Amber Heard Files for Divorce from Johnny Depp

We do have to take into account both sides of the story, if amber assaulted her girlfriend a few years ago then that has to be taken into account. I feel like depp was stable with vanessa because he was away from the public eye, at the top of his career, was with his young children, and vanessa was probably able to control him. Now that his career is waning and he's in his mid life crisis, he's probably gone back to drinking and drugs. And being inebriated can bring out the worst in people (certain drugs can make people unusually violent). He's kinda odd in interviews, and twice I've seen him on the graham Norton show he was drinking wine while everyone else was drinking what looked like water. And if someone can find it, vanessa did say once that johnny started drinking more while with amber. I feel like he isnt so bad sober but once drugs and alcohol show up he becomes violent. Each person's friend is being defensive because that's their friend, perhaps some are in denial thinking their good friend could never do such a thing. What if you had a great friend and they suddenly did something bad, would you turn on them all of a sudden? Would you try to help them? Would you be in utter disbelief that your friend you've always known and loved could do such things? Imagine being in that position. These are their loyal friends, of course they'll jump to their defense immediately. I mean, what would you do if you all of a sudden found out your long time best friend did something horrible? It's not as easy as you think to just leave them. So of course johnny ' s friends are gonna slander amber and defend him, and Amber ' s friends are are gonna slander johnny and defend her. They're just doing what friends do.

As for TMZ, they have a reputation for being scum. So of course they'll choose the side that'll get them the most hits on their website. I doubt anyone is paying them, it's just a marketing move.
I honestly do not know what to believe. I agree that they were most likely having a passionate yet very rocky relationship and they were both abusive to each other in some way. I do believe he is capable of doing what he is accused of based on his psychological & personality traits, as well as past history. I also believe she is more then capable of exaggerating as well.
I must have been one of the few people who was rooting for them to become a couple after I saw The Rum Dairy and they did. I was so glad. Relationships with a big age gap can work just like any other relationship.But it seems like such a dysfunctional one because of who they are as people rather them any age difference imo. I believe everybody is capable of violence if they are pushed, but if they are already predispositioned weather is mental disorder, trauma, and/or substance abuse even more, and they both seem to have some if not all of those. Just because a person can be violent does not make them a bad person. It makes them troubled. You can be the a good, gentle, sincere, nice person and still be capable of being violent. Usually towards a spouse or a person that you live with. Of course other friends and family member are most likely not going to see that first hand.
What Will Amber Heard Face in Johnny Depp Deposition?

By Michael Miller @write_miller
updated 08/05/2016 AT 10:55 AM EDT
•originally published 07/29/2016 AT 03:00 PM EDT

After months of rescheduling and postponements, Johnny Depp's legal team is set to depose Amber Heard on Saturday in her ongoing restraining order case against her estranged husband.

Heard, 30, who filed for divorce from the actor on May 21, had claimed in court filings that Depp, 53, had abused her throughout their relationship. But Depp's lawyers alleged in a legal response that Heard "is attempting to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse."

What can the actress expect at her deposition? And what implications could it have on the rest of her divorce, including Depp's upcoming restraining order hearing?

PEOPLE spoke with L.A. certified family law specialist Steve Mindel to find out what's in store for Heard when she takes the stand Aug. 6.

What can Heard expect from her deposition?

The short answer is she can expect that Depp's team is going to try to elicit every minute detail about the entire day or days during which the domestic violence allegedly occurred. Depp's lawyers will later use that information to find contradictions in her story that they can then use to establish doubt about her credibility at the time of trial.

The key to deposition is not whether you win or lose, it's about boxing the person in to a story. The case will be won or lost on the stand in trial, when you can expose those inconsistencies. And if you can string enough of those together, then the person could lose credibility in the eyes of the judge. And when Heard's lawyers depose Depp, they're going to do the same thing to him.

