Alexander McQueen : pre-2000



I love the tribal elements in the piercings and the splashes of paint in the models hair. Look closely at Alek Wek's hair. It is hair clay! Used in African tribes. Very interesting and beautiful.
I'm almost positive the collection was called "Eshu".

If I remember correctly, the whole story of the collection was this idea of a woman from Victorian era Europe traveling to Africa, and slowly the African culture blends with her own until it completely takes over....something to that effect. You can definitely see inspiration from the 1840s/50s in the leg-o-mutton sleeves, hoop skirts and corsets, and of course the inspiration from some of the darker, more mysterious things about various African cultures.

Here's a review from

This collection is actually my first memory of McQueen, the first collection of his I remember seeing. I'd say it was a pretty accurate first impression; the aggressive and barbaric mixed with the romantic and feminine. That's kind of McQueen in a nutshell.

I'm shocked that such a beautiful collection received such a...nasty...non reviewed review. Where was the study on clothes?! :judge: It was just a complaint by a bored Journalist. And I would give a damn kidney to be at one of his shows. I don't need to sit in the front row, or sit at all. I would die to be there.
I've always enjoyed Alexander McQueen's fashion shows.

I started getting into him around 2001-2002 and learning about fashion more.

He has an eccentric style that appeals to me.

I always find inspiration and new ideas from what he creates.

My dream is to one day be a make up artist for one of his fashion shows.

His artistic style brings out the artist in me.

Not only in make up but in finding my own style.

He is my favorite fashion designer and always look forward to what he will come up with.
^ Beautifully said. Alexander McQueen inspires me also, but in a different way. I want to learn more about world cultures and anthropology, study greek mythology and think deeper whenever I see a show of his. He is so beautiful.
Modern genius for sure! I've never seen these collections (I'm only 20 and my fashion craving only started in 2005), and WHOA! They are remarkable! Mcqueen, I :heart: you!
The last moment of the Voss collection i think that it is inspired by artist Joe Peter Witkin´s Sanitarium:


And also find this mask that is from an old colecction of Alexander, from fall winter 1995 i think:

Oh my, so many wonderful and inspiring photos, thanks very much guys! :wub: It's great to see some older McQueen's staff but also to see how much elements did he repeat in his recent designs, actually.
although it may be off topic from the thread title, I decided to post these pics from F/W 95
since some pics from the collection have already been posted here.



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^is there still the 'retrospective' thread i posted a couple years ago? it's got loads of things from those magical seasons.
^ I think the title for F/W 97 was "It's a jungle in here".
the title of F/W 97 is "it's a jungle out there" where womens looks were animals while mens were hunters.

I'm going to post some pics from S/S 01. is it better for the pics to be posted in this thread because there are some already posted here ?

edit: I don't know Scott. it seems a bit messy.
so if you remember the pics from S/S 01 being posted in the thread you are referring to, I should not post them again anywhere.
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