i guess there are a lot of cultures in here, we also are in a terribly broken country and the fashion culture it is not what it should, not everyone has the head clean in order to buy a fashion mag, not even to have a good taste in clothes...
on the streets u see boring people, or BAD very bad dressed, and a lot of the ones who can really afford good/or expensive clothing, well, they are laveled and look the same...
i see there are some people who even try so harddd to coppy cat the cobra snake, etc etc etc culture and dressing... that they really look ridiculous, i guess there's a lot of people with great innate sense of fashion, and if u're really well dressed no=ones stares, i dont want to contradict you Boluda, but i guess that you can pull a superman tshirt with red lipstic in the city, but with the right accesories, not going out like piñoñ=fijo...