American Apparel (April 2006 - March 2010)

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are they current sweatpants? did the person add the pockets? They sure are darn cute shorts.

According to the article, Garance just ran into AmApp,
where I found the perfect grey jogging pants, nice and tight. Then I got back home in double time and [...] I cut my new pants right straight across, just above the knee, no pomp and circumstance. I cuffed ‘em, and right away tossed on a pair of orange heels, a stripped t-shirt, a blazer and waited for my thunderous applause, arms up in the air with a V for victory.
30 seconds flat. My coffee was still hot.

If it took 30 seconds, then I'm assuming the pants already had the pockets on them. All she said she did was cut 'em and cuff 'em.
Are you sure it's Garance in the pic? Her post mentions wearing them with orange heels. Also, her friend asks if she can steal/copy her idea. So it could be the friend in the pic wearing her version of the look. In that case, those might not be AA.
It's Garance. Her physique is identifiable if you know her... and that picture, well, she writes "the AmApp sweatpants" and draws an arrow pointing to those pics. Ah, it's a fruitless search I guess :)
could someone plz explain to me WHY, Oh Why the prices in Europe are more than in USA ....

Yesterday wanted to buy their circle scarf .... but when I saw 41€ just for this ... I let it down !
while the first price circle scarf remains the same (28$ - 28€)
the sheer circle scarf goes from 37$ to 41€ (= 58$) !

it's non-sense, srsly !
BerlinRocks- AA's ~unique selling point~ is that it's made in LA so obviously it costs more to ship outside of the US. They also charge a lot extra for us to have the special priviledge of having AA in our country :|
f***ing import taxes !
i never thought about these !

that would explain why my sheer circle scarf is more expensive in France than in US and even in UK (38€ in UK - I checked)

about the "Made in LA", I've heard some pieces (underwear, for instance) is now, more than ever, part done in China and then "finalized" in LA, so they can add the "Made in USA" thingy ....
Don't know if this is true ... I doubt - this is really not AA policy, right ?
about the prices over seas, the same thing happens to Topshop because it costs more to import it to North America since there are no factories currently on the continent.
If there was an AA in europe and none in the US/Canada the prices would be insane over here aswell.

My friend went to London, and she is Canadian (as am I) and she could not get over how jacked up the prices were for American Apparel. She honestly thought they were marked wrong. They must be gauging its popularity over seas for a few more years to see if its worth building a factory to make the clothes on the continent. Its weird.
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I went to American Apparel in Tel Aviv last year and running shorts would have cost me almost $40 compared to the $22 they cost over here...
I can't wait to shop at US prices, I already have a long list prepared.
I just bought the mesh spandex long sleeve mini dress after like months of procrastination, it's like one of the most versatile and pretty piece of thing lying around but yet i just can't help but spend my money on other things. such a love hate relationship.
has anyone ever worked at AA before?

I was just curious. I was in there the other day and was asked to apply for a job (i wont though)
I really want the pocket jersey skirt.. anyone have it in melange fire? Trying to see if I should go for a bright color or a more subdued one such as a charcoal.
has anyone ever worked at AA before?

I was just curious. I was in there the other day and was asked to apply for a job (i wont though)

I haven't myself, i'm not skinny enough. They have a very strict rule that you have to be attractive and take it as a compliment. I think it's quite an easy working life there....I have so many friends that work there and they all enjoyed it!
Are you serious?
I dont want to work in a place anyway that is sexist and stupid like that. I hate buying from there because im this self called feminist. or half feminist and their advertising pisses me off.

wow thats illegal. If you ever went into an interview and they said they couldnt hire you because of your size than thats enough for a lawsuit and i would fully intend to pursue one :)
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