However, if Depp's team discovers numerous contradictions during the deposition, it's possible they could ask Heard's team to enter mediation. During mediation, Depp's team can present the inconsistencies to a mediator, and if the mediator agrees Heard's testimony contains many contradictions, the mediator could recommend she settle.

What will Heard do to prepare?

Usually attorneys and their clients will prepare extensively, especially in a high-profile case like this where the confidential minutes could get leaked. They're going to spend a lot of time preparing.

The longest a deposition can last is seven hours, so it wouldn't surprise me if they work with her for two days just on deposition prep alone. They'll practice for between five and 10 hours, during which they'll run her through a mock deposition.

Her reputation is certainly at stake because she has repeatedly stated this isn't about money and is instead about exposing domestic abuse. She doesn't want to be found not credible because this is a huge story, and there's a lot of risk taking on a high-profile person like Depp.

What does she need to prove to get a permanent restraining order?

If she can prove there was actual domestic violence and that she would have reasonable apprehension of harm from Depp, then she's going to get a restraining order.

On the other hand, Depp's team is going to try to show that her story has contradictions. They will also try to argue that Depp has not contacted her during the trial, and therefore is unlikely to start doing so in the future.

Even if the judge finds there was domestic violence, Depp's team will still argue against the restraining order because Heard's lawyers will need to show reasonable evidence Depp is a continued threat to her safety.

What will happen if Depp is issued a permanent restraining order?

There are a lot of things that happen when you have a restraining order against you.

First of all, you get put in the CLETS (California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) system, a nationwide police database of domestic abuse offenders, so that's automatically terrible.

Anyone could look up his profile on the database, which could affect his public image and in turn his financial situation. He would also not be allowed to carry a firearm.

Why has this taken so long to schedule?

Unfortunately all of the rescheduling is pretty normal, especially when you have people like Depp and Heard who are extremely busy. They also have high-profile lawyers who have busy schedules and it's the summer, which is typically a busy time in the courts. It's not easy coordinating five or six people's very busy schedules.

I also think the judge is sending a big signal by continuing to move the trial date. I think he's hoping it will give them time to get in a room together and figure this out because no one really benefits from going to trial.

The judge is kinda of telling everyone, 'Look, there's plenty of money here. Let's get this settled and if there really was domestic violence, take it to the civil courts.'

Court documents show that both parties did participate in a six-hour voluntary settlement conference with a judge in hopes of resolving all matters. While no full resolution was reached, the documents note that some progress was made.

It's in everybody's best interest to get this settled before the restraining order hearing because somebody's going to win or lose by that point. The court's either going to take his side or hers.

Either way, no one really wins here. If she wins and the restraining order is put in place, he could lose his fan base, which could in turn affect his ability to pay her support or settlement. If she loses, she'll be mad at the court for not believing her, and she could try to go after him financially as a last resort.

Someone commented: "He's an alcoholic nutjob and she's a master manipulator", and it seems every new chapter of this saga suggests that's the sad reality. We all know people who shouldn't have been in the same room as each other, never mind in a relationship, it's just that this particular trainwreck gets played out in the face of the world.
How has it been determined that she is a "manipulator?"
Fresh from Dr. Amanda Foreman's short series (:lol:), I do see manipulator, as in he outweighs her in pretty much every tool of social power so she tries to pull the situation to her interest stretching out her limited resources. Not exactly a bad thing, unless it's a woman...

I do question her brightness.. it's like she thought of doing something valuable right on the spot, which is recording abuse, but doing so by putting the iphone on a table! who does that? pen camera, anyone? iphone hidden behind plant in the corner maybe? duh..

He saw it.. so he knew about the existence of the video.. seems weird he wouldn't work around deleting considering the relationship wasn't over yet. It's probably pointless in court so she leaked it to prove it's more or less what she described.

It seemed like quite a s*itty relationship anyway. If I was Vanessa I would be like "mwaha", too bad she doesn't to make the most out of karmic moments like this. :lol:
Fresh from Dr. Amanda Foreman's short series (:lol:), I do see manipulator, as in he outweighs her in pretty much every tool of social power so she tries to pull the situation to her interest stretching out her limited resources. Not exactly a bad thing, unless it's a woman...

