Abercrombie & Fitch

Urgh...the new store in London just gave me a headache. It seemed kind of dark inside and the music was just too loud. It was like some weird funfair/club gone wrong, and all I wanted to buy was a pair of flip flops because my heels were killing me, but I couldn't because the store was filled with tourists and schoolgirls who were all standing in a queue to take pics of the abercrombie boys. Quite possibly the worst shopping experience I have ever encountered.
^ i dislike the idea of having those half naked boys stand in front of the store ... partly because it distracts me (that's beside the point) :ninja: :D ... but the brand has become dominantly about that particular image.
I just moved to Milan with my husband(his birthplace) and all his friends wanted us to bring back Abercrombie from miami for them. The same is true for my friends in Buenos Aires! Having lived in the US for almost a year, I can agree with wanting it because there is nothing like it in your country:D Lots of friends own atleast 1 abercrombie t shirt:rolleyes:
I think the hype is really from tight peer cliques. People with full time professions and varying cultures don't experience the stereotypes and social hype that follows the line, as it does within say high school/college.
I know when I'm in a foreign country, the people get excited over the store, not because of the image, but because of the style and quality. "It's American, but it's good American."
anyone have any pictures of the aber in london??? I'd like to see it, but i cant exactly go there now can i lol.
Frankly I'd always thought the brand was just started...I had no idea that it's been around for a long time. I've been in the store, I think twice, and their clothing is just not my style. I tend to go for simple clothing style, and I don't like the idea of having their logo on my clothes. I guess it's just a preference though, because it is really popular in the U.S.A. I'm so out of the loop...
I will say though there ads always cause quite a giggle among my friends and I. I remember one time my grandma was visiting and we passed by this huge picuture in front of their store with a guy's pants half off. Awkward, so awkward.
But whatever floats your boat. I just wish I'd see more changes in their types of clothing. They never really seem to get anything new.
julzangel said:
Urgh...the new store in London just gave me a headache. It seemed kind of dark inside and the music was just too loud. It was like some weird funfair/club gone wrong, and all I wanted to buy was a pair of flip flops because my heels were killing me, but I couldn't because the store was filled with tourists and schoolgirls who were all standing in a queue to take pics of the abercrombie boys. Quite possibly the worst shopping experience I have ever encountered.

A&F (and Hollister... neither of which I ever go inside of intending to buy anything, I just go in to see if anything has changed quality or decor wise. of course, it never does change.) stores are like cheap, badly made Halloween fun-houses in someone's garage. :yuk: I don't understand at all how people can shop in them.
it's so dumb that the brand is about image and being a college frat boy and an easy girl when the owner looks like this


^^^^^^^^^so funny ....this whole torn jeans and flip flops look is sooo over
His face is all weird-

it looks like he's tried to stay 22 forever using poorly done plastic surgury
He looks like Uncle Fester with a cheap blonde toupee getting ready to go to the beach.
I've been in A&F twice for sure. To me, that music is too loud and the store is too dark, (or at least the two I've been in). But I do have a vintage pullover jumper with suede elbow pads from them that is very nice.

In that man is such a scary figure. :neutral:
their clothes are great for lounging around in and going to class but not for much else.
i likethe clothes from abercrombie. the dark store and loud music reminds me of Biba. like the atmosphere.
Iconoclaster said:
it's so dumb that the brand is about image and being a college frat boy and an easy girl when the owner looks like this


Umm.. yeahhh... stupid reference.
Given that the entire point of clothings brands revolves around some form of image and the designers certainly don't use themselves as reference to target marketing.
Need I remind anyone of what Versace's owner looks like?
furthermore the "frat boy/easy girl" thing isn't the popular market for A&F everywhere. *Culture makes the world go round..:rolleyes:
Has anyone ever heard of Jack Wills? It's a UK store, kinda wannabe abercrombie, except it's more expensive. They have the same aesthetic - college party, tennis, lacrosse etc. I went to their store today to tyr some tracksuit pants and they are super vanity sized! SA's are, like, all 20 and don't pay attention to you. There was no one at the till for like 20 min.
Yanka said:
Has anyone ever heard of Jack Wills? It's a UK store, kinda wannabe abercrombie, except it's more expensive. They have the same aesthetic - college party, tennis, lacrosse etc. I went to their store today to tyr some tracksuit pants and they are super vanity sized! SA's are, like, all 20 and don't pay attention to you. There was no one at the till for like 20 min.

Thanks for the info Yanka! I did not see the JW store but I checked out their website and I went kinda 'yuck!' to see another Abercrombie wannabe.. Even Inditex Group (the Spanish group that owns bunch of knock-off brands including Zara) got more original and created Pull & Bear which is still a cheap preppy wannabe, but at least has its own identity..

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