2013 Style Resolutions

I totally just did a post about this on my blog. Long story short, I want to take more risks
to dress more grown up. i'm graduating this year and i need to start building a more grown up wardrobe for this new chapter in my life.
I'm already doing quite good, only buying things that are extremely rare and unique within a budget. If not, sewing and creating new things. I rarely have time for that, though.
This year will be a challenge to dress with crazy hair colours without looking like a clown, I'm already experiencing it. And I would like to wear hats more, so that will be a really hard thing to accomplish.
On the make up department I have managed to almost always wear lipstick, and I'm giving liquid eyeliner a try. For the moment I stink at it, but practice is the key to anything.
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I always make the mistake of buying two things at once/in the same store when I really only like and need one. I don't know why I do this -- some weird psychological thing where I convince myself I'm saving time and money by getting two different things at once when I'm actually NOT. The second thing I buy is always useless. This is a big thing for me that I really have to work on -- and it's not just with clothes!

What items do I want? Very fun topic. A sheepskin leather jacket. A black bowler hat (anyone know where to get one in Toronto?)
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  • More solids, some patterns
  • Back to my usual color palette
  • Quality over quantity
  • Finding a new wallet (or buying the McQueen one I've got an eye on but is too expensive imo :innocent:)
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- Wear lots of dresses and buy at least one new dress per season. I always feel best and look best in a dress (and I have to wear less trousers that way, too :lol:)

I usually buy a really nice dress to wear on my birthday and one to wear for Christmas and sometimes for New Years too. This was I have enough "nice" dresses so that when weddings or important events come up I can just shop in my wardrobe.

My style resolution is to clean out my wardrobe and actually give away all the clothes that are .sitting there that have not been worn for years
Echoing everyone else's wardrobe clean-out sentiments... I have an absolutely brutal one planned for tomorrow. I own literally hundreds of lower quality/cheaper clothes from back when I was a teenager first starting University and still trying to find my 'style'. I no longer wear the vast majority of them, and perhaps I never really did. I've come to realise that when I tell myself 'maybe there'll be a time when they'll get some use' it is never actually the case.

I'm sick of opening my overflowing wardrobe and being reminded of how much money I've wasted over the years, and it makes me feel so over-privileged and like I've just spent so much time contributing to over consumption, pollution and sweat shop labour etc. I'm thinking a wardrobe clean-out the likes of which I have never seen before will help clear my mind in this regard.

Even the ones I am sentimental about, like old gifts that I never found a way to incorporate into my looks regularly are getting the flick. All off to charity with only the key, well loved (and well fitting) pieces remaining.

I will be starting full time work this year, so I need to really tone down my look and make everything more streamlined and professional as I will have much less of a need for leisure clothes. They will only really be needed for after work dinner or movie dates or weekend parties etc. I want to make my wardrobe more simple and minimal if you will, with classic versatile pieces. I'm trying to aim for 4 - 5 blouses/classy tops, 5 - 6 basic t-shirts/tanks, 5 - 6 long sleeve tops for the cooler months 5 pairs of classic trousers in neutral, wearable colours such as black/beige/burgundy/navy etc, preferably in slim-fitting styles 3-4 pairs of jeans in dark denim classic styles, 8 - 10 dresses that I can wear on a variety of occasions and at different times of the day/night, with at least 2 statement 'party' dresses in that number 5 - 6 cardigans, 3 - 4 winter coats, 5-6 quality and versatile sweaters which are a favourite of mine in Winter, preferably in cashmere, angora or another such fabric 6 - 8 skirts in a useful mixture of simple and basic with more statement pieces included as well, 4 pairs of basic shorts in black, denim and cord. Once I clean out my wardrobe and find that some of these quotas are not met, a shopping trip will be in order.

My accessories (tights & stockings, scarves, jewellery, shoes, bags) are quite extensive but I can store them easily and I will be using them to dress up my more minimal outfits. I'll still be giving them a thorough cleaning out though, and getting rid of the ones I haven't gotten any use out of.

Sorry for the giant amount of text guys & girls, this has just been weighing on my mind a lot recently and I only just saw this thread and wanted somewhere to vent and clarify my thoughts :flower:
Continue on from what I was doing last year;
  • Quality over quantity
  • More classic pieces such as trousers, shirts, blazers etc...
  • You can never have enough black
  • No impulse purchases
I'd like to get a few more pairs of 'evening shoes' such as a brogue or an oxford style shoe and a boot, I keep kicking myself for not getting those brown suede Gucci boots.
Hexagon sun, I just cleaned out my closet today and filled two huge bags with them, I will give it all to the charity.
Feel so much lighter after doing that really, but I also decided not to spend any money on clothes in this sale time, which I was planning to till today, so it's a double win. :D

Otherwise I've been pretty good with shopping last year, so will just continue doing the same.
I am probably moving this year, so additional clothes would only mean unwanted troubles.

Stylewise I'll only pay attention to make more combinations out of clothes I own and will probably have to invest in shoes more, last year I bought only one pair (sandals) and one pair was given to me, so I'm sure I'll have to restore my stocks. :p
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I am probably moving this year, so additional clothes would only mean unwanted troubles.
Yeah this is my exact situation. :judge: I'm moving next month and I'm looking at some of my stuff and thinking I just don't want it around after that! And I don't want to have a ridiculous amount to pack either. But it's nice to have that little pressure because I've gotten rid of a LOT of clutter in my closet, replaced some crappier stuff, added more color instead of so much black... feels good. :cool::D
will continue buying a few good quality pieces each season as always ...

want to invest more in flats, and def get a pair of versatile flat sandals.
go to my friends house and steal some of the things that she never wears...
*SOME body should be wearing the stuff...
especially cause she has been borrowing my stuff for YEARS>!!!

Don't buy cheap stuff. (!!!)
Don't wear leggings. (!!!) (well except when I'm horseback riding)
Wear high heels more often.
-One of my resolutions is to purchase more vintage clothing and accessories in the new year. I would really like to expand this part of my wardrobe and I think 2013 is the year to really start.
-Try to cut down on buying "fast fashion" and shoddily made clothes. It doesn't do anyone any good to support such industry habits. Though, this one I feel like will be a bit harder to do but hopefully I can cut down on how much I purchase.
-To only buy clothes that I love. And to continue to have fun with what I wear.

I'm adding another fashion resolution....

-To buy more sustainable/organic and fair trade clothing items this year. It sort of ties in with my resolution to buy less "fast fashion" but I figure it would be nice to differentiate between the two. So far I've already started working towards this goal with a purchase from People Tree and wearing locally sourced wool gloves and socks, hand-knit by my mom. ^_^
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I'm adding another fashion resolution....

-To buy more sustainable/organic and fair trade clothing items this year. It sort of ties in with my resolution to buy less "fast fashion" but I figure it would be nice to differentiate between the two. So far I've already started working towards this goal with a purchase from People Tree and wearing locally sourced wool gloves and socks, hand-knit by my mom. ^_^
Thats a nice resolution, i might steal it :)
1. Buy more high quality sweaters.
2. Buy more cashmere from uniqlo (ie. grey,black or navy cardigans, v necks etc).
3. Replace my black skinny jeans (maybe from rag & bone or mother)
4. Get rid of the stuff i never wore. (this is ongoing and very daunting)
4. find the perfect bed jacket.
5. find the perfect jeweled head band.
6. buy more jewelry.

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