I do question her brightness.. it's like she thought of doing something valuable right on the spot, which is recording abuse, but doing so by putting the iphone on a table! who does that? pen camera, anyone? iphone hidden behind plant in the corner maybe? duh..

He saw it.. so he knew about the existence of the video.. seems weird he wouldn't work around deleting considering the relationship wasn't over yet. It's probably pointless in court so she leaked it to prove it's more or less what she described.


See, this is my theory as well! The video serves it purpose to give us, not the court, a glimpse of what went on. It doesn't seem like it was orchestrated, the clumsiness of it all tells me this was a very 'spur of the moment' move. She heard him rattling about in the kitchen, knew what would follow, and decided to document it. In fact, if it was all stealthy, Russian spy-like, with pencameras and potplants and all of that, I'd be more inclined to think she would have had to deliberately ripple his mood in order to get the desired effect.

He may have deleted the video on her phone, but if it was synced automatically to Icloud or Google, then tough. That's probably what happened. I'm surprised he didn't pick up on that though.

I shudder to think what happened once she stopped recording.....
I´ve never been in an abusive relationship nor have close people who had so I could be completely off mark here but I´m starting to think she is a manipulator in the sense that she has too many documentations detailing the abuse (the vid, the messages, the pictures) to think she´s just a victim of abuse. I´m starting to think she married him despite the abuse and without a prenup then bid her time to get a big settlement, from him in form of hush money or from court.
I can´t believe that an abused woman would have the mentality to keep documenting the abuse like Amber did... but like I said, I have no experience with this.
I´ve never been in an abusive relationship nor have close people who had so I could be completely off mark here but I´m starting to think she is a manipulator in the sense that she has too many documentations detailing the abuse (the vid, the messages, the pictures) to think she´s just a victim of abuse. I´m starting to think she married him despite the abuse and without a prenup then bid her time to get a big settlement, from him in form of hush money or from court.
I can´t believe that an abused woman would have the mentality to keep documenting the abuse like Amber did... but like I said, I have no experience with this.

Are you kidding me? You have to be kidding me. I'm almost speechless. One of the most important advices given by police to abuse victims is to keep records,to film, write, document every single episode of abuse and you are using that against her? Jesus Christ this thread never ceases to amaze me, it's enormous eye opener. Particularly because we are talking about the fashion spot where people are generally more considerate than your regular internet user.
^like I said, I have no experience with domestic abuse. But I just don´t get why one would keep getting abused and keep records of it instead of doing something before it escalates. As much sympathy Amber can get from me, I can´t understand that frame of mind.
it's not a frame of mind, it's called Apple, abuse or no abuse, it records everything people are already documenting (with the naive intention of being momentary). I mean that nutcase thing of cutting his finger, that's obviously stuff he must've texted her since she was away, and it stays stored in imessages, or icloud (for lucky people whose icloud does synch lol). Also it's such a major thing you'd probably just keep the picture, not necessarily as potential evidence but personal/emotional reasons.

I know someone that works with women going through domestic abuse.. it's such a complex issue and among other things, there's a process where you have to tell them in six different instances that they are in an abusive relationship cause the denial is that deep.. they may know it but usually refrain from taking strong, irreversible action until a lot has happened. I'm ignorant on the topic too, but I know it's a complex now and it also baffles me how a female victim is always always guilty until proven innocent (like the stanford case: first we'll clean up your image and make sure you're a good woman, then we'll talk about what's been done to you).
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^like I said, I have no experience with domestic abuse. But I just don´t get why one would keep getting abused and keep records of it instead of doing something before it escalates. As much sympathy Amber can get from me, I can´t understand that frame of mind.

It's not for you to understand or judge, people in abusive relationships are constantly acting in ways that people on the outside, perceive and rightly so, as detrimental to their safety and well being. That's what's being in an abusive relationship is all about. They are still victims.

