American Apparel (April 2006 - March 2010)

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Look at this link, you'll want to batter the guy

You'd get the job, because they asked you to apply. Why do you think they'd ask you to apply just by seeing you? I mean, they don't know anything about you. That company is appalling in every way. The people I know that work for them are absolutely beautiful, skinny and cool....and one of them recently lost their job for absolutely no other reason than they 'didn't fit the social scene' in the store. Basically it translated as 'you're not an art student, you don't come from east london and you live in a council estate'. Poor girl....
I applied at a open job call about a month ago...the guy interviewing me had issues asking me questions- it was if he was trying to improvise what to ask me. At the end they write your name and phone number on a sheet of paper and you hold it up mugshot style while they take a picture of you to have an idea of "your style" (I knew this was going to happen but it was weird anyway. If you apply online they ask for 3 photos of yourself). No call back. The girl who interviewed after me was wearing one of their incredibly short spandex dresses and it was practically obscene.
I imagine she'll get the job then! Lets face it, american apparel have got this particular image out of their marketing and staffing style. If you look at's just a shop that sells REALLY expensive jersey stuff.
Yeah I wanted to get a job in marketing or human resources there, and all the questions were so stupid... describe your style, give us your fashion blog and your facebook and all your social networking sites, and 3 pictures that show your style. I don't have a fashion blog anymore or a facebook/myspace/twitter so I felt like it was no use. PSH, they just want to see your face/body blah blah blah. They have great benefits but I'd rather use my brain for something with more advancement and substance. I'd actually like to be hired for my brains and past experience!
Are you serious?
I dont want to work in a place anyway that is sexist and stupid like that. I hate buying from there because im this self called feminist. or half feminist and their advertising pisses me off.

wow thats illegal. If you ever went into an interview and they said they couldnt hire you because of your size than thats enough for a lawsuit and i would fully intend to pursue one :)
They wouldn't actually tell you that. This is the case with most retail jobs. They get so many applicants. They can easily say we found someone more "fit" for the job....
Im just saying, sometimes employers are not careful on how they say things. I filed a lawsuit and won against my ex employer for "joking" to a coworker women were stupid and meant to be in the kitchen.
Dear ex employer: :hardhead:

I mean, people let things slip in thinking people wont care but if you say anything remotely sexist or racist, etc to the wrong person, your *** could be on the line in a heartbeat.

And it wouldnt be hard holding your case up against aa when they have a lot of lawsuits in their history and are known for their sexist ads and basically lookism.

I take it as an insult to be asked to work there kind of. I dont look anything remotely hipster (or so i thought) I was just wearing the shiny leggings and 2 employees asked me to apply at the open call. I think its just cause i was wearing the leggings? :unsure:
There is just this stigma attached to working there. You have to dress all in aa and you look like a hipster. I dont think Id want to do that. :doh:
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This sums aa up:


The sad part is..their clothes (well most) are really well made. So this is unnecessary on so many levels..the way their clothes are "modeled"

I don't really know what to say about your court case. I wouldn't want to ruin someone for making a joke. Saying that harassment is never ever acceptable. I think there's being a bit too cut throat though.

However, where american apparel are concerned, they are obviously guilty of what is being thrown at them. On the other hand, hundreds and thousands of people are buying into the brand. I am always around superficial hipsters as it's part of my job, and they see american apparel as something to covet and all wear it. They've achieved their aim...sadly through girls looking p*rn*gr*ph*c.

On the other hand, how many model shots do you see with the girls with their breasts out etc? Lots. It's a fuzzy issue.
I don't really know what to say about your court case. I wouldn't want to ruin someone for making a joke. Saying that harassment is never ever acceptable. I think there's being a bit too cut throat though.

Umm . No. No and no again. Just no.
I as a woman in Canada have the right to work in a office setting without men talking about how ~stupid~ women are in front of everyone else. And when my rights are violated or infringed upon, I intend to take full action as a human being and seek council and have them pay because then what are laws for?
If no one gets hurts its fine, but this isn't running a stop sign here at 2am in the morning. This is running a stop sign at 2pm and hurting someone in the process.
You have a joke to make about anybody about anything do it in privacy. Not where your so called good name is out in the open ready to be slandered as my sex was.

Most nude fashion shots are artsy...which i cannot say about aa
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I am always around superficial hipsters as it's part of my job, and they see american apparel as something to covet and all wear it.

Yeah I believe it's what this generation is coming to with all the ads, social networking, sharing photos of "what's in" etc etc.. to me I still like AA clothes as basics but I'm not the type to wear their crazy concoctions altogether.
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i think american apparel is a great place to buy basics but label whores who wear it for that reason end up looking like the ads which isnt a compliment. its a bit expected since its the same label whores wear hollister without any personal style and rather copy what is on the posters.
Does anyone have the white v-neck see-thru (burnout) t-shirt? Your thoughts??

I don't have it but I just tried it on recently. I like the fabric but it's very sheer so you have to wear a tank or top underneath, I guess. The xs was still a little big on me (and not like on the model) therefore I didn't buy it but it's still really nice and comfy.
Thanks for the input! From the photos, it seems like it's shorter than the other burnout tees, which would be great... is that the case?
It was as long as the tri-blend v-neck on me but then again I'm only 5'3 so it might be shorter on you depending on your height.
I bought this AA sweater today. Any great ideas on what to wear it with? Does anyone own a trip blend reglan? How do you wear it? :heart:


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Hey guys, I'm hoping you can help me out. I have the long-sleeved sheer mini-dress in black and also another in blue. Can you think of any ways I can incorporate either into a Halloween costume? My imagination has run dry.
I bought this AA sweater today. Any great ideas on what to wear it with? Does anyone own a trip blend reglan? How do you wear it? :heart:

since its slouchy pair it with skinny pants so it looks put together. Pairing it with loose pants make it look like a gym attire.
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