Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

What does everyone think about vlogs? Do you prefer them over just regular written blogs posts or do you like video blogging better? I guess what I'm asking is are you more likely to read something on a blog or watch it?
What does everyone think about vlogs? Do you prefer them over just regular written blogs posts or do you like video blogging better? I guess what I'm asking is are you more likely to read something on a blog or watch it?

It depends on the video. What are you planning on doing exactly? Personally I'm not sure I'd read a blog exclusively made out of vlogs, but if it's just a video every once in a while, it's good to have that sort of interactive media. Videos must be of good quality though: you're more likely to stop the video quickly if you don't find it interesting, while in the case of text or pictures you tend to scroll down more.
If you want to show an area, talk about music or something like that, videos are great (and it's even better if you have additional text to enhance the video).
If it's a video of you talking about something, it's different. When posts that type of video, they also add a transcript of what is being said on the page. That way everybody is satisfied: people who prefer videos and others like me who are more comfortable scanning through the text.
If you already have a blog, why don't you poll your readers?
^ I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my blog. I don't have any readers other then my friends and they support me in whatever I do so not really good for objective feedback. I was just thinking about those haul and product review videos that's all.
Guys, I'm really worried, I haven't done anything in my blog and yesterday, when I went to visit it, it was with low resolution, really tiny words and pics, almost unreadable! :( Do you guys see it the same way??? Any solutions? (link in the signature)

Thanks for the help :flower:
Guys, I'm really worried, I haven't done anything in my blog and yesterday, when I went to visit it, it was with low resolution, really tiny words and pics, almost unreadable! :( Do you guys see it the same way??? Any solutions? (link in the signature)

Thanks for the help :flower:

No, it's normal for me. Is this a trick so that we would visit your blog? ;) (joke)
Guys, I'm really worried, I haven't done anything in my blog and yesterday, when I went to visit it, it was with low resolution, really tiny words and pics, almost unreadable! :( Do you guys see it the same way??? Any solutions? (link in the signature)

Thanks for the help :flower:

It looks alright to me, maybe something's been adjusted on your computer/internet options? However, it'd be strange if it only showed up on one site, versus everything online or such. :unsure:

On the up side, if it looks normal for everyone else this is probably a good thing, as until it can be fixed, least any visitors can still view it without a hitch. ;)
Quick question, where would people prefer to see advertising banners on my site? I know it will mess up the aesthetics but there has to be somewhere my readers wouldnt mind.
also does the toolbar pop up at the bottom of the screen for you?
Quick question, where would people prefer to see advertising banners on my site? I know it will mess up the aesthetics but there has to be somewhere my readers wouldnt mind.
also does the toolbar pop up at the bottom of the screen for you?

It looks like the classic spot for banners is the sidebar and you have a lot of space in your left one, so that might be a good place on your blog?

And yes, the toolbar pops up. I see you're using wibiya. Do you find it effective / easy to install?
Yeah that is what I thought..
And it was not easy to install as I don't have a new template. I have a highly modified classic blogger template. but i imagine if you were to install as a widget it would be amazingly simple. I think it is great. Makes it easy for peple to like on facebook and twitter etc.
Guys, I'm really worried, I haven't done anything in my blog and yesterday, when I went to visit it, it was with low resolution, really tiny words and pics, almost unreadable! :( Do you guys see it the same way??? Any solutions? (link in the signature)

Thanks for the help :flower:

No it looks normal to me too :) must have just been a temporary glitch in the system perhaps
Problem solved! It was a silly thing, of course! ;) Thanks for the help, guys! :flower:
We just did a major makeover on modaCYCLE's front page. Custom wordpress development, adjusting our existing theme elements, allowed us to make it look a lot less like a blog on the front page. Still working on making the interior pages more magazine-like, but it's still a big change for us.
I have this give away in my blog. can someone advice me how to promote it without overselling it? you know what i mean? :)
^ It's nothing groundbreaking, but mentioning it on Twitter, Facebook, prominently on your own blog and when commenting on other's blogs should do the trick

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