And please can we stop with this bullsh*t of women as master manipulators, this concept is as old as time, it's the result of years and years of ingrained misogyny. It does not matter if you like to read Machiavelli on the sly, if your partner decides that the best way to deal with a problem is to punch in you in the face, you are not in any way or form responsible for his actions. The most abject excuse domestic abusers still use today is "He/she knows how to push my buttons".
Relationships are complex, and we will never get any real insight into the relationship of this two, maybe she is indeed a horrible person and unberable to be with, maybe he's an alcoholic, who knows? What i do know is that violence and threating behaviour is absolutely unacceptable, and he will never find any excuse to act the way he did, (particularly when he's in a such a powerful position in relation to her), if it's proven that he actually assaulted her.
I'm ignorant on the topic too, but I know it's a complex now and it also baffles me how a female victim is always always guilty until proven innocent

I don´t doubt for a second that he´s an abuser. I´m just starting to doubt her motivations.
Anyway, I´m just judging from the safety of my home. I have no idea.
But I understand that if me, a person who makes no difference in their lives or careers, doubts her reasons then how awful must be for her in real life.
A settlement has been reached. No trial.

The details: Heard withdrew her petition for a restraining order against Depp and dismissed the domestic violence case against him "with prejudice," which means "she can never re-file it." Heard will get $7 million in the settlement. The estranged couple released a joint statement to TMZ about the divorce:

"Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love...Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains...There was never an intent of physical or emotional harm....Amber wishes the best for Johnny in the future. Amber will be donating financial proceeds from the divorce to a charity."

a bit more here...including more weird details about their fraught relationship.
Ugh, another truimph for abused women! This makes me sick to my stomach. I'm livid at the press, at Hollywood spin doctors and the establishment, at society as a whole, and I'm finished with Johnny Depp. She's the loser here on all fronts. Her voice muffled with money, career in tatters before it even reached fever pitch, Johnny sitting with the majority of public sympathy. I'm not a fan of compensation in sensitive cases like these, but it would appear she fought a losing battle. And the 7million will now be used as 'proof' that it was about the money all along.

Koko, if a man comes home, find his wife in bed with a fella and kill said fella in cold blood, he'll be done for manslaughter/murder. End of. How is this different? Why is the actual abuse so hard to comprehend for you guys? I could understand if the man in question was someone harmless like George Clooney, but my God, there's documented proof of Depp's rage and fingers still points to her. And coming from women, mostly! Yikes!
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I certainly haven't said there hasn't been abuse. To me, he looks like an out-of-control manchild, and I can easily imagine a scenario where he found it a lot easier to pick on Amber Heard because she wasn't a public figure on the magnitude of Vanessa Paradis. If he'd lifted a hand to her, he'd probably have his feet cut off next time he tried to set foot in France.

But given that it's Hollywood and the world of celebrity, the fall-out between an abuser and his victim is going to involve orchestrated displays from both parties, in their attempts to make the public take their side, and I really don't have any time for that. In terms of the media circus, I don't like being emotionally manipulated by anyone's press campaign. Let the court decide the terms of the divorce and the consequences of the incidents.

I'll just be ignoring Johnny Depp's existence, it's what I can do as a consumer of what he sells. Maybe it's the way I'm wired, but I feel that's a far more effective thing in the long run than getting emotionally carried away about how correctly I can react to news stories, and then a year later, paying to see a movie he's in.
Are you kidding me? You have to be kidding me. I'm almost speechless. One of the most important advices given by police to abuse victims is to keep records,to film, write, document every single episode of abuse and you are using that against her? Jesus Christ this thread never ceases to amaze me, it's enormous eye opener. Particularly because we are talking about the fashion spot where people are generally more considerate than your regular internet user.

