Boho is out, Beatnik is back

Thanks Erin...I thought that this couldn't possibly be fresh news....and the other thread is also more accurately titled,since "boho" could never "turn into 60's chic":innocent: .
I'm afraid that the recent boho craze has exhausted a lot of boho's real, original appeal. :(
Yes,the boho trend this time around was ugly,cheap and nasty. "Bohemian" is a natural (life-) style which unfortunately cannot be bought,whether from designers or from the high street.Everyone who tried it just looked costumey and pathetic.

This trend has been "in" from time to time over the past few years (notably 2000),but never before has it been so over hyped.I'm afraid this is one trend which is going to be hard to rescuscitate!
Good God I hope not. If the same people that are wearing Boho:sick: start wearing 60s inspired garb I'm going to give up on life! I ABHOR TRENDS! :angry: They ruin everything! ...and I don't think that opinion should be considered elitist.
Erin said:
It's not all just about one decade / era anymore... it's about bits and pieces from so many different times.

i coulnd't agree more...

but all of these are subcategories of the overall style referred to as BOHEMIAN ...

-beatnik, 60''s really late 50's to early 60's...
-rock n roll

*it's all about a lifestyle and an attitude of non-conformity...

which is the real irony...:lol:
it has become so popularized and commercialized that it is now completely conformist...
which makes it a lot less 'cool' than it used to be, unfortunately...

i would definitely agree that this is happening though...
i am seeing it on the streets...
i have to say...
i think it looks pretty good...

***it has a lot to do with the flats/ankle boots and leggings/skinny jeans
Erin said:
However, it seems that anymore, pieces are taken from past decades and recycled more to today's standards. It's not all just about one decade / era anymore... it's about bits and pieces from so many different times.

Although you could have said that about the 90s and look minimalism emerged as well as grunge. I think the noughties are definately about va va voom -sex in a far more tacky way that in the 80s. The 80s has its share of sexiness but it was more about the cash. If Gisele is the face of the decade and victoria's secret is the brand of the decade... oh gawd it's horrendous. There has been a lot of ladylike throughout the noughties too but in a sumptuous not prim way
The thing is, I've been dressing boho-ish for a loong time, I'm 22, and I've been dressing that way since I was a teenager. I was inspired by 60's rock stars and fashion. I just hate how 15 year olds are dressing that way because its a trend, it makes those who really do dress that way look like jerks.
BohoBelle said:
The thing is, I've been dressing boho-ish for a loong time, I'm 22, and I've been dressing that way since I was a teenager. I was inspired by 60's rock stars and fashion. I just hate how 15 year olds are dressing that way because its a trend, it makes those who really do dress that way look like jerks.

that is unfortunate :(
I am seriously tired of all this boho or anything derived from boho nonsense... unless you're an authentic boho, there's no point in faking it... Totally boring, there's still tons of girls here dressing boho...... with those huge earrings, wood bangles, dangling necklaces..... Time to move on!
i tried to wear the beatnik trend but i dont think i have the elegence to carry it off..
i ended up looking like i was trying to play cops and robbers maybe next time i should carry a "swag" bag
Oh please don't let this become a massive trend.
I don't care if ugly things are trendy, it's the trend-followers' problem in that case.
But when beautiful things gets ruined by's sad. :[
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its so funny cause ive been dressing like this for the past couple of years... im just so attracted to the 50s and 60s.. but i never actually like, studied the style, it just so happened that the things i was drawn too were like this. then recently i've been hearing alot about 'beatnik this' and 'beatnik that'.. and i didnt even know what the beatnik style looked like... so i looked it up and was shocked to see that this is like.. the style that i've always strived for.. yet never actually seen anyone else wear.. like exactly. haha. anyway, i really hope it doesnt become a trend, cause then i'll have no personal style anymore!!! :(
^ Unfortunately it is a massive trend, well over here it is anyway. Every store now carries black and white stripey tops even the really cheap ones.
yeah i know.. i have like a million striped shirts. i heard a bit about it being trendy in london.. sort of sad :-/ but, atleast its a decent trend, rather than all this LA and boho crrrrrrap.
Even our cheapest disposable fashion chain store Supre, has black and white mod/beatnik tee's in now unfortunately.

It hasn't caught on here really yet though as we are coming into summer, so heavy fabrics and dark colours haven't been desired.

I've been mixing thick even horizontal black and white stripes with mod-green and fire engine red to brighten it up a bit for summer.

I've also spotted black and white stripes on a lot of the 40-55 aged women here for some reason, I haven't really noticed this before, but perhaps I haven't been looking really. They obviously wear it as more of a classic staple than as a beatnik get up with beret etc.!!

Boho is still on the rampage here too although the buyers have overestimated the trend, as lots of long tiered skirts have been discounted and put on numerous promotions to get them off the floor (retail floor not literally). Boho was overexposed last summer, and will truly be dead here at the start of the a/w season imo.

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