Yves Saint Laurent S/S 2012 : Mariacarla Boscono by David Sims

This campaign needed mert & marcus (over saturated at the moment) or camilla akrans to do it justice. It's not bad but David lacks that slick edge to make the colors pop. Also, let's get back outside... At least for spring!
i dont think mcb is a great fit for ysl. i find her beauty is a bit too dark and mysterious for the house. models that have classic and sophisticated look like karlie or natasha would be better choice.
i was thinking 'girl with the dragon tattoo' with those bangs...
i always love mariacarla so i'm digging this.
i dont think mcb is a great fit for ysl. i find her beauty is a bit too dark and mysterious for the house. models that have classic and sophisticated look like karlie or natasha would be better choice.

this isn't her first time in ads for the brand. i think Mariacarla is the perfect YSL woman. She is strong and elegant.
after re-looking at the campaign, i think the background doesnt brign out ysl aesthetic. the campaign would look better if they use the real backdrop.
MCB personifies the medieval mystery and high-class crispness and chicness with a hint of naughty tomboy look, which exudes everywhere with YSL this brand i guess, e.g. Le Smoking. This's virtually extraordinay and brilliant, MCB rocks it.
I love the idea but the hair and the make-up are horrific! The antithesis of the Saint-Laurent woman! This woman looks ill and lifeless, whereas the YSL woman of past campaigns is strong and empowered, even through the subtlety of make-up and hair.

Besides, this is very Girl With The Dragon Tattoo to me, am I the only one in thinking so? I see Rooney Mara and Mert&Marcus in this and it is far too similar to their US Vogue shoot.
what a disaster! I think MCB is one of the best models around and David Sims usually delivers but this is just disappointing. The background colors look so outdated, in general the campaign looks outdated, the hair, the styling.
Initially I thought it was a good idea to switch from I&V to Sims but now I take my words back :lol:
When I opened this thread and saw this I was so sure these horrid images would finally put a halt on the insane MCB worshiping on tFS but I guess I was wrong. People still seem to praise the hell out of this and I wish I could understand why. As much as I love MCB, I personally think this is godawful :ninja: I hate the hair and the eyebrows, the cheekbones look ridiculous and the background colors don't compliment the clothes in any way. This collection looked much better on the runway.
The images are both stunning and horrific at the same time.^_^

I think I will have to see the campaign in the magazines but at the moment I don't like it. Mariacarla might be the reason, not sure she fits this campaign.
Oh look, it's the queen :heart:

Love the second photo, the whole silent era movie star look is one of my favorite looks in fashion. And the color palette is really nice. The first photo could use some excitement though

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