It so depressing to see just how hard women are judged in the public courtroom :( Amber has the bruises, Amber has videos, Amber has pictures and still, she's called a lier. It's incredible how long the collective public will go to to defend an abuser. Incredible and unbelievable.
There is no such thing as the perfect victim. Abusers on the other hand are always the same. They always blame the victim and refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

I can't tell who's the winner and the looser here but I think Amber has suffered enough so I don't blame her for wanting it to be over. Considering that Johnny setteled I'm guessing she had worse proof than what we've already seen :shock:
I will never pay to see anything with Johnny Depp again.
Amber Heard donates ALL $7 million of her divorce settlement from Johnny Depp to help battered women and sick children; 19 August 2016

Amber Heard is giving away every penny from the $7 million divorce settlement she got from Johnny Depp to charities that help battered women and sick children.

Heard, 30, revealed she is donating the money to both the American Civil Liberties Union and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, where she says she has worked as a volunteer for 10 years.

The money will be divided equally between the two charities.

'Money played no role for me personally and never has, except to the extent that I could donate it to charity and hopefully help those less able to defend themselves,' Heard said about the bitter divorce battle with her famous ex-husband.

The couple, who wed in February 2015, settled their divorce on Tuesday, just one day before a court hearing for the temporary restraining order Heard had been granted in May.

Heard withdrew her allegations that Depp had been physically abusive toward her and the couple released a joint statement exclusively to Daily Mail Online.

The statement read: 'Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have agreed to resolve their divorce proceedings privately.'

'They are issuing this joint statement: "Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love."'

'Neither party has lied nor made false accusations for financial gain. There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm.

'Amber wishes the best for Johnny in the future. Amber will be donating financial proceeds from the divorce to a charity.'

Heard, who had shown up in court with bruises on her face in May, told TMZ Thursday that she hoped her decision to donate her settlement would result 'in a positive change in the lives of people who need it the most.'

The Magic Mike XXL star also revealed to the website that she will not be collecting any residuals from the films Depp made during their 15-month marriage, even though she would have been entitled to the profits because she was not made to sign a prenuptial agreement.

ACLU executive director Anthony Romero said the nonprofit organization 'could not be more thankful' for Heard's donation.

'For years, we have worked through the courts and legislatures around the country to make sure that domestic violence victims are fully protected by the law and receive the government assistance they deserve,' he said in a statement.

'Ms Heard...can be confident that this gift will help other women live safely and freely.'

Paul Viviano, president at CEO of CHLA, also thanked Heard for her 'tremendous' gift.

'Her generosity will support the lifesaving treatments and cures that Children’s Hospital Los Angeles provides for critically ill children each year,' he said.

Johnny Depp was previously awarded the 'Courage to Care' award by the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles in 2006.

The award is given 'to champions of children and child-related causes and are recognized for their outstanding humanitarian efforts', according to the hospital.

During the bitter split, Heard obtained a temporary restraining order against Depp in May after accusing the Pirates of the Caribbean star of hitting her during a fight in their Los Angeles apartment.

In her declaration of petition for a restraining order, seen by, Heard said: 'Johnny has a long-held and widely acknowledged public and private history of drug and alcohol abuse. He has a short fuse.

'He is often paranoid and his temper is exceptionally scary for me as it has proven many times to be physically dangerous and/or life threatening to me.’

Heard claimed that Depp had thrown the actress' iPhone at her face while he was 'inebriated and high'.

She wrote in the petition that he 'wound up his arm like a baseball pitcher' and struck her 'cheek and eye with great force'.

'He then forcibly pulled back my hair as I attempted to stand up from the sofa,' she wrote in the court filing.

Johnny continued screaming at me, pulling my hair, striking me and violently grabbing my face.'

Depp, 53, denied he abused Heard and police said they found no evidence of a crime.

The alleged fight occurred just one day after the death of Depp's mother Betty Sue Palmer, who passed away on May 20.

Heard also alleged that Depp had been violent with her a month prior, when he showed up late to her 30th birthday party on April 21.

She said Depp had hurled a bottle of champagne at the wall before throwing 'a wine glass on me, and the floor, both which shattered.'

