own a fur. I'm not really cool with furs being made today in really inhumane ways, but I definitely wouldn't fuss over someone wearing a vintage fur.

My real problem is with the PETA group and how they act. They say they're an animal right group, and they're against animal abuse? They terrorize and hurt people with basically everything they do! They're so aggressive!

I'm against animal abuse, and that includes the abuse of the up-right talking monkey! :lol::p:heart:
I only wear faux fur.

At least with leather, the cows are being used for more than just meat and milk. Even when I do by meat, I buy it organic, free range and hormone free.

Fur is just taking the skin and leaving the animal for dead.
The reason I thought the recycling would be better is that you're not buying into, or condoning, the ongoing suffering and cruelty of the industry. I'd much rather vintage, which obviously first time around would have been the result of negative actions, but reusing the fur means that no more suffering will be happening. I'd rather that than the ongoing killing of animals in an ethical way, because that way no death needs to happen to give someone a coat. If people must wear fur, recycled fur makes sense to me, because that animal is going to be dead either way, it was killed forty years ago to make the coat, so at least if its reused, the animals descendants don't have to go through the same misery.

Don't believe everything peta says. They use those for scare tactics and kill more animals than they save.

I don't like real fur but I am not going to throw paint on someone because they wear it either lol.
Fur is just taking the skin and leaving the animal for dead.

Actually in Scandinavia (the largest producers of fur in the world) the rests of the minks used to be used to feed the fishing industry (also very large in that zone) and the rests of the fish to feed them as an alimentary chain but since the crazy cow disease fishes cannot be feed with minks (becuase minks were already feed with them) so now they used them for oil and biofuel.
Don't believe everything peta says. They use those for scare tactics and kill more animals than they save.

I don't like real fur but I am not going to throw paint on someone because they wear it either lol.

Are you making the claim that PETA kills animals? They use a number of unorthodox tactics, but I would think killing animals is something they don't do ...
^ Why do they do that???! I am asking in a non-confrontation way, I really want to know! Seems crazy!
^ That's quite interesting--and appalling. I have done animal rescue work and it's true that you can't save every single animal. Sometimes they do need to be put down--an animal might be terminally ill, or irretrievably antisocial and/or dangerous. But those are quite rare cases, and this article says their kill rate was 90%. For the rescue I worked with, I remember only two dogs being put down, both for health reasons, in the years I worked with them. Our rate (and it was not a shelter, that might be a bit different) I would guess at less than 1%. There's no excuse for this 90% number. Had I been a PETA donor, I would be enraged.
^ Why do they do that???! I am asking in a non-confrontation way, I really want to know! Seems crazy!

You have to be quite careful with people anytime they work in this kind of environment. Sometimes people can become quite callous. My great-aunt was on the board of the local humane society, and she told us about cases where animals were put down because they came in with their fur matted and the employees didn't want to deal with it. You could definitely call it crazy.

I'm reading Temple Grandin's Animals Make Us Human right now. It has chapters on pet animals and animals who are part of commercial industries. Some of the latter chapters are hard to take, but if you live with or care about animals, I really recommend it. It's given me a lot of insight into my dogs and changed the way I do things with them. But it also talks about how people can become densensitized to animals and their suffering. Basically she says that about a quarter of people will treat animals the right way regardless of whether anyone's watching--but the rest must be watched.
someone throwing ink on our expensive fur jacket would hurt us so much
but killing an innocent animal in the most torturous way so that we can look glamourous doesnt do a thing to our soul...
strange isnt it!!

i dont know if i am pro peta but i am a vegetarian and will never hurt an animal .
someone throwing ink on our expensive fur jacket would hurt us so much
but killing an innocent animal in the most torturous way so that we can look glamourous doesnt do a thing to our soul...
strange isnt it!!

i dont know if i am pro peta but i am a vegetarian and will never hurt an animal .

Good for you B)

I was a vegetarian for awhile but it made me unwell and I was told by my doctor I had to put meat back into my diet.
I had to sort of accept that I was an animal and a meat-eating one at that.
Still, I think we should ALL be trying to take as little life as possible during our lifetimes, no matter who actively or passively.

That's why I would never wear fur.

Still, I hate PTA and it's methods. They disgrace themselves by acting with such intense aggression, and it take credence away from their stance as an ethical organization.

I heard that recently they defaced the Hollywood Walk of Fame, writing ' Fur Hags' or something on a ton of the squares ( such as Sharon Stone's and Aretha Franklin's). Stuff like that just makes me wanna roll my eyes at them, not jump on board their cause.
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and sharon stone would be so hurt to see that ..

fur hags will be called fur hags
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