'Johnny then grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me onto the bed, blocking the bedroom door. He them grabbed me by the hair and violently shoved me to the floor,' the court filing read.

Heard was ultimately granted a temporary order by the judge, which was extended for two more months in June.

Daily Mail Online revealed the former couple reached a settlement after Depp was left devastated by revelations he cut his finger and wrote offensive messages in blood and paint on to a mirror.

A source said: 'Stories about the messages in blood were the tipping point for Johnny, he was devastated.'

'The facts that have come out in the past few days have left him distraught, he just wanted it all over with.'

Sources told Daily Mail Online that the financial settlement was finalized over the weekend but the sticking point was the wording of the divorce documents.

Heard wanted a joint statement in which Depp admitted he committed domestic violence, but Depp bluntly refused.

Instead a softening of the wording was agreed upon that both Depp and Heard were happy with.

A source said: 'Amber is happy with the settlement, it was never about the money for her, she was unhappy with the way Johnny treated her but it has been painful and emotionally rendering to relive this stuff.

'She didn't want to torture Johnny any more and wanted it to be over before the court hearing on Wednesday.'

Earlier Monday it emerged in court papers that Depp sliced the tip of his finger in a fit of rage.

Daily Mail Online has learned that the incident happened last March while Depp was in Australia and was high on weed and ecstasy on top of having drunk several bottles of red wine.

He had been speaking with Heard on the phone while she was filming The Danish Girl in London when they began to fight and he threw the phone at some glass, causing the injury.

The court papers claim that Depp then took his bloody finger and dipped it in blue paint before using the mixture of the two liquids to write 'STARRING,' 'Billy Bob, ' and 'Easy Amber' on the wall.

'Billy Bob' is Billy Bob Thornton claims Heard, who had starred in the 2008 film The Informers with the actress and then London Fields, which will be released later this year.

Depp was reportedly accusing Heard, 30, of having an affair with the 61-year-old actor during the fight, which occurred in his Australian villa while he was filming the latest installment of Pirates of the Caribbean.

The photos of the injured finger and writing in the blood and paint mixture have been entered as exhibits in the case.

Heard is also claiming in court papers that Depp did not have the finger treated until almost 24 hours after he sliced off the top of the digit, and that doctors had to use a flap of skin from his hand to fashion a new tip.

In photos taken a month after the incident when the pair returned to Australia, Depp and Heard are seen getting off a private jet with his finger wrapped in a scarf.

The injury shut down production on Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales for four weeks as Depp traveled back to the states to have what was described as an on-set injury treated by doctors.

Heard also states in the filing that she never had a sexual relationship with Thornton, and claims that Depp frequently accused her of sleeping with other men during their relationship.

The actress sat for seven hours giving her deposition over the weekend.

Heard reportedly detailed the abuse she suffered at the hands of Depp in the presence of her lawyer and her estranged husband's counsel.

A new settlement offer was presented the following day but both sides took Monday to hash out the final terms of the agreement.

At around the same time Heard was being deposed on Saturday, a video appeared on TMZ of Depp slamming cabinets while downing a large amount of red wine.

Heard filmed the incident, which ended with Depp lunging at her to rip away her phone when he realized she was recording him on the device.

After the damning footage was posted, Heard issued a statement denying she leaked the video.

'I am not responsible for the release of the video. It was not what I wanted and I am doing what I can to force the media to take it off the internet,' said Heard in a statement to E! News.

'I underestimated the toll that this difficult few months have taken on me, emotionally and physically, and the efforts made by the media to intimidate and discredit me.

'It is for that reason, and my desire to make the healthiest choice for myself, and hopefully for Johnny, that I am attempting to resolve this matter in the most private way possible.'

Sources close to Depp meanwhile claim the footage was 'heavily edited.'

Depp and Heard, who met on the set of The Rum Diary in 2011, were married in 2014 and she filed papers asking for a divorce in May after 15 months of marriage.

Heard had also asked a judge for spousal support and her legal fees to be covered during the divorce, but that was rejected by the court.

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